If you look at Vault 13 there are tonnes of computers, and I have tried to put in as many in as I can. I want them all to do or say something when they are used, but i have run out of ideas for messages. These messages must be in a special format to work on Minecraft, they can be 3, 4 or 5 lines long, and each line can only have a maximum of 15 characters (If your unsure what I mean, have a look below). I have tried to write messages in the Fallout style, with its humor, whilst still posting messages that a vault computer might show.
Below are all the messages that I have come up with so far.
3 - Line Messages
Community Note:
Water Rationing
in effect
Higher science
skill required
to use computer
(For the Medical Bay on the Entrance Floor)
Heart Monitor:
Bed 1: No Data
Bed 2: No Data
4 - Line Messages
Air Filter Bios
89% efficiency
Fix Filter: B42
! Warning !
Fatal Error:
Water Control
Chip Damaged
Water Program
not responding.
Restart or look
online for help
(For the Medical Bay on the Entrance Floor)
Patient List:
1. No Data
2. No Data
3. No Data
5 - Line Messages
Powerlevel Bios
73% Efficiency
Fix Relay A62,
B12, B102, C78.
Community Note:
April 1st
Gifts Welcome!
(For the Medical Bay on the Entrance Floor)
Medical Supply:
Stimpack x43
S. Stimpack x14
F. A. Kit x 37
Doc Bag x9
Thats all the messages that I have come up with so far. Let me know what you think about them, and post some of your own.
Here are some photos of the Vault:
Vault Door Closed
Vault Door Open
Entrance Level, Room by Medical Bay
Computer in Medical Bay, Showing Supply Message
Overseer's Room
Overseer's Room, View from Overseer's Chair