Please approve my nonsense letter for DU

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Pizzahut Lover
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Please approve my nonsense letter for DU

Post by Pizzahut Lover »

Dear UnderDark of the EEL.

My detonation of high regard. The Ukranian Wallaby exchanges valour.
Surpass dusk with mourning excursion. 800 grapefruits in pandemonium purple.
Fiends dream of my archival undertakings.

Prepare a bulk of the decrementing bellawood. It is with vulcan-nurbs I have permission to fondle hydra-apple-seed curling-irons. Shocking chopping chalk ounces...

This drag is normal mapped in finger prints. But because I do not touch the shades, that have the dust, i get the even lines.

Ufology dingles at the convex of parallel hinged garrisons.
Doll houses that are plugged in are the laugh of Industrial Rims.

We weigh viruses because their pigtails shift during the mashing of turbines.

do not judge a man by his bones, but the necessity to break them to see how they fracture.
tunnels aren't a thing to be dished out, when in the rectangular zbrush toolbox. Bolsterous rut.

sour kraut is as lonely as clean blue leatherwork pasted on the sides of level design for that single-player Indiana Jones experience.
Gems are for being sparkles to be held against the hovel's polished edges.

Imagine you were trapped out of your world and in another. it does'nt bother you that you won't get back, but that you will lose all your memories.
We forget people, when we know we have to bark so loud at an anvil to hope to portal out of ring-shaped bison prisons.

Your Karma is defined for eternity as that birth forged at a first successful deception. The pendulum therefore is the archetype of your species of man. Round your baking detective.

Activate brimstone mobile accordions.
I peeked at a rotating blaze. John Carmack has resounded doubt. The guidance of Granddaughter Cloud Mistresses is only outputted at marshes.

We should be on a secure line. I captured it from the Russians while their focus was on their pet project. We will meet at a closing DEFCON.

But in this present time, I would like you to supply me all the Japanese plants you can get. Greece will capture electromeanings to shelter the roman anti-dice.

Before you make your decision, you must commit to the reality that I am working with the best binary formats I can for your modern day C++ rotten docks. Although we are beyond the 10,222,993 standard, we monitor our Gaia-ware closely for gravity meltdowns. Jelly beans with snakeskin wings are risky.

So without further ado, meet me at the algae-dendrite sunset, where custard escapes the sea.

in open sky time after the lisping omega, we can see behind us smokealarms. they are static, but hold daffodils. stay still and perhaps your love will mutate dimensions.

Taxess jeopardize comedic technology, away from reverse bitterness.
Wonders of this world, steam, mist and concubine. Tackle a matching game with a nFEV nose fused to plastic lasses.

Interrogated by teetering calculators. Cuddle with your spasms in a disgusting convulsing bed.
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Post by cazsim83 »

Last edited by cazsim83 on Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pizzahut Lover
Cakester Alt; I'm going places in life
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Post by Pizzahut Lover »

cazsim83 wrote:why do you always need validation for everything you do? you should work on your daddy issues
You need to work on better mods. You also don't deserve power armor or should expect a long life.
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Post by Jeff »

approve this Image
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

cazsim83 wrote:why do you always need validation for everything you do? you should work on your daddy issues
Wasteland Radio, with Charlie C.
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St. Toxic
Haha you're still not there yet
Haha you're still not there yet
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Post by St. Toxic »

Dogmeatlives wrote:
cazsim83 wrote:you should wank off your daddy
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Post by Blargh »

The quality of this nonsense is shockingly awful. Even by your . . . standards ? How could anyone approve of this ? :drunk:

L.L - I would approve of you <strike>not posting</strike> killing yourself, though. HTH.
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Burning Oasis
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Post by Burning Oasis »

^What he said
-----------------------------------------------------------Has anyone ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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