The Lowdown on Obsidian's South Park RPG

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Tofu Man
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The Lowdown on Obsidian's South Park RPG

Post by Tofu Man »

<strong>[ Company -> Preview ]</strong> - More info on <a href=" Entertainment">Company: Obsidian Entertainment</a>

<p>A user at the <a href=""><em>NeoGAF</em></a> forums got his January edition of <a href=""><em>Game Informer</em></a> (which is to feature exclusive news on the game) early and posted up a series of bullet points on <em><strong>Obsidian</strong></em>'s upcoming RPG of South Parkian inspiration. The details:</p>
<p> </p>

-The first game Parker and Stone have directly participated in, writing the script and the dialogue.</em> <em>
-Parker has always preferred silent protagonists in RPG's, so the player&rsquo;s character will be silent.</em> <em>
-The player&rsquo;s character will be fully customizable.</em></p>

-The player will play as the new kid in town, the main theme of the game is fitting in and being accepted.</em> <em>
-The story begins with your character participating in a live action role-playing game that the neighborhood kids started, which eventually evolves into a real adventure.</em></p>

-Many elements of the combat system are like Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi games.</em> <em>
-Timed inputs occur for defense as well for reduced damage.</em> <em>
-Obsidian doesn't want the player to have to sit and watch animations play out; they're incorporating dynamic camera angels at certain times, such as a Ro Sham Bo attack that stuns an enemy.</em></p>
<p><em><strong>Interview with Trey Parker and Matt Stone</strong>

-Parker and Stone really enjoy rpgs and they do think that rpgs are the best fit for southpark.</em> <em>
-They were asked of how making a rpg story differs for an episode, they say that the learning curve was be bigger than anything they have done other then their Broadway musical.</em> <em>
-Parker has been a lifelong gamers, he really likes rpgs because he like the singleplayer nature of them so he doesn&rsquo;t like or get MMO&rsquo;s. </em> <em><span style="font-size: large;">His favorite game is Oblivion</span>.</em> (What. The. [censored] - ED)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>You can check out the info in full <a href=" ... 4179">over here</a>, but for now, rejoice! Seems there's finally a turn-based RPG heading our way, even if it comes from the unlikeliest of places.</p><p>Spotted @ <a href="">Rock Paper Shotgun</a></p>
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