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Post by Stalagmite »

Well? Deveopled but by Arkane studios but produced by, you guessed, Bethshitzda Softworks. It does look kinda interesting but will Bethesda's stink be present this time around and effect the outcome of the final product?

I personally hate it when small studios get railroaded into large studios that you don't particularly care about. To me, that makes these interesting games less fun once you play them by default.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I remember seeing stuff about this a while back, back when it was just another Source engine indie game. It looks good, and I don't think it had been picked up by Bethesda at that point and its kind of a shame that they were.
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Post by Tofu Man »

I've seen shots of this from time to time on RPS and it looks... promising. Although you could say that about a lot of crap shit. Or shit crap. But I'm intrigued.
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Post by Aonaran »

Considering buying, anyone played?
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

I got it. It's certainly not bad. It's got kind of a steam punk Deus Ex meets Bioshock sort of gameplay vibe to it and while it's certainly not bad, (I dig the setting more than anything, really), it has some negatives to it. Blargh summed up a good portion of em in the "What games are you playing", but some of the design choices make me scratch my head.

For instance - there's a quasi morality system in play. You kill people and you generate "Chaos" which causes more plague rats and weepers and nasty shit to start coming about more, as well as causing you the "You're a fucking terrible person, so here is your terrible fucking ending," ending.

Ok, whatever. They want you to Thief this shit and just start choking everyone out....except 99% of your abilities, whether it's magic or gadgets, is for killing folks. So while you're busy being Solid Snake and choking the shit out of everybody one at a time or, alternatively, shooting expensive ass tranquilizer arrows that you can only carry a very limited number of, as the game seems to indicate you SHOULD, it waves shit like summoning plague rats, fucking possessing people to make them kill former buddies and then walk infront of their own bullets, or just fucking shooting someone in the jaw with your semi-auto flintlock, right in your face while screaming, "You wanna do this shit? Well be ready! There's consequences for being fucking awesome."

It's not a bad game. It's certainly better than 99% of all first person shooters that are around, but it's just got some annoying design features that make me wonder what they were thinking.

The other problem in my mind? It came out alongside X-COM, which is a much more engrossing game if you ask me. So, really, it just ends up with me wanting to play Dishonored.....but only after I do this next UFO crash landing mop up...and then the next.
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'Tis time to throw some red shirts amongst the chrysalids.

Post by Blargh »

It's a flawed and uneven experience. The whole whale-punk ambience and art direction are rather novel, the level design has plenty of nooks to hunt down and explore, though not much to reward said exploration (randomly determined whale bone charm of marginally more effective healing potions/some other useless minor bonus to whatever you don't need at the time - the locations of which are wholely pointed out to you if you bother with the heart, for example, a piece of stale bread, or perhaps a handful of barely visible coins - though for that last group you can invest in dark vision, which can pick up even the most obscure of loot, but lends a Piss Christ inspired filter to the world). The combat dynamics, if you bother with it, can be (spoilers) engaging, and rewards creativity. The rewards are mostly schadenfreude, though. Reflection leads me to conclude that the non-lethal aspects were added very late in development. Overall, it has great potential to kick against the envelope of the 'Arsehole Physics' phenomenon. The plot will punish overthinking. Scratch that, any thinking. The characters are bland. Unlikely to be any meaningful modding at all, which is a sad thing. It's mission based, very linear. Probably repeating myself now.

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Post by Aonaran »

Piss Christ reference \m/
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Honestly the setting looked retarded but it's been getting good reviews and people keep mentioning it as a Duex Ex type of game which is something I'm always intrigued with. I didn't know they were even going about it as a Dues Ex type of game, I thought it was just a shooter game and I didn't know that Harvey Smith guy is involved. I'm probably going to get it but I got Xcom before hand like Wolfman Walt so I don't know if I should buy it now and wait to play it or maybe wait till it's on sale.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Wait til it's on sale. Trust me. It's not a bad game, just a flawed game and there are other games that deserve your attention now. It gives you some freedom with how you're gonna approach a problem, with multiple solutions to most...but, again, I personally find X-Com and Borderlands 2 to be more worth my time at the moment.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

XCOM is awesome.

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Post by Superhaze »

SenisterDenister wrote:XCOM is awesome.

Lose your top 6, attack alien-base with rookies. :chew:
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