Wasteland Revival art news

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Righteous Subjugator
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Wasteland Revival art news

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

Welp, I only missed posting this one by nine days, but better late than never! It appears that there's been a little controversy over which type of art styles people want in <a href="http://www.revival.at.tt/">Wasteland Revival</a>. Well, here's Martin's words:<br><br><blockquote>

There have been some requests concerning the artwork of the game. It seems as if quite some people would prefer the game to show rendered artwork instead of the classic painted style. I'll try to upload a few more rendered artwork for you to compare and to build your own opinion. Please tell me which style you would prefer.</blockquote><br><br>He hasn't uploaded the new pictures yet, but you can still take a gander at <a href="http://members.yline.com/~martingu/revi ... .htm">this page</a> for a more brief comparason.
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