DaC Discord

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Should DaC have its own Discord

Yes, absolutely. What a great idea, never thought of that myself!
I feel indifferent about the idea but find it a good one.
No! A great idea but I won't support it because I could not think of it myself
Total votes: 4

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DaC Discord

Post by Amis »

So here's a poll if we should modernize and have a discord, we could even link it to the main page? Fuck let's have a twitch too and a chaturbate!

Too late fucking join it you tards: https://discord.gg/J7NVseUFNb
Last edited by Amis on Sat Aug 06, 2022 6:28 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Jeff »

I went to check out the download page and it said "An adventure awaits." I consider myself something of an adventurer so download it I did. I don't understand how any of this works but I don't understand how anything works anymore anyway. I'm more happy to give new DAC developments a shot; anything to keep the memory of spacecat alive forever and ever.

Just gotta figure out how to disable all the unnecessary shit and bleeps and sounds and I'm ready to idle 2/47
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Post by Jeff »

For some reason my discord name is gimpmask#8458, does that mean there are 8457 other gimpmasks on Discord? I wonder f I popularised the username? I think I probably did
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Post by Amis »

It means that is your code citizen and you should embrace it. :salute:
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Post by Jeff »

Cool I love codes. HTML, IDDQD, Morse I know them all
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Post by Amis »

So far the Discord seems to be a back and forth psychology session between me and Gimpmask

EDIT: I would call that a success.
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Post by Jeff »

I wouldn't call it a success I would call it a huge success. Yeah but honestly even if it's just you and me I'm cool with that. But let it be known that there's a brand new #mammasplace on there, maybe that will pique your interest, maybe not. Probably not. Maybe it will.
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Post by Jeff »

On a more serious note even though I'd like to go back to the 56kbps era of IRC and Napster and skipping school to play Syndicate+, a bit of modernization wouldn't hurt what with the upcoming forum upgrades and all that. I've never used Discord before but so far it seems like #fallout only better. I'm sure many of you aren't into it, that's cool, but I'm 1000% down to clown because being a juggalo isn't a phase it's a way of life and Discord is the Faygo of DAC imho (in my humble opinion).
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Discord is a chinese botnet.
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Post by Jeff »

SenisterDenister wrote:Discord is a chinese botnet.
the more the merrier I say, getting tired of Amis already tbh I could use a bot or a net or two
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Post by Amis »

Just embrace the Chinese overlords already...
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Post by Jeff »

SenisterDenister wrote:Discord is a chinese botnet.
Ok a serious reply to a reasonable concern: do you have any alternatives in mind that people actually use these days?
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Amis wrote:Just embrace the Chinese overlords already...
I've been told that I'm stubborn. I'm the last person in my friend groups, IRL friends and online friends, that refuses to use Discord. So don't take it personally. I also really hate China and anything to do with them.
Gimp Mask wrote:Ok a serious reply to a reasonable concern: do you have any alternatives in mind that people actually use these days?
These days? Not really. There's mumble, that's an open source VOIP program people can host on their own computers, and IRC's still exist, though I don't know if #Fallout is still up or not.

By all means, I'm not saying you can't use it, I just have a personal reason I can't get past is all.
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Post by Amis »

I can respect that honestly, I have my personal reasons to hate the CCP as well, one that actually hits close to home but have to pick and choose what to use in this technological day and age.
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Post by Jeff »

SenisterDenister wrote:
Gimp Mask wrote:Ok a serious reply to a reasonable concern: do you have any alternatives in mind that people actually use these days?
These days? Not really. There's mumble, that's an open source VOIP program people can host on their own computers, and IRC's still exist, though I don't know if #Fallout is still up or not.

By all means, I'm not saying you can't use it, I just have a personal reason I can't get past is all.
Yeah man I totally get it, the reason I'm asking is that if there was another popular but more inclusive option (and doesn't seem like there is) we should go for it because of course it would be fun having you on board; it's not like everyone would join in regardless of what we picked anyway, most people simply aren't interested in the chit chat rooms.

#fallout is in a sad state of affairs, worse than DAC (recent developments excluded) I'm afraid, especially so if you haven't been there from the early days. If names like Riso, opp and atrokkus don't mean much to you then there's not much to be seen, and even if they do, the only thing to be seen is seeing them idle around the clock pretty much. Which is why I think trying something new & more DAC centric is worth a try, maybe I'll see more lovable characters (I still love opp though) idle around the clock at least. This coming from someone who was an op on #fallout and spent a lot of hours there back in the day. I miss kicking Rex out just for the hell of it

Appreciate your opinion, I have my own technological pet peeves and as a whole am pretty self conscious about my online presence and who gets my data (I try to avoid social media as much as possible) and I'm pretty worried about the wild west (or east) nature of big tech bullshit, but then I am super inconsistent with this stuff :human:


on another note we witnessed an unexpected and pleasant DACKer appearance last night which made me happy so I'm going to give this a shot, I'll try to be active for now to see if we can get this thing rolling rolling rolling, Limp Bizkit style :salute:
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Post by Hyacinth »

So its voice chat or text?

I never used Discord either... :chew:
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Post by Jeff »

you can mute the voice stuff. Personally I've changed the settings to make it as bare-bones, irc-esque and non-audible as possible.
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Post by Jeff »

I have added the :spacecat: emoji to Discord so now there is no reason not to join. Well besides the chinese botnet thingy. :revolution:
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Post by Amis »

We have a slow yet steady amount of members coming in, Now we have the amazing amount of five of us! A few inactive members from the forums!
Idiots, I'm cooler then you!
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