Free speech

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Free speech

Post by Jeff »

what do you think about the whole thing

it's pretty great to be able to call people swell guy but also to not be persecuted for dissenting opinions but also worrying how it's being weaponised by governments to advance their agendas but also you can't even insult people just because it amuses you but also first amendment am i right
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Post by Hyacinth »

In 1766, Sweden became the first country in the world to write freedom of the press into its constitution. The Freedom of the Press Act states that those in authority must be held accountable and all information must be freely available.

Free speech is dead, all hail right-think!

Opinions are not needed! Free thinkers are insurgents!

Free speech is outdated man, we need new laws where media has to tell truth bombs not lies! Woke-laws of 2025
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Post by Jeff »

I think it's great I can write stuff like aprptavsdvwjtetjspdkwapktatal what are you going to do about it huh? :evil:
Free speech is outdated man,
Yeah, the laws are incredibly outdated and helpless in the digital age as we have fucked off from the marketplace of ideas. I guess most free speech laws were written in the 1200s to protect the press wagon from being ambushed by government highway robbers and shit. Well how about protecting them from huge corporations who are actually running the show like a buncha freakin' puppeteers. Go after the deranged Geppetto not the Pinocchio, capiche?
Free speech is dead, all hail right-think! Opinions are not needed! Free thinkers are insurgents!
I hear this sort of rhetoric a lot around certain parts of the Internet, particularly from people who seem to be able to freely voice their contrarian opinions. Are they smuggling out secret messages from the Gulag of Intersectionality, or what?

The whole free thinker thing always seems to imply some sort of a fully autonomous contrarian intelligentsia devoid of prejudice, cognitive biases or socialization, whereas everyone else is a dumb indoctrinated nazi/sjw swell guy npc sheeple. It's a good icebreaker, always nice to start things off by hopping on that high horse
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Post by Jeff »

[post redacted. -Smiley]
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Speech should be completely free and uncensored on any platform or medium. I don't care what somebody says, they still have the right to say it. Left or right. A free society is one where everything can be discussed and scrutinized out in the open. If you don't like what somebody says ignore them, but don't deny them their natural rights of expression.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."

Free speech is the foundation to a free society. Chip away at it and you will watch anything built upon it fall.
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Post by Jeff »

First of all: big free speech fan here, have all their albums

Last year I read this article called "is the first amendment obsolete?" by Tim Wu. It raised some pretty interesting issues about how speech is now being controlled and suppressed indirectly, using troll armies, botnets, fake news, etc. So the laws that were created to prevent govt interference now indirectly enable it or something like that, because the world was very different back then, and we have moved from information scarcity to attention scarcity. He who controls the attention, commands the future. Join the brotherhood of Nod.
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