How to save the world economy:

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How to save the world economy:

Post by Hyacinth »

With the blood of the innocent naturally!

Chinas big housing market collapse will spill over and create a big crash according to a Zerohedge blog post that I skimmed through. Now it's all talk about standing up for Taiwans right for "Democracy", apparently its all over the right-think box in the living rooms. China flies its fighter jets through Taiwan airspace or whatever and is russlin' for a red intervention. :revolution:

It's good for the economy, probably all planned from the get go. I wonder what dutchs thought on the matter is. I should probably read more, it's all there. There's always alot there, maybe that's the problem.

Now a nuclear sub from the freedom-monopoly has sunk or something so maybe this is it boys. 99 red balloons etc.
US attack submarine collides with 'unknown object' in South China Sea
October 8, 2021

The U.S. Pacific Fleet said on Thursday that the USS Connecticut hit an object in the Indo-Pacific region on Sunday
It said her nuclear propulsion system was not damaged and it was investigating
One report said 11 sailors were injured in the collision with an ‘unknown object’
The Navy offered no further details about the submarines operations
But the South China Sea is one of the most contested areas on the planet
News of the accident emerged on same day it was revealed that U.S. troops have been training Taiwanese forces for the pas yer
And on Thursday the CIA announced a ‘China Mission Center’ to focus on threat from Beijing
I wonder if DAC is banned in chinas great firewall?
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Post by Jeff »

so wait how do we save the economy?

we've been waiting a good few decades for the china housing market to crash, when will it happen for real though?

the south china sea situation is pretty interesting, they've been at it for years, encroaching all over the place, building airstrip islands, sending hundreds of armyboy manned fishing boats out there, cannibalism, the whole nine-dash-line yards. china has its big boy pants on now.

do we need two separate china threads
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Hero of the Desert
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Post by Hyacinth »

I was thinking this thread could be more about the developments in the region instead of thoughts about China. But sure.

It has been going on for ages with the territorial "disputes", this latest Taiwan War thing could help with the economy, war bucks, war is great for production. Also the "great reset" can be kicked into gear quicker with a general war.

Im just shit posting but hey who knows, the masses are enticed aren't they, China bad, let's "fight for what is right.", no?
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Post by Jeff »

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Haha you're still not there yet
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I'm fine with not fixing anything and letting this turd in a bag burn for a while.
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