The School Diary

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Post by Jeff »

I have acquired a study lamp, it's just sitting there, mocking me

I've received pretty good grades for my essays thus far but the teacher is not giving any feedback so what's the point, how am I supposed to improve

I am eating the speed now to prevent nosebleeds, maybe I'll get a stomach ulcer instead
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Post by Megatron »

it sounds like a good educational voyage for sure. I'm thinking of doing my phd but im a bit fuck you i wont do what you tell me and that doesnt work in the world of academia imho what do you think have you bashed your profs head with some structural critique
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Post by Jeff »

I think that's the right attitude, worth a shot at least, what have you got to lose? Gotta stick it to the man, like in 1605 when Francis Bacon criticised the stagnant scholarly circle-jerk that simply produced pedestaled snobs who just re-reinterpreted the same old shit u know (I just read about this some 5 min ago but I am pretending to know things already like a true academic dickhead); he didn't make a name for himself by being a b*tch, he made weird ass paintings instead and became a rock star. Maybe you can be that painter but in 3 dimensions, turn that virtual safe space into a literal hellscape. What would you like to do your PhD about?

I haven't criticised anything because I don't really know anything
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Post by Jeff »

Date: November 14th 2021

Progress: 10 % (18/180 credit)

Rank: Warlord

Situated at: Home


Alright so the first study period is over, I've been doing alright, got a few excellent grades and one decent enough, getting the hang of it. Not super interested in the current courses but that's fine. I like that most courses are only about 2 months long so you won't get too bored with them.

I've also found a decent balance between study and work. Started thinking of doing a study exchange in East Asia, we'll see.

I don't think this is a very interesting diary because I'm mostly just sitting around at home, reading a bunch of shit and occasionally writing a bunch of shit as well, so not very different from my usual daily routine. At least Kashluk was practicing killing and stuff. My goal is to graduate before the DAC upgrade

Life is pretty boring
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Post by Hyacinth »

Hey I'm easily amused.


Congrats on 10%.

What's available to study in Japan then?
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Post by Jeff »

Thank you!

They've got a bunch of courses on world religions and eastern thought / philosophy, and I happen to like stuff like buddhism and daoism and zenbois like Dogen and Ryokan, Beyblade, all that. But who cares about any of that, the main reason would be to get the fuck away from here for a bit, a change of environment would be good I think
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Post by Hyacinth »

Ah yes, a good goal to seek new horizons. I intend on starting doing the same within a year or so.
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Post by Jeff »

This week I prepared for today's test by getting drunk and doing lots of drugs on Monday, then watching Netflix and YouTube videos for the rest of the week. I think it went really well, maybe even too well, I think I might be a genius of some sort.
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Post by Jeff »

Gimp Mask wrote:This week I prepared for today's test by getting drunk and doing lots of drugs on Monday, then watching Netflix and YouTube videos for the rest of the week. I think it went really well, maybe even too well, I think I might be a genius of some sort.
I got the highest possible score for this test by the way B)
winner winner christmas dinner
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Post by Jeff »

Date: January 17th 2022

Progress: 19 % (35/180 credit)

Rank: S+

Situated at: Home but it's a new home


First semester is over, my grade average was 4.7 out 5 so guess I'm not as dumb as I look. I had the hoax virus over the holidays and moved to a cheap flat offered by the uni, it's pretty nice, still settling in. Everyone is getting down with the sickness so all teaching is still on the Internet for the time being. School started today, I'm taking on a bit less work for this school period so I can relaxx to the maxx, I've been tired all the time after covid. I have the spring semester planned out pretty much, I just realized I'll have like a 3 month summer break which is insane. Peace!
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Re: The School Diary

Post by SenisterDenister »

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Re: The School Diary

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Re: The School Diary

Post by Hyacinth »

So how's school :chick:
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Re: The School Diary

Post by Jeff »

Date: April 30th 2022

Progress: 23% (35/180 credit) (haven't been credited for last period yet)

Rank: D

Situated at: Home


quick update, got rid of putting pressure on myself, went to the other extreme really but that's due to a variety of reasons, some of which are very much speculative at this point. so yeah school is going badly, but it's all right I'll just go back to doing speed for a few weeks and take care of all the school work that I have missed, doesn't matter as long as I just pass the courses and get the credit. easy :blahblah:
Last edited by Jeff on Tue May 31, 2022 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The School Diary

Post by Jeff »

i accidentally edited the post instead of posting a new one whateever
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Re: The School Diary

Post by Hyacinth »

What rank at least?
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Re: The School Diary

Post by Jeff »

^^^ the post above is the new post, just means the older one is gone

Right now I'm probably barely passing the ongoing courses, as the only thing I've done has been attending the lectures (and skipping some of those as well), so D, D- maybe? Doesn't really matter though if I am able to put in a substantial amount of work in a short period of time, which I can do, on drugs. I wonder if Kashluk did Pervitin during his military service?

I have one more week of lectures and then after that a few weeks to study and wrap things up so should be doable. Then a long summer vacation, thinking of taking at least one summer course because why not, there are loads of courses that are graded pass/fail and are super easy
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Re: The School Diary

Post by Jeff »

ah yes the Beast Mode has been activated :devil:
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Re: The School Diary

Post by Jeff »

Date: June 1st 2022

Progress: 32% (57/180 credit)

Rank: A-

Situated at: in the clouds


Gimp Mask wrote: Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:38 pmDoesn't really matter though if I am able to put in a substantial amount of work in a short period of time, which I can do, on drugs.
This worked out precisely as I had planned. I missed my self-set deadline by one day but managed to finish all the coursework, several weeks / months late but whatever. Haven't received all of the grades yet but I seem impervious to bad grades. The moral of the story is that hard work doesn't really pay off when you can just condense the courses into a few weeks by doing lots of speed and typing 10,000 words of bullshit. Bad for health good for education, can't wait to not do amphetamines for a while. The whole university thing seems kind of pointless so there's this constant approach-avoidance conflict, but then everything is kinda pointless so who even cares, literally: nobody. I feel like I'm still too responsible of a student though since I'm doing so well. Anyway the first year of uni is done, to quote Alice Cooper school's out for summer, I've got 3 months of doing all kinds of other stuff ahead of me, feels p.good. Gonna chillaxx to the maxx, focus on the important things in life, and only take summer courses if I get bored I guess.

Oh yeah I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but to all of you non-Scandinavian non-socialists out there: the university here is free. In fact, you get paid by the government to do it, enough to pay for the rent at least. Wouldn't bother with this shit otherwise. I also got a cheap flat via the uni, then there's the inexpensive govt-subsidised meals, half-price public transportation, the gym's like $10 a month and so on, it's a pretty sweet deal all in all

edit: reading through my previous entries I'm happy to say that I get along very well with all the kids despite my being twice their age, there's even at least 1 girl I'd be happy to call my friend, not sure if she'd say the same of me. Besides there's this one guy who's even older and looks even older older, whereas I still get carded when buying a beer. Everyone seems very down to earth and not career-oriented which surprised me a bit. I've only needed laptop for 1 exam, other than that my iPad has been more than enough. Got rid of the stupid study lamp ages ago, I'll study whenever I fucking please okay Image I do need to get a good chair for reading however, my back is slowly getting fucked
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Re: The School Diary

Post by Hyacinth »

Hahaha I see that you fell for the traps of trying to improve studying capacity!

I started Uni for 6 Years when I was 25. It wasn't free as in your Case. I make pretty well now at least.

You should take one of those university lookers on a Date to my Wedding mang.

Chick's Digg fancy Shit.
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