Side gigs.

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Side gigs.

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

So I've got my real job, a part time job, and a side gig. I make terrible commercials/promotion videos set to music you see on Amazon in my spare time. I actually make more on my side gig than I do in my second job....And if I really put forth the effort I could probably make more than my real job fairly easily. It's kinda nice to pop into a chat and say "I want to make a video for ___" and then they just send it to me. Then all the side-gig money funds my action figure and video game addictions.

What are your side gigs?
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Re: Side gigs.

Post by Jeff »

Side gigs? Let me tell you about side gigs. In the blackness of the night, while you lie in your bed, I hustle and flow, I go with the undercurrents that move through the terra firma upon which you walk. Ever wonder how the world keeps going like clockwork? It's people like me, the grease-drenched machine elves knee-deep in grime, who keep the wheels in motion, so that you get to enjoy the illusion of "safety". So keep your helmet on and wear a belt with your suspenders, but remember you this: we cook your meals, we haul your trash. We share your memes, we upvote your tweets. We guard you while you sleep.
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