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Post by Jeff »

Are you boys plantmen or do you hate cultivating photosynthetic eukaryotes? Do you have houseplants, do you enjoy gardening or growing ganja, killing pests, whatever. I have two plants, a vine and I guess a shrub, but I'm pretty much torturing them by keeping them barely alive, never was any good with this shit.
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Re: Plants

Post by Hyacinth »

My man you need a hygrometer, just put that in the soil and no more dying plants. Most of my plants that died dies from rotting roots, secondary to a non-draining pot and ofc too frequent watering.

I have killed a few myself, but there are plenty alive, at least I hope so since I've been away from home for a whole now but my Lil brother has been squatting my flat and hopefully he hasn't murdered them all by neglecting to use the hygrometer. >:(

From the top of my head I have at least 15 plants.

I like em big, and leafy. Not too much for palms and shit with pointy stuff.
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Re: Plants

Post by Jeff »

Cheers mang, I looked into the hydro things and they're pretty cheap. I'm always wondering whether I'm watering them too much or too little so it's pretty random. I remember seeing some pictures from your home and it looked lovely with the plants and all that, figured you might dabble in the dark art of plants. Fingers crossed your brother doesn't turn out to be a mass murderer

One of my plants is apparently the best air cleaner according to NASA research, they put them on space stations and shit, now I can rip massive farts without anyone noticing so that's helpful because I'm pretty gassy. Maybe some plants have a fart fetish? I bought the vine last month because I thought maybe the other plant was feeling a bit lonely and not doing well because of that, now it has some company at least :hug:
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Re: Plants

Post by SenisterDenister »

I plant a garden every spring. Radishes, onions, and lettuce are coming in right now. Tomatoes are always my main goal. The first fresh tomato of a year is something akin to tasting the ambrosia of the gods.
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Re: Plants

Post by Jeff »

Sounds great, I don't think I've ever tasted a proper tomato, the ones they sell in the supermarkets here are always bitter and a bit hard even and I don't like them, I assume they can be juicy too?

I'd like to have a go at gardening to see if I enjoy it, the city rents out these small plots for a fair price, just seems like too much of a hassle to travel back and forth all the time to take care of it so I'd need a little yard I guess. I've been thinking of trying to grow some herbs though, basil, coriander stuff like that since they're really expensive here, but seems like I can't be bothered so maybe I'm not actually that into it
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Re: Plants

Post by Hyacinth »

Im a big fan of automation, filling a water tank that drips water into a system and then just placing the thing in sunlight. A nice project would be to make an indoor/outdoor garden, smaller than 1sqm maybe on a table or something at an angle. Jam in a drip system and grow shit in my flat maybe. I just dont want it to look like some weed grow tent.
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Re: Plants

Post by atoga »

I've got a good number, mostly low effort millennial style plants like aloes, cacti, jade plants, and haworthias, along with some herbs


my favourite is this central African spear plant (it's much bigger now), it requires almost no water and has a very unusual texture which I'd describe as "hollow rock"

love 2 propagate and grow :salute:
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Re: Plants

Post by SenisterDenister »

Gimp Mask wrote: Mon May 22, 2023 3:33 am Sounds great, I don't think I've ever tasted a proper tomato, the ones they sell in the supermarkets here are always bitter and a bit hard even and I don't like them, I assume they can be juicy too?
I don't know if they'll grow well in your climate but a garden fresh tomato is one of the best things in the world to eat. They're sweet, tangy, and juicy. I've never heard of them being bitter, but when they're hard that means they've been refrigerated which can kill the taste and make them spongy, too. I make a garden salad with sliced cucumbers, diced tomatoes, and diced onions, then put them in a bowl full of vinegar and some salt and pepper. Shit is fucking delicious. Fresh fruit out of the garden is one of life's greatest little pleasures. I've got some apple trees starting to yield little apples, too, then I have raspberry and blueberry bushes along the property line growing on their own. Is spring not long enough up north to try to plant some tomatoes in a garden?
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Re: Plants

Post by Jeff »

Well not hard hard, I think they're simply usually not ripe enough and have been mostly artifically ripened with some gas? Think the texture and flavor difference between a ripe and an unripe banana. They grow tomatoes here too but everything local is way more expensive than the imported fruits and veggies and I'm usually pretty broke, but my dream now is to have a good juicy american tomato before I die. Mail me a slice or something

We had a bunch of berry bushes when I was a kid, guess they didn't require a lot of maintenance because my whole family is lazy like that. My neighbor had an apple tree, we used to steal his apples as a kid until the guy caught us and told us to just ask for permission and not steal people's shit and it's all good #lifelesson
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Re: Plants

Post by SenisterDenister »

A tomato should still be a tomato, so if you're ever on vacation around the Mediterranean, just go to a tomato orchard or a farmer's market somewhere and see if they have fresh tomatoes to eat. I would mail you one but they only last a day or two unrefrigerated. I've been thinking about the dynamics of that, too. Being in a plane the altitude and the cold would probably affect the taste, too. I would probably need to stick it in a room temperature cooler and pad it with bubble wrap to make sure it doesn't bounce around and to keep it insulated from the cold.
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Re: Plants

Post by Jeff »

sounds good, send it in business class, pop in some sort of a pressure equalizer as well and we're good to go :salute:
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Re: Plants

Post by Jeff »

Hyacinth wrote: Sun May 21, 2023 5:40 pmhygrometer
I did buy one of these, mang my bamboo palm wetter than the ocean, thanks for the help
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Re: Plants

Post by Hyacinth »

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Re: Plants

Post by Hyacinth »

The shitshow became a whole black bag of shit and dirt hefty fucking sack probably ceramics in there as well LMAO dumped it in the "General house shit" black bin 2 floors beneath me. Lol :drunk:
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Re: Plants

Post by Hyacinth »

Ficus lyrata, commonly called fiddle-leaf fig or banjo fig, is native to Africa. It is a broadleaf evergreen tree that may grow to 60-100’ tall in its native habitat. It is sometimes grown in the tropics as an ornamental shade tree. ... 153e7d89d6

My Lyrata Reveal B)
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Re: Plants

Post by Hyacinth »

Project Time
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Re: Plants

Post by Hyacinth »

Bit better.

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Re: Plants

Post by Amis »

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Re: Plants

Post by SenisterDenister »

That's some beautiful country in the background.
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Re: Plants

Post by Amis »

My chili's coming out nicely, bellpeppers we'll have to see. Moving from this view in a few months to a bigger place and in the country.
Last edited by Amis on Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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