Fuck - how good are forums that i can just necro respond threads 3 years later?
Had a 200L liquid nitrogen dewer being used in a lab, the instrument said there was a leak in an attachment. Student went to purge the link to depressurise the system, opened the wrong valve and then released the clamp on the attachment which was still under pressure.
Attachment got imbedded in the concrete slab in the floor above and the entire lab had to evac from the nitrogen release. Procedure had nothing around emergency shut down steps.
Not my department, but some kids collected a sulphuric acid delivery and were dropped the box (~10L of H2SO4) and didn't think anytthing of it. Bottles broke inside and started seeping through the cardboard, so they got a residual burn. They then got a hose and started washing it which made it react and release lots of fumes and heat. Full emergency service turn out because two clowns didn't bring a trolley, gloves and spillkit to transport their shit across campus.