<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
It's just what the doctor ordered... another interview about <a href="http://lionheart.blackisle.com" target="_blank">Lionheart</a>, the SPECIAL system, and how it all started! Hurrah! I'd forgotten what was said in the four other interviews from the past week or so.<br><br> This time, <a href="http://www.gamespy.com" target="_blank">GameSpy</a> are the ones to clamber onboard the Lionheart-train, and the sensual Chris Parker from <a href="http://www.blackisle.com" target="_blank">Black Isle</a> is the one answering the questions. Here's a sample:<blockquote><em><b>GameSpy:</b> The random generator allows thousands of different weapons. What types are available, and are they open to any species? Has this created any nightmares with balancing? <br><br><b>Chris Parker:</b> The different races of playable characters offer different role-playing options but aren't significantly different when it comes to weapon use, so yes, they are available to all of the races. Weapons come in a lot of different types, from a basic sword to ranged weapons like a bow. These are all broken out into the skill categories: one-handed melee, two-handed melee, and ranged. I imagine we might have a magic weapon or two that might be race specific, like a sword that favors demokin for some reason, but I don't recall seeing any. No promises though.<br><br>The random weapon generators look at the power level of the character, compare this to a "goodness" level that they are supposed to be producing, and then uses weighted tables to produce a weapon of appropriate power. It hasn't seemed to cause any balancing headaches so far, but we'll see. </em></blockquote>Read the whole thing <a href="http://www.gamespy.com/interviews/july02/lionheart/" target="_blank">here.</a>
Another Lionheart interview
Well, I'd hate the game to drown into loads of useless magic items like in Diablo and in Dungeon Siege. You find thousands of 'randomized' magical items, more than you'll ever sell. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, if they only would be rare. Yes, for example randomizing some unique items or rewards from quests instead of a new magical short bow in every chest. So the magical abilities of the sword you'd get from ol' Dragon Joe when you recover his lost amulet varies in every game you play. :roll: