Laser Rifle mod?

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Dark Cirus
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Laser Rifle mod?

Post by Dark Cirus »

Is there anyway to make the Laser Rifle or say, the Gauss Gun shoot though multiple people in diagonal or stacked hexs? like the projectile travels though all the people in a straight line.. that would be cool
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Post by Temaperacl »

Hmm.. I don't think so- I think the closest you could do is set the weapon to burst fire, which can affect more than one opponent. I haven't looked, but I don't think there is anything to set the spread of the burst, though..
doing it this way, you would also have to make a 'burst mode' graphic for the weapon in question.

But this would just be a 'work-around'- I can't think of any way off the top of my head to do quite what you are looking for.
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Dark Cirus
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Post by Dark Cirus »

also (unless i was just drunk) i read that the Gauss Rifle would be able to shoot through walls.. which it doesnt much to my dissapointment (imagine the sad look on my face when I found out I couldnt take out all the Hubologists from behind a wall).. is this possible with a mod, or does it conflict with the zoning of the walls.
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Post by Temaperacl »

Hmm.. I haven't messed with that, but I think what you would have to do is change the properties of the wall to set it so you can shoot through them (I'm not positive, but I believe it is possible (The chain-link fence of the raiders in FO2?).). The problem with this is 1) that you would have to alter the setting for every wall you would want to be able to shoot through, and 2) any weapon will be able to shoot through the wall, not just the Gauss Rifle. I don't think it is possible to alter the weapon stats to make them able to shoot through walls, but I haven't tried it yet, so..
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Post by Red »

You wouldn't want to change that property on walls (I'm sure you can since windows act that way), because then all weapons could shoot through them, not just Gauss.

Shotting through walls is so '90s anyway.
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