SPECIAL Interview on Lionheart

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SPECIAL Interview on Lionheart

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> Interview]</strong>

I snagged an <a href="/lionheart/interchat/eric22ndaug.shtml">interview</a> with <b>Eric Dallaire</b> about the <b>SPECIAL</b> system in <a href="http://lionheart.blackisle.com/">Lionheart</a>.
<br><blockquote><b>Saint_Proverbius:</b> <i>There has been some controversy over the use of Charisma granting the user magical abilities in Lionheart. Questions have been asked if this means that Charisma won't have it's intended role as it did in Fallout by determining reactions and the size of the player's party. Can you answer these concerns? How much will Charisma affect dialogue choices?</i><b>Eric Dallaire:</b> Since the question relates to Charisma, let me take this opportunity to announce a change in our dialogue and diplomacy system. Previously we mentioned that Charm and Outwit, derived from Charisma and Intelligence, would be used in place of the skill Speech. However, after testing and much discussion on the matter, <u>we've decided to expand diplomatic options for the player and introduce a <b><i>Speech skill</i></b></u>, similar to Fallout. For those fond of the name, don't worry, Outwit might become a Perk that somehow augments the Speech skill.As for magic, we did not want to tie mana production to Intelligence. We feel that Intelligence is already very important because it grants more skill points. After some discussion, we realized that our magic system has a unique solution to balance the mana formula and statistics. In order to wield magic in Lionheart, one must have a spirit to grant magical power, as magic is not an innate talent. The idea was proposed to use Charisma and Perception in the mana formula. Since a spirit is a sentient being of magic, Charisma represents your ability to control or get along with your spirit. Perception represents your connection to the spirit world, how well you perceive the supernatural realm. Together, these two stats are factored into a formula that determines your mana potential. We like the balance of having more stats involved in a per level benefit as well, to try to make them all as equally valuable as possible.In addition to mana, Charisma will still affect the number of companions you can have accompany you, although the formula for calculating this will likely be different from Fallout.</blockquote>That's right, kiddies. There's now a <B>SPEECH SKILL</B> in <a href="http://lionheart.blackisle.com">Lionheart</a>. Guess who argued the case for it.<Br>This is only <A href="/lionheart/interchat/eric22ndaug.shtml">Part I</a> of the thing. Part 2 will be coming shortly.
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Post by Red »

we've decided to expand diplomatic options for the player and introduce a Speech skill
Sounds like:

"oooh, we'll do this clever thing and add a new skill... We'll call it the speech skill! And guess what... it'll be used when talking as a kind of diplomacy "factor" that'll affect the possible responsenses the user can answer...
- Wow, this sounds great!
- Yeah wonder how I though of it...
- Um isnt' that just like Fallout?
- What's that Fallout thing?"

Lionheart traits

Post by Rebus_Badger »

For replay value, I'd love to see an option (like "ironman") that would randomly give you traits/perks that you would then have to roleplay around and deal with. The temptation to take the "best" (ie. usual) traits/perks tends to kill replay variety.
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Re: Lionheart traits

Post by Rex Exitium »

Rebus_Badger wrote:For replay value, I'd love to see an option (like "ironman") that would randomly give you traits/perks that you would then have to roleplay around and deal with. The temptation to take the "best" (ie. usual) traits/perks tends to kill replay variety.
Shit. That is the best suggestion ever.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

That is a damned fine suggestion. It has that whole, "You're stuck with what life delt you" feel about it. That would be great if it were an option for MP as well, "Ironman Only" servers.

Post by Rebus_Badger »

It'd be great to have a back "patch" or mod that did this for FO and FO2 as well... if only I was a programmer.
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