<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
We've just got our brand new image gallery script up and running, which means we can finally show you screenshots again! Hallelujah etc. etc. To break the cherry, we've gone and created a <a href="http://www.duckandcover.net/gallery/gal ... >Wasteland Gallery</a>. Ooooh!<br><br>Sure, it's not very full yet, but there'll be more to come later. Oh, and by the way, if you've got some wasteland screenshots that you think are nice, <a href=mailto:kreegle@duckandcover.net?subject=Wasteland_Screenshots>mail them to us</a> and we'll add 'em. <br><br>More galleries to come soon... and yes, that includes the dearly-missed Fan Art gallery!<br><br><b>Update: </b>Speaking of new galleries, we've got all of our Fallout screens up! Yes, we've been very busy. Check 'em out here: <a href="http://www.duckandcover.net/fallout/images.shtml" target="_blank">Lots of Fallout images.</a>