Here's how it's done:
- Open the Entity Editor and create a new Breakable entity.
- Set the HP, DT/DR, etc. to you liking.
- Set the image as: DeathClawEgg.spr. This sprite is found under sprites/critters.
- Change the setting to "Metal Press" under "Sound". Do not check/tick "Is Metal"!
- Save the entity and exit the FoT Editors.
- Copy and paste these two WAV files into your mod's sound/game folder:
deathclaweggDeath2.WAV - Rename these files as follows:
MetalPressDeath2.wav - Place an example of your newly destroyable Death Claw Egg on a map, a splatter it!
Edit: Another option is to simply set up an Actor w/the Race set to "Object" and set the Player Index to 0. However, this has the serious drawback of requiring a player to Force Fire on the egg. Killing it will then result in a loss of Reputation. Basically the same problem that we encountered w/the brains in Vault 0 in the core campaign where splash damage, explosives or force firing burst weapons at the floor were required to kill the targets w/o dinging your Rep.
Yet another option would be to set up an Object and set the Egg(s) to an enemy PI. However, this will result in the PCs automatically firing on the eggs, which -- especially if you're looking to set up something similar to the RPGs -- doesn't quite "cut the mustard".