<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
Our buddy Archchancellor is holding a Fan Fiction contest over in our <a href="http://www.duckandcover.net/forums/view ... p?f=4">Fan Fiction Forum</a>. Read all about it: <blockquote><b><em>
Yes thats right. Since this there seems to be a lack of New Fanfiction which is quite amazing in the fanfiction forum. I have decided to Hold a *echoing voice* Fanfiction Contest.
I will not be in it to get rid of the liability of people complaining. Entries will close on Christmas Eve and announced New Years. Any post on the forums that is related to this will have to be marked as an (Con) in the beginning ie.
(Con) The deaths shadow
(Con) Something like it
or something like that the rules are it must be at least mininum 5 pages long for the Large catergory and 2 and a 1/2 pages for the Fan fictionette. Hopefully i will be able to get Kreegle and/or Killzig to announce the winners after I have finished judging them. Entries may be posted on the forums or sent to me via email at Archchancelor@hotmail.com.
SO the lowdown is
1.must follow entry catgories
2.no lemons will be accepted
3.stories will be judged by the contents of the following
<li>good storyline
<li>spelling and grammar
<li>in keeping with theme
4.Any genre</blockquote></em></b>
Get writing, we're looking forward to reading your entries... really.