Early '28 Days Later' review

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Early '28 Days Later' review

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

The movie news site, <a href="http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/mainFramed.html" target="_blank">Corona's Coming Attractions</a>, have snagged themselves an early review of the film <a href="http://www.28dayslaterthemovie.com/" target="_blank">28 Days Later</a> (a new post-apocalyptic movie from the director of Trainspotting), from an anonymous source. They wrote:<blockquote><em>"I attended a press screening of the finished product in Soho, London last night. It is due for release in the UK on November 1.

"Just to confirm what your previous correspondents have said, it really is excellent edge-of-the-seat stuff, packed with memorable images and I would be very surprised if this film is not a massive word-of-mouth hit. "There are visual nods to several other films which movie fans will have great fun spotting. The climax, particularly, is reminiscent of both Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner.

"One tiny quibble - I wondered if the final scenes were tacked on as an afterthought to finally introduce an upbeat note after so much darkness. To my mind they were out of keeping with the rest of the film."</em></blockquote>Sounds cool.

To read more about <b>28 Days Later</b>, check out Corona's <a href="http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/28dayslater.html" target="_blank">28 Days Later</a> page. Or just hit the <a href="http://www.28dayslaterthemovie.com/" target="_blank">official site</a>. 6:13:05:25:00 at the time of writing this!
Constipated BladeRunner
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Post by Constipated BladeRunner »

Christ, how can anyone think that the ending of Blade Runner and Apoc. Now have something in common?
I dont remember Martin Sheen saying to his robotic lover "The Horror. The Horror".
That one comment has me totally disregarding everything written.
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Mad Max RW
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Post by Mad Max RW »

You totally missed the point of that above comment. Besides, I don't remember any robots in Blade Runner.
Constipated BladeRunner
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Post by Constipated BladeRunner »

All I said was that saying that the ending of Apoc Now and BR have something in common is a symptom of schizophrenia, paranoid delusions and overall bad taste.
Androids. Whatever.
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Post by Spazmo »

Nobody said they had anything in common. It merely states that 28 Days Later has an ending which incorporates elements from the endings of both movies. So maybe Martin Sheen will indeed say "The horror, the horror" to his android lover.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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