I tried setting up a little version of what I had in mind, just to gather some numbers. Then I ran some "time trials" to see how fast the system would feed additional walkers into a patrol pattern.
Waypoints ZERO and ONE are 40 tiles apart
Waypoint ZERO always goes to Waypoint ONE
Waypoint ONE goes to: 0,0,0,0,2 (20% of the time on to Waypoint TWO, 80% of the time back to Waypoint ZERO)
Waypoint TWO and THREE are 40 tiles apart, 5 tiles from ONE to TWO.
Waypoint TWO always goes to Waypoint THREE
Waypoint THREE goes to: 2,2,2,2,4 (20% onward, 80% back)
Waypoint Four is within the field of fire of a guy with a minigun.
The Guy with the minigun shot each patroller when he came into his field of fire. Once all the patrollers were dead the scenario ended, exiting to the main menu. I started TEN patrollers, evenly spaced between Waypoints ZERO and ONE, walking continuously with no pauses at the waypoints. The initial state is everyone is between waypoints ZERO and ONE, walking back and forth. Every time someone makes his 20% role at Waypoint ONE he goes on and starts walking back and forth between waypoints TWO and THREE. Everytime he makes the 20% role at waypoint THREE he walks over to Waypoint FOUR and dies. This allowed me to just start it up and watch out of the corner of my eye for the game to exit to the main menu.
ZERO --- --- ONE
THREE --- --- TWO
FOUR <- Guy with GUN
I have only run the scenario three times, and it took between 20 and 25 minutes to complete. The first time through, when I was watching it closely went as follows:
After 5 minutes: ...............8............................................2
After 10 minutes:..............4......................2....................4
After 15 minutes:..............1......................3....................6
After 20 minutes:......................................2....................8
Last guy KIA at 23 minutes.
So you can see that even a very simple setup like this can feed people into a patrol pattern gradually. Even simple additions like sending folks back to an earlier piece of the system could delay how fast folks are sent out on partol. Pauses at the Waypoints would also delay that.
I set this up as a testbed scenario, with a neutral human controlled character and two computer controlled ones. Do any of you every set up things like this, just to see how the game works?
In the case of the setup I made here you could have Waypoint FOUR feed into a long patrol pattern that, at its end, feeds the patrollers back into the Waypoint ZERO to ONE holding pattern, waiting for their next tour of duty in the line of fire. This should keep too many patrollers from getting out onto the patrol pattern and making life dangerous for the players.