<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
<a href="http://www.avault.com" target="_blank">Avault</a> have reviewed <a href="http://www.bandits-game.com/" target="_blank">Bandits: Phoenix Rising</a>, and by jove, they loved the pants off it! Graphics, Interfance, Gameplay, Multiplayer, Sound FX, Musical Score, Intelligence and Difficulty <i>all</i> received 4 out of 5 stars, so guess what the overall score is? Uh-huh.<blockquote><em>Although most aspects of Bandits have been done before on the personal computer, the manner in which they're combined here creates a truly fresh and fun experience. While the plot is nothing to write home about, the furious combat action - which is far more mobile than in most action shooters - is utterly addictive. The driving ends up being more enjoyable than in most conventional racing titles, and the graphics and audio are superior. The interesting characters and solid artificial intelligence are unexpected bonuses. Bandits has pleasantly surprised me, and has frankly stolen both my heart and my free time since I began playing. </em></blockquote>Super. Spotted at <a href="http://www.bluesnews.com" target="_blank">Blues News</a>.