Chris Taylor's take on CRPG design

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Righteous Subjugator
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Chris Taylor's take on CRPG design

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> Editorial]</strong>

<A href="">RPG Codex</a> has posted an <a href="">article on CRPG design</a> written by <b>Chris Taylor</b>, who was the <i>Lead Designer</i> on <a href="">Fallout</a> and <a href="">Fallout Tactics</a>. Here's a bit of what you can expect:
<br><blockquote>The middle-finger, a very important finger I might add, is that character matters. Not the character of your development team, good character there does help, but the fact that player character statistics should matter in the game. If all characters are treated the same, then you have an adventure game and not an RPG. Fallout and Arcanum did this very well. It not only makes the game deeper, but it provides more replayability, which is a good feature for some. </blockquote>
<br>The middle finger is also the most fun finger!
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