A Fallout mod for... Breed?

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A Fallout mod for... Breed?

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

Uhh... Breed? Eh? Has anyone ever heard of this before? After doing a bit of research - It's a German game by CDV Software, and it apparently won the 2002 ECTS "Game of the Year" award... <a href="http://www.breedgame.de/" target="_blank">website here</a>. Looks pretty decent, actually...

Anyway, there's a news story on <a href="http://www.bluesnews.com/" target="_blank">Blues News</a> about a mod for Breed, called <a href="http://www.clanamf.com/ftdor/" target="_blank">Fallout: The Day of Reckoning</a>. There's not much info at the official site (although the forums look lively), so if you're interested and know what Breed is, <a href="http://www.clanamf.com/ftdor/" target="_blank">check it out</a>.
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Post by Flamescreen »

Looks like it's an FPS, I think.(mostly from the info in the Mod site)
I wouldn't like to see Fallout:The FPS, so I wouldn't be interested, but I guess others might.
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Post by Snake »

I look forward to it
I don't think I've played breed yet
I'll have to get it then
"Call me Snake"
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Post by Strap »

dont worry, flamescreen. all fallout mods die before they are completed. lol
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

Lol. So true...
One day...
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Post by Rydiak »

Breed turns me on... I mean... I want to play it...

It looks like a really good game!
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Post by Mr Carrot »

A tactical shooter game......... ok this needs a fallout mod as much as operation flashpoint does.
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Post by Rosh »

Take a pass, this one's ass.

From how it sounds, it's going to be more like "Fallout Tactics: What The Fuck?".
We&#8217;re trying to include at least half the weapons in Fallout, so you&#8217;re looking at a massive variety from pistols, to shotguns, SMGs, sniper rifles, and the odd high powered energy weapon now and then.
Oh, great...a Counter-Strike fest.
There are at lest 4 distinct races: the Robots, Humans in there various varieties, (Brotherhood, Villagers, Reavers, Beast Lords, Bandits, more&#8230;) Ghouls (humans that have been heavily mutated by the radiation) Super Mutants (Genetically engineered super soldiers, but there sterile) and a few others I no doubt forgot&#8230;
This is odd, considering that they also have a "Jesus" in the Story page. Now, I'm guessing with Jet and Jesus, it's going to be near New Reno. Which...aw, hell. Someone teach these kids some geography along with some spelling and grammar.

"There sterile". Charming, and the only place the BoS and the Beast Lords, Reavers, Robots, et alia ever got involved together was in the FOT setting, which was FAR from where Jet was developed, and years earlier.
Well, were still working out some of that part of the storyline, but the player can expect to fight all the characters from the fallout series, such as robots, super mutants, ghouls, humans, and deathclaws.
What are the odds that the DeathClaws will have hair on them? It's also interesting that they include Jet into the game, given that it was created MUCH later than the FOT universe was set.

All in all, it looks like a mod that will not only look like Dolo's "shiloads of easter eggs, celebrities, and other stuff" thrown in without mind of continuity or design, and something that will drive anyone with a decent idea of the English language into "dieing".
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