Groin Shots for Fallout3

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Groin Shots for Fallout3

Post by Rad_Man »

We all know I secretly enjoy shooting people in the Groin, but I think they should be modified for F3. I don't think theY cause criticals enough after all if I get shot in the balls its going to hurt. To stop groin shots being abused I should lose karma every time I tried to shoOt someone in the groin, also there should be a castrator reputation similar to the child killer reputation. Imagine people’s reaction to a castrator type character.
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Re: Groin Shots for Fallout3

Post by Ninja Penguin »

Rad_Man wrote:We all know we secretly enjoy shooting people in the Groin, but I think they should be modified for F3. I don't think the cause criticals enough after all if you get shot in the balls its going to hurt. To stop for groin shots being abused you should lose karma every time you tried to shot someone in the groin, also there should be a castrator reputation similar to the child killer reputation. Imagine people’s reaction to a castrator type character.
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Post by Spazmo »

I never shot anyone in the groin. What's the point? Eyes works better.

It would be cool if groin shots would disable characters beyond the "winded" thing.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Evil Guru »

Considering the "groin" area is more than just genitalia, there should be consideriable damage from a critical hit from weapons, because of the major arteries. I don't think it should effect your karma, though. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to survive. I don't think anyone would look down on a woman who smacked a guy in the balls in self-defence.

However, for the reputation thing: if you use groin shots enough in regulated unarmed matches (boxing, etc.) I think a "Dirty Fighter" rep would be appropriate, maybe giving a small "to-hit"% bonus to targeted, unarmed attacks.
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Post by Radoteur »

I think it will hurt more if you get shot in the head. Considering that's where your brain is. I seriously doubt anyone could survive a gunshot to the head, but the game would suck if you could get killed in one shot.
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Post by Snake »

I don't see the point
Keep in mind attacking someone to kill them good, bad or neutral should have its own karma losses/additions
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Post by Dan »

I don't think anything should be modified. Groin-wise.

Fallout has set its own world with its own rules, and should stick to that.
Trying to apply real world physics to a game that is a part of a series is silly.
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Post by Aegeri »

Radoteur wrote:I think it will hurt more if you get shot in the head. Considering that's where your brain is. I seriously doubt anyone could survive a gunshot to the head, but the game would suck if you could get killed in one shot.
Interestingly, you actually can.

If you have a good critical rate with +20% on critical damage table you can get interesting results.

I once shot someone for 2 hp and killed them instantly (when they had 170 odd). I figured out eventually that if you get a critical critical success (odd isn't it?) you just kill them outright.

Only a shot to the head/eyes seems to be able to accomplish this feat.
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Post by VasikkA »

I'd like to see more differences in critical results depending on which part of body you've hit. As we all know(except eunuchs), that groin is a sensitive part of body and should affect your character when hit. Perhaps a knockout effect, or a 'winded' status on your character. Of course, combat injuries should be curable after the battle.

Post by Kashluk »

Aegeri wrote: I once shot someone for 2 hp and killed them instantly (when they had 170 odd). I figured out eventually that if you get a critical critical success (odd isn't it?) you just kill them outright.

This thing has happened to me too! Though quite rare in gunfight, but it happens A LOT in unarmed combat... Funny to see stuff like this: "you hit Masticator in the eyes for no damage, causing serious pain - Masticator was killed".
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Post by Rad_Man »

Another reason I think the Groin shots should be modified is that there is no motivation. Logicaly why would you shoot someone in the groin, because you’re a sadist bastard and you like people ton suffer. So any kind of groin shot should lower your karma. If you were just trying to survive you would likely shot them in the head or torso. Also if you get hit in the balls should do something besides damage like "you were hit in the groin for 21 damage and miss your next turn because of the great pain". Of course head/eyes shots should be the best kind of targeted shots because that is the most vulnerable part of the body.
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Post by VasikkA »

People suffer if you shoot them, whether in groin or some other place. Killing is a part of the Fallout world and I see no reason why the player should be punished. Losing karma doesn't really encourage you to aim at the groin(unless you're evil). There are other ways to create 'motivation' for aimed shots. Getting different outcome depending on where you shoot is one possibility.
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Post by Radoteur »

Why would I shoot someone in the groin.
Because I'm a sadist bastard and want people to suffer.
So, would shooting them in the head make me a sadist?
Would shooting them in the legs make me a sadist?

Post-apoc would probably have a lower value for life. Lives of others would be cheaper. Survival of myself is all that matters, anything else is secondary.

IF shooting someone in the groin is going to make my chances of survival better, then by all means, I'll do it. I'm sure others would understand this. In addition to this, I'd like to mention that it is easier to hit the lower torso area than the head.

Now, perhaps if you were notorious for breaking people's legs then leaving them crippled to die, or did things with the sole purpose of making others suffer, then you could get a karma rating for that. Of course, there's a problem with that. How would other people and the computer be able to differentiate between a sadist shot and a survival shot. I'll bet the situation would have most to do with it. Perhaps by who starts the shooting.
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Post by jerman999 »

All of the targeted shots apparently have their own modifiers. Hitting a critical in the head or groin will knock the target down, crippling one of the limbs will cause the target to lose action point, etc...

You can, but probably shouldn't change any of those.
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Post by Megatron »

I hope you can carry on kicking people in the groins until they go white in the face. For unarmed combat vs groin perhaps you could have problem walking, or mabye you piss blood for a few days after.

I hope they add UBER SUPA COOL 3d fighting moves in fallout 3, like THE STONE-COLD STUNNAER and MULTIPLE KICKS TO THE TESTICALS or something.
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Post by Radoteur »

Maybe give em a concussion.
Or however you spell it.
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