Fallout 3, soon to be released......

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Fallout 3, soon to be released......

Post by Cipher »

...I hope.

I have come back after a while to get updated on the FO scene and I was supprised that in the FO3 section there is a lot more info on FO3. I guess it seems like it will be made they just don't know when it will started development.

Is there anything else going on I have missed?
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Post by Dan »

Fallout 3 is not being made.

Fallout 3 will probably (hopefully, even) won't be made.

All you see here is theoretical disscusion on issues concering the game.
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Post by Cipher »

Look at the Fallout 3 link on the DAC main page and it has several snippets from interviews of people about making FO3, so yes, it looks like there is a good chance it will be made just not 100% yet.
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Post by axelgreese »

Cipher wrote:Look at the Fallout 3 link on the DAC main page and it has several snippets from interviews of people about making FO3, so yes, it looks like there is a good chance it will be made just not 100% yet.
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Post by spyder07 »

They always say that'd like to make it but won't.

Look, they'll either make and it'll be real shitty, or they won't make it at all and all us fans will still speculate about what it will be like when they make it.
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Post by Cipher »

It looks prety damn hopeful to me.

Fallout 3 Information

Details on Fallout 3 are fairly scarce - at the time of writing this, the game has yet to be officially announced. Still, it is nearly 100% sure that there will be a third entry to the Fallout RPG series. Here is an uncomfortably short list of things that we can be led to believe are Fallout 3 facts... but be warned: because the game hasn't even been announced yet, nothing is rock solid. All of these points are taken from things developers have said in the past, and can't be accepted as an absolute certainty.

Who'll be making it?

Black Isle Studio's will be making the game, of course. The only near-definite piece of information we have on this concerns the lead designer.

The lead designer will be Chris Avellone, who was the lead designer of the brilliant Planescape: Torment RPG, and is also responsible for the town of New Reno, Vault City, The Raiders and some special encounters in Fallout 2. Plus he was also employed to play a "criminal" in FBI training courses, which is fairly cool.

When will Fallout 3 be set?

At this early time, it's not really known for sure when Fallout 3 will be set. However, it is reasonable to predict that it may follow on from Fallout 2 (and not a prequel to Fallout, as has been suggested). In an interview with Feargus Urquhart that Killian did, Feargus mentions:

I think the world is going to be a little more advanced, but not a whole lot. With the breakdown of everything after the bombs dropped and the leftover technology - the reign of people living for themselves is probably going to survive quite a while. What I mean by that is that for a while in the Fallout universe, the people who will use old technology to control areas instead of re-building them are going to out number the people trying to re-build a new world. So, the world is going to stay somewhat feudal for a while longer.

Will Fallout 3 be a multiplayer game?

An interesting question, and while it is still impossible to say for sure either way what will happen, Feargus mentioned this:

Currently I think the way we would have a multi-player system that would be similar to that of the Infinity Engine games. The people playing together would cooperatively work to complete the game. However, we are definitely going to be sitting down over the coming months to think about multiplayer in all our games to see if we can add some other form of playing the games on-line that does not compromise the single player game.

Will Fallout 3 be a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)?

It's extremely doubtful that Interplay would design Fallout 3 as a MMORPG, basically because Fallout and Fallout 2 are well-recognised as story-based RPG's - so they wouldn't want encourage any confusion about what the games are all about, and it would be far more profitable to market an online Fallout RPG as it's own game (like Fallout Online, or FOOL as it's popularly known as).

The only official-ish word we've heard about it is what Feargus Urquhart said in the Fallout 3 chat.

The next Fallout will probably be along the lines of the previous Fallouts in style from the standpoint of it not being a MMORPG.

Will Fallout 3 be in 3D?

It would be a reasonable assumption to say that Fallout 3 will be 3D. In order to offer something new to Fallout RPG fans while still maintaining a strong story with character development, some new avenues need to be taken in order to distinguish the game from the previous two. Obviously, the appearance is the prime candidate, as Fallout and Fallout 2 are definitely starting to look a little wrinkled compared to the impressive / immersive worlds of current 3D games (although that is open to argument).

In the Fallout 3 chat we conducted back in June, Feargus Urquhart said:

We are hoping that we can make the backgrounds look as good as the 2D ones. If we can do that, then it doesn't really matter if it is 2D or 3D.

Although not in the context of the chat, you can still see that a 3D environment for Fallout 3 is fairly likely. Chris Taylor added:

Something that's important to point out in the differences between 2D and 3D is that 3D certainly stresses the memory of a machine less than 2D. We started running up against all sorts of technical problems with FOT and it's very large 2D art resources.

Besides all that, the whole association with the 3rd Fallout game and the 3rd dimension in graphics is WAY too difficult to overlook.

Will Fallout 3 "look" like the other Fallout games?

Obviously, you'd immediately think "yes", but some people have been left unsure after seeing some of the different styles in Fallout Tactics. The wavering opinions of how the art is heading in future Fallout games is known by the people at BIS, and Feargus has said:

I don't think it will be difficult to have the art look like Fallout. In other words - we are going to base the look off of Fallout 1 and 2.

So a huge depature from the Fallout look shouldn't be expected.

Will Fallout 3 be as adult-oriented as the previous games?

It's a little doubtful. While Fallout and Fallout 2 have a strong cult following, they haven't even come close to the popularity of Baldur's Gate or Diablo 2. Mature themed games, unfortunately, don't seem to have the same earth-shattering effect on the market as an "all-ages" game like The Sims does. Therefore, publishers would be happier with a well-rounded and fun game that is accessible to all ages, as they sell more.

It's obvious that the Fallout games well never be a family oriented game, but can we expect some "toning-down" of the nasty bits in the previous Fallout games?

Feargus Urquhart made this comment in the June 2001 chat:

We still have to make a decision about having a Teen rating or a Mature rating. The problem is that Teen rated games get into more stores and have the chance to sell more. I'm not saying they definitely sell more - they just have the chance to do so. We have to figure out if we can do justice to the Fallout universe with words like "bitch" and "bastard" rather than "shit" and "fuck". What will probably push us over the edge will be the violence though.

As for swearing, Chris Avellone said:

Profanity: It was overdone in F2, no question.

And the sex?

The Porn Studio was not "Fallouty."

Chris Taylor made a good point though:

My thoughts on profanity is that it should used only when appropriate. However, since we had the M rating on Fallout due to Violence alone, the drugs (erm, chems), language and sex (which there wasn't a whole lot of in FO1) seemed to also make sense in order to make the world seem different and alive.

Will Fallout 3 use the same SPECIAL (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck) system which the previous games employed?

Without a doubt, yes. The SPECIAL system is extremely popular and highly regarded - to ignore it's use in Fallout 3 would be a monumental mistake (besides, even BIS agree that it is the cornerstone of the Fallout RPG's).

What will Fallout 3 be about?

This, of course, won't be known until the game is officially announced and we have some screenshots to look at. However, good old Feargus expresses his opinions on what Fallout is all about, and I think it'd be fair to say most of this will carry over into Fallout 3.

As for what I think of Fallout - it's vacuum tubes not transistors, Super Mutants, FEV, Dogmeat, MR. Handy, Mini-Guns, Perks, Traits, Special, blowing shit up, dry/dusty look, areas people know of.
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Post by axelgreese »

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Post by Doyle »

What question don't you see, cipher? How about, "Is Fallout 3 in development?"
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Post by Cipher »

Doyle wrote:What question don't you see, cipher? How about, "Is Fallout 3 in development?"
Right. They said it has not been officially anounced. But at least there is serious takl about it. The last time I checked in to see what was going on with the FO scene they were not even mentioning making a FO3 game. At least now they are talking about the possibility.

I hope they do make a FO3 or at least someone else makes a good Apoc RPG.
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Post by Doyle »

No, that document isn't very recent.
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Post by atoga »

Dan wrote:Fallout 3 will probably (hopefully, even) won't be made.
I must say I agree (probably anyway, I doubt BIS could now pull a non BG title off)...
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Post by Cipher »

I may agree that BIS doesn't make it but how can a Fallout fan not want to see a FO3?

I don't care what company makes it as long as it keeps to the traditional fell.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

Cipher wrote:Details on Fallout 3 are fairly scarce... At this early time, it's not really known... I think ... it is still impossible to say...Currently I think ...It would be a reasonable assumption ...We are hoping... left unsure...It's a little doubtful...This, of course, won't be known ...
And so on. This doesn't really say much, especially considering its date( I think that same thing has been up since dac go the new site). These guys are right, it'd most likely be junk. But hey, I could be wrong.
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Post by atoga »

sure I want fo3... but I'm afraid of getting some fallout-tactics type thing instead with the label 'rpg' branded on it. the most likely possibility for a decent f3 is a fan-made mod.
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Next FO3 may come out of Eastern Europe

Post by Maximous »

I think the Russkies have their heads seriously into making some pretty damn good games. I liked Odium, Stalker just to mention a couple have come out of the Eastern Europe. Most games coming from that direction aren't into "twitch" mode (i.e. Republic) but focus more on RPG or Stratagy. I'd love to see a small company over there make FO3.
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Post by atoga »

TeamX's arroyo-klamath demo was quite good... provided they fix the bugs, a final version would be quite fun to play. now if TeamX could just make fallout 3...
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Post by VasikkA »

Cipher wrote:I may agree that BIS doesn't make it but how can a Fallout fan not want to see a FO3?

I don't care what company makes it as long as it keeps to the traditional fell.
Considering what shit BIS has been producing lately, I'm not sure I want a FO3 made by BIS or anyone else that is incompetent making quality CRPGs. We've seen many classic titles getting assfucked into poor console ports or other spin-offs. Interplay and Titus have severe financial problems and could be forced to sell the Fallout license. I hope they would sell it to a good company. Troika/Sierra could be our last hope...
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Post by Cipher »

Now that I think about it that would suck for BIS to make a FO3 since none of the original FO team works for them any more. The best thing would be for Troika to get the title or for Troika to make a good Apoc RPG, a different APOC would have to capture it;s own unique feel though. Oh-well, maybe FO really is dead.
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Post by Killzig »

Well the problem is IPLY doesn't want to work with Troika. Tim Cain has stated several times that he's interested in making Fallout 3, he has several design docs waiting in the wings for it and he's even gone as far as to enquire on the purchasability of the license (see AVault chat) ... I think IPLY has their minds set on pillaging the fallout license with every fiber of their being while the ship sinks. They'll drive FO's value into the ground with this FOBOS and eventually their bank will close them down...

Luckily for us there are games like Phoenix, STALKER, Republic, and ToEE on the horizon that give us alternatives to the fantasy dreck littering the gaming landscape.
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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Post by Flamescreen »

I think the best chance for a good gameplay FO3 is out in the hands of the users, now that the FO2 editors are released. For a commercial FO3 I don't think it's a possibility for at least 3-4 years if ever, as it seems.

Why do you think they released the editors in the first place? They want to change direction for future FO's, much like Mprose did for XCom.
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