n00b Problems

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Vault Scion
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n00b Problems

Post by jerman999 »

I used DatManLight to "un-DAT" the critter file. I select a random file and set the directory to a new folder called "Extracted Files." When I press the extract button, this message pops up:

An error has occurred! I can't extract this DAT to the selected directory!

Any suggestions?
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

You need to "register" zlibtool.ocx. I think datmanlight includes everything you need to register it in a zip which was in the zip...

Extract the .OCX, EXE and BAT from that ZIP and run the BAT...
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Scarf-wearing n00b
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Post by Dims »

Use DatExplorer... it's working without problems :)

Vault Scion
Vault Scion
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Post by jerman999 »

Ok, DatExplorer works pretty well.

Now Red!Viewer isn't working. When I load any image from the critter file, the screen only shows up as the background, no .FRM image.

Am I missing some integral piece of the puzzle?
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

Yeah, you need to extract the pal (data/color.pal in master.dat) file and make sure the app knows where to find it (Rendering -> Load Fallout Palette).

Course Dims'll tell you to use his viewer :P

I suggest saving the option (Configuration -> Settings - Auto-Reload Palette)
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