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Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:40 pm
by VasikkA
MSG wrote:But he's a designer, he knows more about FO than anyone of us. :wink:
Making up stuff isn't actually knowing.
There would be tons of enemies(or threats if you want) in a prequel, Ghouls in early stages, FEV combined critters, dogs, people, early Deathclaws. Wasteland was pretty early after the war, and it had tons of enemies.
Why would ghouls be hostile? The are not zombies, they are people.
Dogs, people, early reptilian(?) deathclaws. Man, that sounds boring. I don't consider a pack of radscorpions as a threat. Where's the cheese? Fallout isn't Fallout without bad ass monsters, like the mutants.

FEV critters. Remember there wouldn't be any weird FEV experiments in a prequel(not before the Master, in Fallout), like the centaurs, floaters, super mutants etc... Unless you want to fight against FEV infected lab rats and racoons. :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 11:09 pm
by Megatron
And where would a prequel be? the towns in fallout1/2 coudlnt really be there as what happens to them is set in stone.

Besides it would be stupid, and they'd probably have 'baby frank horrigan' or some dumb shit.

And killing raiders would be easy. You didnt actually know where the water-chip was and had to go through a lot of shit to get it. Not go through one or two towns fighting some crappy critters and ghouls, and then coem to the khan base.

And what if you were a speech/thief guy? You couldnt really kill them then as your fighting skills would be low.

I think you only do a prequel if a sequel is out of the question. And a prequel here can easily be done.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:32 am
by The Shrike

Code: Select all

The Shrike wrote: 
LA was hit pretty damn hard. Look at the world map. There are cratters all around the city. Did you happen to notice that huge Crater south of the city. That was a huge bomb that detonated, especialy if it was an air burst. 

I was talking about the LA Boneward. 

I'm a canadian, I don't care what your county looks like or what it does, as long as you don't drag us down with you.

I was talking about the world map in the game. There are craters all around the LA boneyard. That is why I think LA was blown to hell.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 1:42 am
by Saint_Proverbius
MSG wrote:Not every single city was a major target, if LA was a major target almost no building would be standing. And even if a few Chinese nukes went off course I think the radiation wouldn't be life threatening in 40 years.
Yeah, that was my point. The BOS didn't have anything in their exodus between Mariposa and Lost Hills. If they'd had a city or something like the Glow between them, they would have encountered radiation.

Saying the BOS didn't find any high level sources of radiation in their Exodus means there was no radiation is erroneous.
I was trying to prove that you couldn't encounter 50 molerats every 2 seconds. I bet most of the animals would still be trying to adapt to the new world, and those who have already adapted would have pretty low population.
I'd be willing to bet most couldn't. Ever noticed there isn't much vegetation in Fallout?
The first threat in FO1 was that the water chip broke.
Ummm.. Try to stay in the context here, we're talking Threat to the World stuff.
There would be tons of enemies(or threats if you want) in a prequel, Ghouls in early stages, FEV combined critters, dogs, people, early Deathclaws. Wasteland was pretty early after the war, and it had tons of enemies.
OH BOY! We could make FO3: The Prequel in to a first person hunting game where you run around shooting mutant animals for trophies!
Alright FOT wasn't the picture perfect version of FO. A sequel wouldn't be either.
But FOT was still a good game.
As opposed to what? It's certainly not better than X-Com or JA2, which is what it was billed as.

Even if you consider it a good game because you've never seen the better squad tactical games, FOT still makes a number of huge mistakes with Fallout's setting and therefore should be totally ignored when it comes to other Fallout projects.
I always assumed that NAR would be over Arroyo, hence New Arroyo Republic, or over Vault 13 because it was already advanced and they could just do as VC and build a town over the Vault.
Oh right, that's why New York is in the same place Yorkshire is, just like New Jersey, New Hampshire, and so on.
If you destroyed VC and SF everywhere else would still be advanced.
Ummm.. No, if the major centers of technology were destroyed, then you wouldn't have advanced tech leaking out. If NCR's senate were bombed, NCR would most likely collapse overnight in a lovely little power struggle.
Yeah but it still shows that a prequel wouldn't have to follow a linear path.
No, it shows you're not thinking.
How many military bases do you know where you can walk up and take things? And if the circuits aren't fried from the EMP it would mean that it was deep enough to protect from a nuclear blast, which would mean that it was designed to be a military style "Vault".
Umm.. EMP doesn't mean much to vacuum tube technology. You can EMP the hell out of an old vacuum tube radio, and it'll still play.

Furthermore, not all military bases would be as well protected as The Glow, which was a high security research base for the military, or Mariposa, which was also a high security facility for research. SAD was also high security research in part.
But he's a designer, he knows more about FO than anyone of us. :wink:
You're on crack if you think that. Ever noticed the amount of corrections he's had to make in the Fallout Bible where people have emailed him about how what he's saying conflicts with information in the game? Or stuff he suggests that just doesn't make any sense?

Here's a fun thread for you:

Just because MCA was working in QA when a bunch of Interplay designers walked out the door doesn't mean he knows more than the rest of us. That's basically how it works, MSG. You're a tester for the company, then a designer quits or is fired, and they promote you to designer.
Don't you think a reactor would melt down in the 160(?) years after WW3?
As opposed to being able to build one from scratch in the wasteland?

As for melting down, check page 5-34 in the Fallout manual. Cold Fusion doesn't China Syndrome.
I gave them to the BOS guy, who probably sent them straight to the BOS elders. Who would probably start making them to find their lost Brothers to the East.
You give them to Matt, and Frank shows up the second you leave. Frank kills Matt.
In a sequel...
Which is what I'm trying to fight...
But yeah it is a good way to kill off VC and SF.
Like I said, the best way to do either is to not set them in California and the other locations where Fallout and Fallout 2 took place.
I liked FOT and I didn't even try multiplayer.
Compared to FO it was a lot better, except it had no RPG elements.
Care to explain to me how Fallout Tactics was better than Fallout?! Seriously, I'd *love* to know!

FOT was nothing more than a bare bones, cookie cutter squad game. It was totally linear, most of the skills didn't matter, a number of the perks didn't work, utterly fucked up the setting, and so on.
I think it's a bigger laugh that you can't read. I was talking about MCA, did MCA work on FOT? Did any of the Devs from FO work on FOT?
MCA didn't even work on Fallout. A-4 in the Fallout manual.

No comment about his involvement on FOT.
And New Reno was alright, It wasn't as bad as NCR, San Francisco, or Vault City.
New Reno is worse than those in a lot of ways. There's whole threads on this and other forums devoted to how screwed up New Reno is as a location in Fallout.
I was talking about the LA Boneward.
The Boneyards were on the outskirts of LA. If you'll look on the world map, you'll notice that everything south of there is a burned out ruin.
I'm a canadian, I don't care what your county looks like or what it does, as long as you don't drag us down with you.
I'd hardly call Canada a step up from the United States.
FEV critters. Remember there wouldn't be any weird FEV experiments in a prequel(not before the Master, in Fallout), like the centaurs, floaters, super mutants etc... Unless you want to fight against FEV infected lab rats and racoons.
Correct, the big, bad FEV critters were made by the Master. The Deathclaw is the only big, bad critter that evolved on it's own.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:48 pm
by MSG
Saint_Proverbius wrote:Yeah, that was my point. The BOS didn't have anything in their exodus between Mariposa and Lost Hills. If they'd had a city or something like the Glow between them, they would have encountered radiation.
My point was that China would be tring to wipe out high-profile targets such as The Glow, Washington or other Military bases.
I'd be willing to bet most couldn't. Ever noticed there isn't much vegetation in Fallout?
That's why they would be trying to adapt to the new enviroment. And if there wasn't enough vegetation to support wild life, then there probably wouldn't be enough to support human life.
Ummm.. Try to stay in the context here, we're talking Threat to the World stuff.
The mutants or Enclave wern't threatning the world, only the US wasteland. You couldn't tell if they wanted to take over the world, you killed them before they could tell you their plans.
OH BOY! We could make FO3: The Prequel in to a first person hunting game where you run around shooting mutant animals for trophies!
OH BOY! We could make FO3: Blade Runner 2. See bottom of post.
As opposed to what? It's certainly not better than X-Com or JA2, which is what it was billed as.
But X-Com or JA2 weren't Post-Apocalyptic.
Even if you consider it a good game because you've never seen the better squad tactical games, FOT still makes a number of huge mistakes with Fallout's setting and therefore should be totally ignored when it comes to other Fallout projects.
I only really noticed the "BOS came from Vaults" mistake in the intro.
Oh right, that's why New York is in the same place Yorkshire is, just like New Jersey, New Hampshire, and so on.
If the colonists(or whom ever) could rip out the land York, Jersey and Hampshire were on and take them to the US they probably would have.
And NAR was probably still on the same map as FO2, Not offically but it is just common sense.
Ummm.. No, if the major centers of technology were destroyed, then you wouldn't have advanced tech leaking out. If NCR's senate were bombed, NCR would most likely collapse overnight in a lovely little power struggle.
If NCR were bombed where would all the 200 cars, various high tech/high powered weapons and other technologies go to?
No, it shows you're not thinking.
At least I'm thinking for my own, and trying to come up with orginal concepts.
Umm.. EMP doesn't mean much to vacuum tube technology. You can EMP the hell out of an old vacuum tube radio, and it'll still play.
How many vacuum tubes does a Plasma rifle or Laser rifle have?
Furthermore, not all military bases would be as well protected as The Glow, which was a high security research base for the military, or Mariposa, which was also a high security facility for research. SAD was also high security research in part.
So The Glow, Mariposa and SAD are the only ones designed to protect their inhabitants from a neclear war, during a Cold-war type of conflict?
How many Nuke proof building did the government build during the cold war?
You're on crack if you think that. Ever noticed the amount of corrections he's had to make in the Fallout Bible where people have emailed him about how what he's saying conflicts with information in the game? Or stuff he suggests that just doesn't make any sense?

Just because MCA was working in QA when a bunch of Interplay designers walked out the door doesn't mean he knows more than the rest of us. That's basically how it works, MSG. You're a tester for the company, then a designer quits or is fired, and they promote you to designer.
See the wink icon? I was trying to be sarcastic. MCA is going on the offical stuff that Tim Cain and others were done before all the designers wrote in little jokes/unoffical story lines. Such as the Union of Atomic Workers that Jake from the Hub belonged to or the Ghoul under the FoAs Base in The Boneyard.
As opposed to being able to build one from scratch in the wasteland?
Yeah, they'll just be able to walk down to their coner store and buy all the parts. Even if they did scrounge up enough parts how many people would remember how to build one? Try remembering how to build a radio for a week, you'll probably forget some of the little details and when making a Nuclear reactor the little details are the difference to either blowing up or lighting NY City.
As for melting down, check page 5-34 in the Fallout manual. Cold Fusion doesn't China Syndrome.
Page 5-34 is the GECK and it only says that the GECK had Cold fusion, not the workings of cold fusion.
I probably missed "China Syndrome" in my "Quantum Mechanics" class, could you explain it?
You give them to Matt, and Frank shows up the second you leave. Frank kills Matt.
Doesn't one of the Matts or MCA say they keep in touch some how?
Like I said, the best way to do either is to not set them in California and the other locations where Fallout and Fallout 2 took place.
So a FO prequel set in Mexico would be better than a FO prequel set on the FO1 map?
Care to explain to me how Fallout Tactics was better than Fallout?! Seriously, I'd *love* to know!
Graphics were better, More Guns (would have been better if they balenced them), more control of your team mates.
All the stuff people were asking for when FO and FO2 came out.
FOT was nothing more than a bare bones, cookie cutter squad game. It was totally linear, most of the skills didn't matter, a number of the perks didn't work, utterly fucked up the setting, and so on.
If they worked more on it or had more time they probably could have balenced out the skills and perks.
The setting was pretty good, like I said it wasn't FO but it was still good.
MCA didn't even work on Fallout. A-4 in the Fallout manual.

No comment about his involvement on FOT.
I stand corrected. But MCA is getting most of his info from those who did work on FO.
New Reno is worse than those in a lot of ways. There's whole threads on this and other forums devoted to how screwed up New Reno is as a location in Fallout.
New Reno is a good example of how towns would still try to kill each other even after they saw what their stupid conflicts would eventually end.
The Boneyards were on the outskirts of LA. If you'll look on the world map, you'll notice that everything south of there is a burned out ruin.
As far as I care LA is just a dot on a map. Vault-Tec head-quarters were in LA and China would try to bring them down first to kill off communications among the Vaults. China probably didn't know how the Vaults worked.
I'd hardly call Canada a step up from the United States.
Are we bombing a defenceless country? Are we sending Anthrax to our improtant figures? Did we come up with XFL? Are we trusting a single man to make the right choice by going to war with Iraq?
FEV critters. Remember there wouldn't be any weird FEV experiments in a prequel(not before the Master, in Fallout), like the centaurs, floaters, super mutants etc... Unless you want to fight against FEV infected lab rats and racoons.
Correct, the big, bad FEV critters were made by the Master. The Deathclaw is the only big, bad critter that evolved on it's own.
Why did the mutants come from Mariposa if they weren't coming from FEV? And FEV created critters don't have to be everywhere, like I said Wasteland had tons of enimies and I don't think Wasteland had FEV.


Tips for making a FO sequel.
PCGamer March 2002 page 93, Rob Smith wrote:For starters, hang on to that black-comedy element that makes this series what it is. Dour gallows humor has kept us cackling through both the previous Fallout RPG, and it's the glue that holds this franchise together.
Second, maybe try to a slight shift away from the Mad Max ambiance and take a risk on a more high-tech, urban, Blade Runner-ish vibe. The first two games are classics, but I think a third desert trek might be going once too often to the well.
I'd be delighted to explore a more devoleped, built-up "dystopic city" theme for this go around. Dazzle us with a slightly more cyberpunk vision of the Fallout world.
Rob Smith wrote:Why not throw in some true Kubrickian weird-ness? Granted, the Fallout series is full of mutants and super-weapons, but it's never delved into the out-and-out astounding. I'm talking about alien revelations, cantact with the monolith, time-folding, Tesla kind of wierdness.
This is a prefect example of how a sequel would work.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:55 pm
by Spazmo
MSG wrote:The mutants or Enclave wern't threatning the world, only the US wasteland. You couldn't tell if they wanted to take over the world, you killed them before they could tell you their plans.
That's just semantics. The point is that a game where the only thing in trouble is your village wouldn't be much fun. You would go and kill the local raider boss and then the credits roll. Also, it lacks the epic save-the-world feeling a good RPG needs to succeed.
But X-Com or JA2 weren't Post-Apocalyptic.
They didn't suck, either. It's all well and nice that FOT was post-apocalyptic, but if they mess up the entire setting...
I only really noticed the "BOS came from Vaults" mistake in the intro.
Let's see... Hairy deathclaws, robots, Vault 0, airships, real-world guns, one-headed cows (or at least two-headed cows that didn't look two headed), lots of working vehicles...
At least I'm thinking for my own, and trying to come up with orginal concepts.
Original concepts are all well and nice, but if they don't work, nobody cares how original they are.
So a FO prequel set in Mexico would be better than a FO prequel set on the FO1 map?
Yes and no. It's good since it reduces the chances of continuity screw-ups, but bad because it just won't be the same. And since you can't really have a prequel and keep the proper Fallout setting, it's just not worth it.
Are we bombing a defenceless country? Are we sending Anthrax to our improtant figures? Did we come up with XFL? Are we trusting a single man to make the right choice by going to war with Iraq?
Could we please not start a Canada vs. US discussion here? I'm Canadian, so I do agree with you, but that's not what we're here for.
This is a prefect example of how a sequel would work.
Maybe that's how the sequel would look if you listen to Rob Smith, who clearly knows fuck all about Fallout and what makes it great. But if put in the hands of talented programmers and designers who make an effort not to screw up continiuity, it would be great.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:28 pm
by MSG
Spazmo wrote:That's just semantics. The point is that a game where the only thing in trouble is your village wouldn't be much fun. You would go and kill the local raider boss and then the credits roll. Also, it lacks the epic save-the-world feeling a good RPG needs to succeed.
No, the Water Chip was the first step into the game. For my example the raiders would attack you village, but they would be hard with SMGs and Assualt Rifles. You could go and try to take them out right away, and probably fail. Or you could go to towns and gain EXP then it would be easier, or if you char had high charisma you could convince a few towns that you village had some important resource and that it would be in their best intrust to help you invade the raiders. Then you would go on to a bigger and tougher enemies, just like the super mutants.
They didn't suck, either. It's all well and nice that FOT was post-apocalyptic, but if they mess up the entire setting...
I think the setting was good, it was just people were expecting a "Return of the Jedi" and got a "Phantom Menace" so they got pissed and completly didn't notice.
Let's see... Hairy deathclaws, robots, Vault 0, airships, real-world guns, one-headed cows (or at least two-headed cows that didn't look two headed), lots of working vehicles...
We only saw the West side, we don't know how the East side would react to the War. Maybe the East side had higher technology and stock piled weapons more. And maybe it's colder on the East side and the Deathclaws required hair to stay warm. According to MCA their were 122 Vaults and we only saw 5 vaults in the original FOs so we don't know how many there were or what thier numbers were. And the Bhramin had two heads, check out some of the concept work.
Original concepts are all well and nice, but if they don't work, nobody cares how original they are.
I'm trying to show that they would work if people put a little brain power into it.

Yes and no. It's good since it reduces the chances of continuity screw-ups, but bad because it just won't be the same. And since you can't really have a prequel and keep the proper Fallout setting, it's just not worth it.
But if you had a sequel it would go into the over used realm of sci-fi, but a prequel would have more of a it's-the-end-of-civilazation and everybody-for-himself feeling.
Could we please not start a Canada vs. US discussion here? I'm Canadian, so I do agree with you, but that's not what we're here for.
Yeah, but I'd still call Canada a step up from the US for those reasons and more.
Maybe that's how the sequel would look if you listen to Rob Smith, who clearly knows fuck all about Fallout and what makes it great. But if put in the hands of talented programmers and designers who make an effort not to screw up continiuity, it would be great.
Exactly if you put it in the hands of talented programmers and designers who make an effort not to screw up the continiuity, a prequel could work.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:50 pm
by VasikkA
Spazmo wrote:Let's see... Hairy deathclaws, robots, Vault 0, airships, real-world guns, one-headed cows (or at least two-headed cows that didn't look two headed), lots of working vehicles...
And how the BOS was presented as in the game, may I add.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:28 pm
by Megatron
MSG wrote: I think the setting was good, it was just people were expecting a "Return of the Jedi" and got a "Phantom Menace" so they got pissed and completly didn't notice.
I'd say we were expecting a decent game set in the fallout universe and got a butchered jagged alliance set in a post-apoc world.

I'm trying to show that they would work if people put a little brain power into it.
Same goes for a sequel?

But if you had a sequel it would go into the over used realm of sci-fi, but a prequel would have more of a it's-the-end-of-civilazation and everybody-for-himself feeling.
and you want towns to help your village?

and a it's-the-end-of-civilazation and everybody-for-himself feeling also is into the realm of over-used sci-fi

A prequel wouldnt be bad if done correctly. But they'd probably screw it up so go for a sequel.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:37 pm
by The Shrike
Graphics were better, More Guns (would have been better if they balenced them), more control of your team mates.
All the stuff people were asking for when FO and FO2 came out.

Graphics did look better but some of the tiles did not fit the setting. Alot of them were not 50's retro future. More guns! Now I can tell you are on somthing. Eiether that or you have no idea what the Fallout universe is about. Real world weapons do NOT Belong in Fallout. Fallout is not our world. It takes place in an alternate universe. All the decades as we Know them after the 50's were not the same as ours. weapons made in the 90's have no place in fallout. That would eliminate most of the weapons in Tactics. Fallout 2 also made a mistake with real world weapons. Basicaly none of the origional slug throwing weapons from Fallout were in Tactics. For example the Fallout SMG (MP-9 if you want to get technical.) they replaced it with the MP-5 in Tactics. And if you know your guns as well as you know Fallout the former is not a real world weapon, while the latter is a real world weapon. what one do you think belongs in Fallout.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:46 am
by Saint_Proverbius
MSG wrote:My point was that China would be tring to wipe out high-profile targets such as The Glow, Washington or other Military bases.
Funny, judging by the intro to Fallout, they pretty much nuked everything.
That's why they would be trying to adapt to the new enviroment. And if there wasn't enough vegetation to support wild life, then there probably wouldn't be enough to support human life.
Humans are a bit more resilient than your average antelope. Humans can grow crops, antelopes have to deal with what nature provides. If nature doesn't provide for the antelopes, they just die out.
The mutants or Enclave wern't threatning the world, only the US wasteland. You couldn't tell if they wanted to take over the world, you killed them before they could tell you their plans.
Funny, I think the Master's whole, "Dip all humans" policy was pretty much an "End of Humanity" deal. I don't think they would have stopped at the U.S. Mexican or U.S. Canadian border, just because that border was set up by some long dead politicians, do you? "Oh, you're in Canada! I guess we can't dip you!"

Also, given that the Enclave's plan involved a toxic gas that spread world wide.. Well.. That seems kind of "End of the World"ish to me.

OH BOY! We could make FO3: Blade Runner 2. See bottom of post.
What you're suggesting is just as bad as Rob Smith.
But X-Com or JA2 weren't Post-Apocalyptic.
And? They were good games. Vastly superior to FOT in every gameplay way.
I only really noticed the "BOS came from Vaults" mistake in the intro.
Wow.. Okay! Let's do the six most obvious!

1.) BOS in FOT has rocket powered blimps, complete with fighter plane escorts. In FO2, Matt says the BOS never had flight capability.

2.) FOT had gas powered cars. Furthermore, these cars didn't even fit the Fallout 1950s style. In Fallout 2, it's stated that the only source of petroleum left on the planet was the Enclave's oil rig. In Fallout, there's a lovely encounter stating why there are no working cars.

3.) Mission 12, Mutant base is a petroleum refinery/depot that still has gas canisters around it. Again, Fallout 2 says there's no oil other than that rig.

4.) Vault 0, pretty big concept that was never mentioned in Fallout or Fallout 2. Kind of odd, wasn't it? All the vault computers you check for vault locations, and there's nothing about them being on a networked hub.

5.) T-51b and Combat Armors were the two armor types of the Brotherhood, seen in Fallout and Fallout 2. Where the hell were they in Fallout Tactics? Also, why could a splinter faction of the BOS make new Power Armor when the old, united BOS never could?

6.) How about the talking deathclaws? Those were created by the Enclave scientists several decades AFTER Fallout Tactics took place. WHOOPS!
If the colonists(or whom ever) could rip out the land York, Jersey and Hampshire were on and take them to the US they probably would have.
And NAR was probably still on the same map as FO2, Not offically but it is just common sense.
If they went back and used the GECK on Arroyo, why call it "New Arroyo", it's the same spot.
If NCR were bombed where would all the 200 cars, various high tech/high powered weapons and other technologies go to?
There are no 200 cars. Please, show me where the evidence is in Fallout 2 that they have cars.
At least I'm thinking for my own, and trying to come up with orginal concepts.
Having a prequel set where Fallout and Fallout 2 were set where you meet all the early characters from Fallout is not original. You'd have the same towns on the same map with the same people, only younger. That's a far cry from anything remotely original.
How many vacuum tubes does a Plasma rifle or Laser rifle have?
As many as it takes. Don't tell me you've never noticed the whole vacuum tube theme to Fallout's technology.

EMP affects closed circuits with micro-electronics. That's it. You could EMP the hell out of a modern electronic device, as long as there's no closed circuit loops for that EMP to induce a current in, it'll be fine.
So The Glow, Mariposa and SAD are the only ones designed to protect their inhabitants from a neclear war, during a Cold-war type of conflict?
How many Nuke proof building did the government build during the cold war?
WTF? You were talking about internal base security - robots, turrets, etc. Not nuke proofing. Please try to stay on your own subject, thanks.
See the wink icon? I was trying to be sarcastic. MCA is going on the offical stuff that Tim Cain and others were done before all the designers wrote in little jokes/unoffical story lines. Such as the Union of Atomic Workers that Jake from the Hub belonged to or the Ghoul under the FoAs Base in The Boneyard.
MCA is also changing that stuff. Tim Cain and crew said that radiation caused the majority of mutations. MCA didn't like that, so he got on his "FEV Explains it all" kick.
Page 5-34 is the GECK and it only says that the GECK had Cold fusion, not the workings of cold fusion.
I probably missed "China Syndrome" in my "Quantum Mechanics" class, could you explain it?
If they had miniture cold fusion, I'd say they'd have larger models to power towns like NCR.

Cold fusion is fusion that runs at close to room temperature. China Syndrome is where a nuclear plant's superheated core breaks containment and starts burning it's way in to the ground. The reason it's called "China Syndrome" is because it's so hot, it's "burning it's way to China". Basically, a joke about a bad situation.
So a FO prequel set in Mexico would be better than a FO prequel set on the FO1 map?
Or Northern Oregon/Washington and the surrounding area, or anywhere else in the United States.
Graphics were better, More Guns (would have been better if they balenced them), more control of your team mates.
All the stuff people were asking for when FO and FO2 came out.
I don't remember the people screaming for shitty, linear combat, useless skills, perks that didn't work, and so on. I must have missed all that.

As for the more guns thing, the guns in FOT sucked ass. Less guns that fit the setting beats more guns that don't.
I stand corrected. But MCA is getting most of his info from those who did work on FO.
Which he is ignoring, BTW.
New Reno is a good example of how towns would still try to kill each other even after they saw what their stupid conflicts would eventually end.
Those conflicts would have never started. There's no law in New Reno keeping gang wars in check.
Are we bombing a defenceless country? Are we sending Anthrax to our improtant figures? Did we come up with XFL? Are we trusting a single man to make the right choice by going to war with Iraq?
Do you even have a military? No, you're sitting back on your asses because you know that if anyone ever attacked you, that the U.S. would be there to stop them.

I wouldn't do too much bragging about that Canadian Football league over the XFL, considering it's owned by the NFL.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 11:27 am
by MSG
Saint_Proverbius wrote:Funny, judging by the intro to Fallout, they pretty much nuked everything.
If they nuked everything no pre-war buildings would be standing. Remember those old videos of the government testing nukes on houses and other buildings? Those buildings were completely destroyed.
Humans are a bit more resilient than your average antelope. Humans can grow crops, antelopes have to deal with what nature provides. If nature doesn't provide for the antelopes, they just die out.
Rats, roaches and a lot of other animals could survive, ever see one of those documentries about after the death of the dinosaurs? A lot of new animals survived and thrived, because they were scavenagers who ate anything and everything they could. Of course they eventually died out but they were around for a long time.
Funny, I think the Master's whole, "Dip all humans" policy was pretty much an "End of Humanity" deal. I don't think they would have stopped at the U.S. Mexican or U.S. Canadian border, just because that border was set up by some long dead politicians, do you? "Oh, you're in Canada! I guess we can't dip you!"
Well, we'll never know because we killed him before he had a chance to go across any boarders. And how would he get across the oceans?
Also, given that the Enclave's plan involved a toxic gas that spread world wide.. Well.. That seems kind of "End of the World"ish to me.

I didn't remember that. I stand corrected.
What you're suggesting is just as bad as Rob Smith.
A prequel just as bad as a Blade Runner-ish FO?
And? They were good games. Vastly superior to FOT in every gameplay way.
I can't say, I've never played JA2 or X-Com, so for me FOT is the best squad-based tacitical combat game I've ever played.
Wow.. Okay! Let's do the six most obvious!

1.) BOS in FOT has rocket powered blimps, complete with fighter plane escorts. In FO2, Matt says the BOS never had flight capability.
If they had rocket powered blimbs why didn't they just fly back to the west? Maybe the BOS in FO wanted to get rid of them and sent them out on faulty blimps to kill them off, and the storm showed up just at the right moment. I didn't see any fighter planes.
2.) FOT had gas powered cars. Furthermore, these cars didn't even fit the Fallout 1950s style. In Fallout 2, it's stated that the only source of petroleum left on the planet was the Enclave's oil rig. In Fallout, there's a lovely encounter stating why there are no working cars.

3.) Mission 12, Mutant base is a petroleum refinery/depot that still has gas canisters around it. Again, Fallout 2 says there's no oil other than that rig.
Where did it say the car were gas powered?
I can't remember if FO2 said the oil rig was the only place with gas. Do you have any documentation?
4.) Vault 0, pretty big concept that was never mentioned in Fallout or Fallout 2. Kind of odd, wasn't it? All the vault computers you check for vault locations, and there's nothing about them being on a networked hub.
If they weren't on a network hub then how did the reaserchers keep informed on the "tests"?
5.) T-51b and Combat Armors were the two armor types of the Brotherhood, seen in Fallout and Fallout 2. Where the hell were they in Fallout Tactics? Also, why could a splinter faction of the BOS make new Power Armor when the old, united BOS never could?
Didn't Matt wear a metal armour also? And you didn't see any of th PA in the intro, so maybe they had to build them from scrach and made improvements along the way.
6.) How about the talking deathclaws? Those were created by the Enclave scientists several decades AFTER Fallout Tactics took place. WHOOPS!
How do you know if the Deathclaws on the East side didn't evolve to speak. And somewhere in FO2 doesn't someone say the Deathclaws spoke the sameway as parrots, by mimicking speach? And the Deathclaws in FOT sound more like how a snake would talk.
If they went back and used the GECK on Arroyo, why call it "New Arroyo", it's the same spot.
Why call it the New California Republic? Beacuse it's new. If it was the same old Republic they would call it the Californian Republic.
Just like if they improved Arroyo it would be new and improved.
There are no 200 cars. Please, show me where the evidence is in Fallout 2 that they have cars.
If there wern't cars then why was there a garage? or the guy who upgrade your engine? And where would all the other technology go?
Having a prequel set where Fallout and Fallout 2 were set where you meet all the early characters from Fallout is not original. You'd have the same towns on the same map with the same people, only younger. That's a far cry from anything remotely original.
You wouldn't meet all the same old people, you would meet their ancestors. And towns wouldn't be the exact same, everything would be less developed. The wall around Junktown wouldn't be up, and Shady Sands would have Tents instead of stone huts.
EMP affects closed circuits with micro-electronics. That's it. You could EMP the hell out of a modern electronic device, as long as there's no closed circuit loops for that EMP to induce a current in, it'll be fine.

WTF? You were talking about internal base security - robots, turrets, etc. Not nuke proofing. Please try to stay on your own subject, thanks.
I was also talking about the bases being deep under ground to protect from a neclear blast, and I thought you were replying to that.

And geez man, why are you getting so pissed off? I'm posting these with the most harmless intentions. Unless you start posting stuff like "FO3: the prequel, a FPS hunting game" then I get annoyed and cock off just for that post and try not to hold that against you for other posts.
MCA is also changing that stuff. Tim Cain and crew said that radiation caused the majority of mutations. MCA didn't like that, so he got on his "FEV Explains it all" kick.
Well if radiation kills things, then he would have to find something to explains why everything is alive. And since FEV protects living things from radiation it would seem like the most obvious choice.
If they had miniture cold fusion, I'd say they'd have larger models to power towns like NCR.
"Fusion was easy to do at a small scale, but didnt scale up well
So it was discovered early but petrol and plutonium was still needed
Fusion did not displace them"
Cold fusion is fusion that runs at close to room temperature. China Syndrome is where a nuclear plant's superheated core breaks containment and starts burning it's way in to the ground. The reason it's called "China Syndrome" is because it's so hot, it's "burning it's way to China". Basically, a joke about a bad situation.
oh....Well, that a pretty good explanation why Cold fusion wouldn't "China Syndrome".
Or Northern Oregon/Washington and the surrounding area, or anywhere else in the United States.
So which would you prefer a Prequel that doesn't take place on any FO maps or a sequel?
I don't remember the people screaming for shitty, linear combat, useless skills, perks that didn't work, and so on. I must have missed all that.

As for the more guns thing, the guns in FOT sucked ass. Less guns that fit the setting beats more guns that don't.
They just gave people what they asked for, look aroud this fourm for a while and you'll see requests for things just as dumb.
Which he is ignoring, BTW.
30 people have different opinons about everything so 30 different devolpers would have 30 different opionons about what happened before, during and after the game.
And most of the stuff that's in the game contradicts what isn't.
Those conflicts would have never started. There's no law in New Reno keeping gang wars in check.
They're fighting each other, isn't that a conflict?
Do you even have a military? No, you're sitting back on your asses because you know that if anyone ever attacked you, that the U.S. would be there to stop them.
Yeah, we have a military. And we're up there fighting in afgnaistan with your military, go here.
I wouldn't do too much bragging about that Canadian Football league over the XFL, considering it's owned by the NFL.
Doesn't the N in NFL mean National? If they owned the Canadian Football leauge shouldn't it be International Football Leauge or IFL? And I wasn't saying Canadian Footlball is better, I was saying that you came up with the XFL and we didn't.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:54 pm
by Megatron
They just gave people what they asked for, look aroud this fourm for a while and you'll see requests for things just as dumb.

Yeah most of the requests are dumb. These are from people who think a shooter wouldn't be bad and like playing baldurs gate.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 1:46 am
by Saint_Proverbius
MSG wrote:If they nuked everything no pre-war buildings would be standing. Remember those old videos of the government testing nukes on houses and other buildings? Those buildings were completely destroyed.
Those buildings in those videos were also close to the blast. Those nukes we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki left quite a few buildings standing.

It's things like this that make me wonder if you're just talking to hear yourself talk.
Rats, roaches and a lot of other animals could survive, ever see one of those documentries about after the death of the dinosaurs? A lot of new animals survived and thrived, because they were scavenagers who ate anything and everything they could. Of course they eventually died out but they were around for a long time.
First of all, we're not sure what killed them. There's good theories, but no proof.

Secondly, Rats and roaches are fairly specialized for survival. Most animals live in their ideal environments and can't survive outside them. Take a herd of buffalo and drop them in the desert. See how long they last.

The Great War had a huge impact on the envirnment. Such an environmental shift will wipe out most of the animals not suited to the new conditions, and since there's very little vegetation, it's safe to say that a lot of those species were plant eaters.
Well, we'll never know because we killed him before he had a chance to go across any boarders. And how would he get across the oceans?
Now you're just being stupid.
If they had rocket powered blimbs why didn't they just fly back to the west? Maybe the BOS in FO wanted to get rid of them and sent them out on faulty blimps to kill them off, and the storm showed up just at the right moment. I didn't see any fighter planes.
No, they sent them after the Master's Army to keep them quiet.
How do you know if the Deathclaws on the East side didn't evolve to speak. And somewhere in FO2 doesn't someone say the Deathclaws spoke the sameway as parrots, by mimicking speach? And the Deathclaws in FOT sound more like how a snake would talk.
Again, now you're just being stupid.
If there wern't cars then why was there a garage? or the guy who upgrade your engine? And where would all the other technology go?
Garage: Considering NCR was a big trade town, a garage would be a damned fine place to fix caravan carts - or even make them.

Mechanic: Kind of odd NCR would keep their mechanics outside of town and make them live as hermits if they had cars.

You wouldn't meet all the same old people, you would meet their ancestors. And towns wouldn't be the exact same, everything would be less developed. The wall around Junktown wouldn't be up, and Shady Sands would have Tents instead of stone huts.
JESUS! Do you know ANYTHING about Fallout?! I mean, SERIOUSLY. Half the things you say are totally ass backwards, like the statement above. Shady Sands was never tents, Shady Sands was a product of the use of a GECK.
And geez man, why are you getting so pissed off? I'm posting these with the most harmless intentions. Unless you start posting stuff like "FO3: the prequel, a FPS hunting game" then I get annoyed and cock off just for that post and try not to hold that against you for other posts.
Because you're consistantly arguing even though you have no idea what you're talking about. That annoys most people.
Well if radiation kills things, then he would have to find something to explains why everything is alive. And since FEV protects living things from radiation it would seem like the most obvious choice.
I recommend you rent some 1950s Sci-Fi movies involving radiation and what it does to animals. I recommend Them! since it's a hallmark of the genre.
"Fusion was easy to do at a small scale, but didnt scale up well
So it was discovered early but petrol and plutonium was still needed
Fusion did not displace them"
If you'll notice, most of the generators in Fallout would fit in your average bedroom closet. That's not exactly large. NCR only has 3000 people, it wouldn't take much to meet their power needs. NCR isn't exactly present day New York or Los Angeles, which would require much, much larger power plants rather than the typical vault generator.

Vaults didn't run on fission or petroleum generators. There's no way they would last for 160 years without steady fuel sources coming in and waste being removed.
So which would you prefer a Prequel that doesn't take place on any FO maps or a sequel?
I've said that a few times in this thread.
They just gave people what they asked for, look aroud this fourm for a while and you'll see requests for things just as dumb.
*cough*like this thread*cough*

You know, there's a reason Fallout 2 wasn't as good as Fallout was, and that's because they slapped in a lot of stupid ideas from the old Fallout forum at Interplay.

"Oh, there's a reference to War Games in Fallout! That was cool!" resulting in Fallout 2 having well over 250 pop culture references is a prime example.

The inclusion of real world weapons in Fallout 2, even though those weapons were better than the Pre-Great War weapons, was another stupid idea that came from the Fallout feedback forum.

BIS needs to learn that just because some moron types up a post about something doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Yeah, we have a military. And we're up there fighting in afgnaistan with your military, go here.
Yeah, thanks for those 30 guys! They're a huge help! :rolls:
Doesn't the N in NFL mean National? If they owned the Canadian Football leauge shouldn't it be International Football Leauge or IFL? And I wasn't saying Canadian Footlball is better, I was saying that you came up with the XFL and we didn't.
Canadian Football League is now NFLCanada, just like the World League of American Football is now NFLEurope.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 1:54 am
by Spazmo
A side note about the Canadian military: It's awful hard to help you out when dumbass American pilots drop bombs on Canadian soldiers. I hope that guy got the chair...

And please let the Canada vs. US issue drop. It's a pointless debate that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:41 am
by Rosh
How do you know if the Deathclaws on the East side didn't evolve to speak. And somewhere in FO2 doesn't someone say the Deathclaws spoke the sameway as parrots, by mimicking speach? And the Deathclaws in FOT sound more like how a snake would talk.
Again, now you're just being stupid.
Agreed in full, like a lot of things. I'd suggest MSG actually play Fallout and Fallout 2 sometime. The psonics or whatever shit of the Beastlords was a laugh, and I think most are trying to forget that. The ones in Fallout 2 were by experiments from the Enclave.

So, if the Beastlords are being a bit ignored, then how the hell do you get talking DeathClaws to the East? That's a far distance, of hundreds to thousands of miles, for them to migrate.


If Fallout didn't have talking DeathClaws, or any that were beyond the point of savage predators, where do you think a PREQUEL would have them? It took the Enclave a while to make the DeathClaws capable of speech, then it's going to take a good amount of time for someone else. Even within 160 years of post-apocalyptic anarchy, you're going to be more concerned with self-survival than making DeathClaws talk. DeathClaws mimicking speech is also an impossibility. I'll let you try to figure out why. Don't hurt yourself.

On another note, do you even have a clue how the DeathClaws were created?

Thank you for playing. In fact, I don't know why I replied since whatever you'll respond with will just make yourself look even more stupid as you've done with most posts in this thread. Consider this an offer of more rope to hang yourself with. :lol:

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:39 pm
by MSG
Saint_Proverbius wrote:Those buildings in those videos were also close to the blast. Those nukes we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki left quite a few buildings standing.

It's things like this that make me wonder if you're just talking to hear yourself talk.
And you keep going on about how China nuked everything, so all buildings would have to be close to a blast. And you only dropped one nuke per Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not unloaded your whole nuclear arsenal.
First of all, we're not sure what killed them. There's good theories, but no proof.
Finally, we agree on something.
Secondly, Rats and roaches are fairly specialized for survival. Most animals live in their ideal environments and can't survive outside them. Take a herd of buffalo and drop them in the desert. See how long they last.
And a buch of animals that already live in the desert would do just fine. They would probably live longer than man in the desert.
The Great War had a huge impact on the envirnment. Such an environmental shift will wipe out most of the animals not suited to the new conditions, and since there's very little vegetation, it's safe to say that a lot of those species were plant eaters.
Yeah, but their are millions if not trillions of species of animals, not all of them only eat plants. There are lots of scavenagers in Australia with a few desert regions I might add.
Now you're just being stupid.
Did he say "I'm going to send my mutant across the ocean"? No, he didn't so he might have stayed right here.
No, they sent them after the Master's Army to keep them quiet.
You're positive? You know the exact reasons for sending them? You know exactly what the Elders reasons were?
Again, now you're just being stupid.
Why? You don't know how living east of the mountains would affect Deathclaws.
Garage: Considering NCR was a big trade town, a garage would be a damned fine place to fix caravan carts - or even make them.
Why would they need carts if they had Cars? :roll:
Mechanic: Kind of odd NCR would keep their mechanics outside of town and make them live as hermits if they had cars.
Dorthy was a mechanic and she lived inside the town, maybe they didn't need him if they had Dorthy. And wasn't he a little crazy?
You still haven't told me where all the NCR tech would go if NCR were bombed.
JESUS! Do you know ANYTHING about Fallout?! I mean, SERIOUSLY. Half the things you say are totally ass backwards, like the statement above. Shady Sands was never tents, Shady Sands was a product of the use of a GECK.
MCA said they used a GECK, and you keep saying that MCA doesn't know anything about FO.
Because you're consistantly arguing even though you have no idea what you're talking about. That annoys most people.
I know exactly what I'm trying to say but I keep messing it up while typing, if you and I could meet face-to-face I bet I could convinve you that a prequel would be better than a sequel.
I recommend you rent some 1950s Sci-Fi movies involving radiation and what it does to animals. I recommend Them! since it's a hallmark of the genre.
In the 50' they though radiation made things mutate, now we know better.
If you'll notice, most of the generators in Fallout would fit in your average bedroom closet. That's not exactly large. NCR only has 3000 people, it wouldn't take much to meet their power needs. NCR isn't exactly present day New York or Los Angeles, which would require much, much larger power plants rather than the typical vault generator.
The generators in FO aren't Cold-Fusion power plants. That's what we were talking about, Cold Fusion.
Vaults didn't run on fission or petroleum generators. There's no way they would last for 160 years without steady fuel sources coming in and waste being removed.
The Vaults secondary power supply is Nuclear power.
I've said that a few times in this thread.
No, you've said why a prequel set on the FO map wouldn't be good compaired to a sequel.
*cough*like this thread*cough*
If this thread sucks so much why do you keep replying to it?
You know, there's a reason Fallout 2 wasn't as good as Fallout was, and that's because they slapped in a lot of stupid ideas from the old Fallout forum at Interplay.

"Oh, there's a reference to War Games in Fallout! That was cool!" resulting in Fallout 2 having well over 250 pop culture references is a prime example.
That's because FO2 was rushed out, and the devs ran out of ideas. If they planned it out longer it would have been better. Same with a prequel, if they plan it out it would be great. A sequel would be too much like Blade Runner or Judge Dread.
The inclusion of real world weapons in Fallout 2, even though those weapons were better than the Pre-Great War weapons, was another stupid idea that came from the Fallout feedback forum.
And the Devs put them in, says something about them doesn't it?
BIS needs to learn that just because some moron types up a post about something doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Yes, but I'm not a moron nor is the idea of a prequel bad.
Yeah, thanks for those 30 guys! They're a huge help! :rolls:
Well, after our ALLIES BOMBED US we sort of got sick of your ego war.
Canadian Football League is now NFLCanada, just like the World League of American Football is now NFLEurope.
Why isn't there an NFLUnitedStates? Because NFL means it's Americas Football Leauge.

If Fallout didn't have talking DeathClaws, or any that were beyond the point of savage predators, where do you think a PREQUEL would have them? It took the Enclave a while to make the DeathClaws capable of speech, then it's going to take a good amount of time for someone else. Even within 160 years of post-apocalyptic anarchy, you're going to be more concerned with self-survival than making DeathClaws talk. DeathClaws mimicking speech is also an impossibility. I'll let you try to figure out why. Don't hurt yourself.
I never said anything about talking Deathclaws in a prequel, Saint_Prov said FOT messed up the FO universe with talking Deathclaws, because FOT happened before FO2.

Maybe Deathclaws can't talk is because this is a fictional game[/u].
Or are you trying to point out that Deathclaws don't have vocal cords?

I don't know why I replied since whatever you'll respond with will just make yourself look even more stupid as you've done with most posts in this thread.

Almost everything that I have been corrected on I have either posted apologies or reasons that my ways could work.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 7:28 pm
by Megatron
MSG wrote: And you keep going on about how China nuked everything, so all buildings would have to be close to a blast. And you only dropped one nuke per Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not unloaded your whole nuclear arsenal.
They didn't need to nuke every square inch. And some buildings still stand, I remember watching this documentary and just loads of dust blew off the building, while everyone else was wiped out.

And a buch of animals that already live in the desert would do just fine. They would probably live longer than man in the desert.
Eh? Animals in the wastes are actually suited to the enviroment, in case you didn't notice. Insects and lizards in the plains, rats and scorpions near caves.
Yeah, but their are millions if not trillions of species of animals, not all of them only eat plants. There are lots of scavenagers in Australia with a few desert regions I might add.
O-K. Animals eat plants, and animals eat the herbivores. Also animals eat people to.
Why? You don't know how living east of the mountains would affect Deathclaws.
Why would it be colder?
Why would they need carts if they had Cars? :roll:
Because they don't have 200 cars? And carts carry more. They use brahmin to carry them, as they don't need micro-fusion cells to power.
Dorthy was a mechanic and she lived inside the town, maybe they didn't need him if they had Dorthy. And wasn't he a little crazy?
Dorothy fixed machinery and stuff, the hermit was probably obsessed with cars and probably chose to live there.
You still haven't told me where all the NCR tech would go if NCR were bombed.
It would be destroyed.
MCA said they used a GECK, and you keep saying that MCA doesn't know anything about FO.
Stop being so nit-picky. A fallout fan knows at least a few facts about fallout.
I know exactly what I'm trying to say but I keep messing it up while typing, if you and I could meet face-to-face I bet I could convinve you that a prequel would be better than a sequel.
In the 50' they though radiation made things mutate, now we know better.
For fucks sake...

The Vaults secondary power supply is Nuclear power.
It is?
No, you've said why a prequel set on the FO map wouldn't be good compaired to a sequel.
If this thread sucks so much why do you keep replying to it?
Because you keep replying trying to convince us that you're stupid prequel idea full of holes would be better than a sequel.
That's because FO2 was rushed out, and the devs ran out of ideas. If they planned it out longer it would have been better. Same with a prequel, if they plan it out it would be great.
The devs listen to the fans, it's called feedback. The developers are a bit stupid.

If someone said 'Oh yeah a fallout rpg set 200 years before fallout and was a fps that would be really cool' and a bunch of bg kiddies agreed they'd probably do it.
A sequel would be too much like Blade Runner or Judge Dread.
We've already suggested about 20 or so solutions to this.
And the Devs put them in, says something about them doesn't it?
They're idiots?
Yes, but I'm not a moron nor is the idea of a prequel bad.
In your opinion...


Maybe Deathclaws can't talk is because this is a fictional game[/u].

What's the point in making a universe with rules if you're just going to break them and screw it up.

Or are you trying to point out that Deathclaws don't have vocal cords?

Lizards have vocal chords?

The ones in FO2 weren't normal DCs. They had FEV on them or something.

Why do you keep replying? You haven't actually suggested a feasible plot yet, except just arguing why a sequel would be like blade runner and a prequel would be really good.

We've suggested why Fallout 3 won't be judge dredd by destrying ncr in some way, but you seem to think that technology will still be their and then go back to talking about a prequel and how you preferred FO:t to fallout. I'm guessing you played fot before fallout, yet you keep saying you want to keep the post-apocalyptic feeling. If your ideas of post-apocalyptic are fo:t perhaps you should play another game...

I liked the idea of travelling in a rad suit up to vault 13, the problem is they wouldnt open the vault. They wouldnt even let the vault dweller back in, I doubt they'd let someone who is wearing a suit with enough radiation to probably melt everyone in a 20 foot radius.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 9:21 pm
by Rosh
MSG wrote: Dorthy was a mechanic and she lived inside the town, maybe they didn't need him if they had Dorthy. And wasn't he a little crazy?
Yet if they had that many cars, or even carts, they would certainly need more than a couple of people to make sure all the vehicles (of one sort or another) were in working order. The guy seemed a bit of a simpleton with a bit of a knack for mechanics, but nothing to really keep them outside. For the ridiculous number claimed, there would have been a need for as many as they could get.
MCA said they used a GECK, and you keep saying that MCA doesn't know anything about FO.
Oh, so they get one point right, they have it all right. That's a fairly idiotic slippery slope argument there, Sparky. It's also a straw man and mouth-stuffing. You might want to look and see how Prov said that MCA has disregarded a good number of things. He did not, hoever, said that MCA "doesn't know anything". You might also want to note how Prov said MCA was changing things, in how it's been set forth before in both old posts by Cain himself and others, and it's being actively changed to suit MCA's needs. It's known, but then changed.

Try again, but without such bullshit methods next time.
I know exactly what I'm trying to say but I keep messing it up while typing, if you and I could meet face-to-face I bet I could convinve you that a prequel would be better than a sequel.
Considering you have all the time you need to take and formulate a reply, I'd suggest the problem lies not with your typing ability but rather between your ears.
I recommend you rent some 1950s Sci-Fi movies involving radiation and what it does to animals. I recommend Them! since it's a hallmark of the genre.
In the 50' they though radiation made things mutate, now we know better.
Well, Fallout isn't about NOW, is it?

MORON. Get a clue about the setting or hang up the web browser, please.
I've said that a few times in this thread.
No, you've said why a prequel set on the FO map wouldn't be good compaired to a sequel.
I think his answer did fit your question of:

"So which would you prefer a Prequel that doesn't take place on any FO maps or a sequel?"

...and you even agreed with what he replied with and then disagreed tha he didn't answer.

Seriously, do you forget what you post after you post your cerebral ejaculate? Or is it like a browser cookie and you dump it out of your head in favor of whatever vapid form of entertainment that currently has your attention?

Here's a hint: The posts are still up there for you to read.
*cough*like this thread*cough*
If this thread sucks so much why do you keep replying to it?
Because people need to keep the idiocy debunked. The good thing is that you keep defeating yourself numerous times.

That's because FO2 was rushed out, and the devs ran out of ideas. If they planned it out longer it would have been better. Same with a prequel, if they plan it out it would be great. A sequel would be too much like Blade Runner or Judge Dread.
Get a clue again. They filled it with too much extra bullshit, easter eggs, and did a hatchet job because I believe that most didn't have a clue about the setting or Fallout to begin with.
The inclusion of real world weapons in Fallout 2, even though those weapons were better than the Pre-Great War weapons, was another stupid idea that came from the Fallout feedback forum.
And the Devs put them in, says something about them doesn't it?
Yes, they put it in to appeal to people while urinating upon the setting.
BIS needs to learn that just because some moron types up a post about something doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Yes, but I'm not a moron nor is the idea of a prequel bad.
Oh, the IRONY. :roll:
I never said anything about talking Deathclaws in a prequel, Saint_Prov said FOT messed up the FO universe with talking Deathclaws, because FOT happened before FO2.
And even so, you think there's going to be talking DeathClaws "evolved" to that point in the east? Sure, let's stretch believability even moreso, as if FOT didn't stretch the limits of plausable fiction enough. Just in case you didn't have a clue about how they would be able to get speech, someone would have to give it to them. There would be no possible way that a predator type could mimic speech, because they wouldn't be in a close proximity to pick up it on their own.
Maybe Deathclaws can't talk is because this is a fictional game.
Nice contradition there, or it's nice seeing you try to work things out. If you mean that they can talk because this is fiction, you might want to think about plausibility in fiction, and also not revamping the setting to suit the needs of the moment with inconsistancies and contradictions.
Or are you trying to point out that Deathclaws don't have vocal cords?
Most of Mammalia possess vocal chords. Most use them, of course. Capability of complex speech is a higher learning process and can't be picked up, much less by those who were at a predatorial beast state normally in Fo2 and had to be engineered for speech like in Fo2. You know, the critters that are always hostile to you, save for a notable few that were wiped out? No, we'll disregard the nose candy of FOT and the SheepClaws.

Then again, DeathClaws are descended from lizards, which is why the idea of them possessing hair is preposterous (not to mention a blatant contradiction to Fo2). It would require heavy work to get them to talk, such as someone like the Enclave.
I don't know why I replied since whatever you'll respond with will just make yourself look even more stupid as you've done with most posts in this thread.
Almost everything that I have been corrected on I have either posted apologies or reasons that my ways could work.
Uh...right. Try again, seriously. Try harder.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 8:47 am
by Constipated BladeRunner
Man, first Reperations gets two pages, then this doubles!
Iam on fire!
Anyway, why dont we all just calm down, stop the flaming, and just get some ideas across about what we would like to see in FO0. I think most of us agree that FO could work somehow. I, for one, would like to see remnants of the US army (Not Enclave, mind you. APA was an Enclave only thing), and your goal is to somehow stop them from having tyrannical order? A sort of continued anarchist movement.
Plese note, however, that all lengths showed be made to distance this America from the enclave. While the Enclave had the feel of a sort of right-wing conspiricy, I am thinking more occupying army.
Also, radiation?
There are many solutions- start with enviro armor, assuming you have a constant supply of rad-x, or something.
Cars? They where a joke in FOT&2. How about tanks, only they look more like a cross bread of a T-34 and something retro future? How about a plasma main cannon?
Yeah, it could be stated that tanks where outdated with t-51b, but there is always a need for calvalry.