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Post by Urizen »

the sex really picked up after you joined the army? lol. try telling your mates that :)

Post by Kashluk »

Well it's pretty obvious when you think about it: she's bored with my face when I'm always around, but she's dying to see me after I've been away for a couple of weeks. Not to mention that we're both horny as hell. The saying about quantity & quality really hits the nail when it comes to steady relationships and sex.
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Post by airsoft guy »

PiP wrote:
airsoft guy wrote: I think we're all thinking the same thing, how's the sex with other men been? It's totally not gay unless you cuddle or swallow, so don't worry, patriot :salute:
I'm waitintg for the day when you have the guts to come out :)
When are YOU gonna come out, handsome? Image

Also I really like the color of your uniforms. They look like they would blend well with where I live. All the shit in surplus stores and online these days is desert camo for the wannabes. I live in a rain forest, I have no need for skidmark brown, I need babyshit green.
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Post by fallout ranger »

Finns use Valmets in 5.56 don't they?
does this work

Post by Kashluk »

Nope. No NATO 5.56-gimmicks for us, since the hypothetical enemy is most likely coming from the east and they use 7.62x39. And stealing ammo has always been a national sport for us :salute: 7.62 bullet is also heavier and isn't as likely going to fuck up it's trajectory in the dense woods with plenty of branches, underbrush yada yada.

We've built up our small arms around the 7.62 mm for about 40 years now and it'd be an impassable obstacle money-wise for us to go NATO.

And the uniform we're wearing in that parade is the new set, more images can be found from , at the bottom of the page. The old uniform, which we use in our daily service, looks like this: . The differnce is big, but the new uniforms won't become service uniforms until maybe 2010 or so? Pretty much only the cadre wear them daily.
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Post by VasikkA »

m62 and rubber boots combo is pretty hawt.

Post by Kashluk »

The ultimate outfit :salute: + the funny "duck hat", M62 camo cap.
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Post by fallout ranger »

5.56 is overrated, 7.62x39 is better for my money. After all, the .223 is just a varmint cartridge.
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Post by PiP »

Kashluk wrote:Nope. No NATO 5.56-gimmicks for us, since the hypothetical enemy is most likely coming from the east and they use 7.62x39. And stealing ammo has always been a national sport for us :salute:
but there's also the 5.45 used by Ruskies since 1974, so you didn't really totally have to stick with the big balls ;)
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Post by fallout ranger »

7.62 has more retained energy, which is good when the enemy is more than 100 yards away.
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Post by PiP »

I wasn't relating to the big ammo Vs smal ammo issue, I just wanted to point out that the NATO round is not the only small round available for the AK family. See?
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Post by fallout ranger »

Yeah, I know. But the 7.62x39 is better than both, in terms of knockdown.
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Post by Superhaze »

Its better at everything exept weights. (obviously).
you can easily carry twice the amount of 5.56 than
the good ol' 7.62. I still prefer the bigger the better

Post by Kashluk »

Date: August 25th 2007

Progress: 13 % (314/362 days left)

Rank: Private (Driver)

Situated at: 1st Separate Truck Company, Kuopio Battalion, Kainuu Brigade


Whoop-de-doo, the so called "B-Period" (B for Basic Training) is coming to an
end and we're thrown around the brigade to be resituated at our next service
place. I scored well on both the soldier's basic degree and leadership test,
so I'm most likely heading to the NCO school. Hell, I AM heading to the NCO
school since senior lieutenant told me that I was first on the list to be sent
there. But it's technically all mystery, magic and secrets, because all the
selections will be published next Thursday.

The soldier's basic degree had nine performances, which were rated 0, 1 or 2.
0 meaning you didn't pass, 1 passed and 2 passed with praise.

- War Gas / Gas Alert - 1
- First Aid - 1
- Advancing Under Fire - 1
- Fox Hole Defence #1 - 2
- Mine Laying - 2
- AT Weapon (LAW) Handling - 2
- Fox Hole Defence #2 - 2
- Hand Grenade - 1
- Advancing & Artillery Barrage - 2

In the leadership test we had four different tasks, for which we could not
prepare for in advance. We just had to improvise and imagine we were in
real situations and do what we would do then. Each task had a maximum of 10
points, 40 points in total. I scored 37, and the three minus points were
pretty stupid mistakes that could've been easily avoided.

- Briefing - 8 pts
- Military Discipline & Manner - 10 pts
- Leadership During An Accident - 9 pts
- Use Of Lethal Force - 10 pts

This week we also had a 35 km march through the woods, ate pretty much only
guerrilla provisions and had an over-the-night combat training session. The
combat training was pretty fun, but tough, since we didn't have much time to
sleep and we were dead-tired to begin with. We just hanged around our tent
and when we heard gun fire or one of the guardsmen sounded the alarm, we ran
like hell to our positions and defended our base. There were alarms every now
and then, sometimes three within an hour, sometimes one in two hours. I think
I spent around 200 rounds of ammo that night. The offenders also had this old
T-55 that was real fun, especially when the big gun started firing it's blanks.

It really sucks to be in guard duty between 3 and 4 AM. The mosquitos are
everywhere and you can't see shit without Big Wild (night vision binoculars).
It was a good thing we always took guard duty in pairs so if the other one
was starting to fall asleep, the other one shook you awake.

Next week we have a marksmanship competition, the jaeger's marksmanship
test, some equipment checks and thus our B-Period finally ends. If I manage
to score 160 / 180 or more in the competition or 11 - 12 out of 12 in the test,
I get a few days off (which is always a huge plus in my books). I've managed
to shoot 159 so far in the competition firing, but the test is really a piece
of cake. Six rounds lying down, 2 x 1 shot per 5 second turn, 2 x 1 shot per
3 second turn and 2 shots per 5 second turn, then three shots on the knee and
three shots standing, but from shorter distance. The score means how many times
you hit the target AT ALL. So it shouldn't be a problem to get 11 - 12.

So anyway, next week or the week after that I get promoted to NCO Student, which
practically means that I get one silver sign and all the stupid things that
pissed me off a few weeks ago will begin all over again, with the exception that
there are no pretentious NCOs to boss us around - we boss each other around in
turns. More updates then.

Here's also a link to a site where you can see all the Finnish military ranks
in case my babbling makes you confused.

Last edited by Kashluk on Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by VasikkA »

I don't want to ruin your weekend or anything, but that's actually 13% of the service time you've completed so far.

And the shooting test shouldn't be a problem, as you'll probably get to retry it a couple of times if you can't get it the first time. I was no exceptional marksman and didn't get to shoot around with the rifle a lot, but still managed to nail the test. It's all 'bout the rhythm, baby.

Post by Kashluk »

Yeah, noticed it myself as well. I re-read the post and wondered: "Damn, have I really completed 1/4 of my service already?" and then it struck me that 100 - 87 isn't 23, but 13. I rock at calculus :rockon:

Post by Kashluk »

Date: September 1st 2007

Progress: 15 % (307/362 days left)

Rank: NCO Student

Situated at: 3rd Jaeger Company, Kainuu Jaeger Battalion, Kainuu Brigade


So here's yet another promotion - no longer a private, but an NCO student :salute:
Here begins a journey seven weeks long, called AUK I or "NCO Class pt. 1".
After that, in case I score well enough in the tests, I get transferred to
Reserve Officers' School in Hamina, down south. In case I do badly in the
tests I will either 1) get transferred back to 1st Separate Truck Company and
become a "Motor-NCO" - reserve non-comissioned officer for motorized corps.
Or 2) I'll stay here in 3rd Jaeger Company and become a Rifleman Corporal,
and spend my last 200 or so days running around in the woods.

Hopefully I do well and become an Officer Student, then an Officer Cadet and
one day, when I'm "demobilized", a 2nd Lieutenant. Next week I will act as the
vice squad leader, later on I'll be a machinegunner, a heavy AT-man and one
week I lead the whole platoon. It's going to be swell, let me tell you! I've
had the chance to test my leadership skills a few times now and I actually like
this stuff. I hope I make a good leader after my training's over.

And, as always, feel free to throw questions at me if you want to know more. Now,
to celebrate my promotion, I've decided to take a shot of Sal Ammoniac Liquor
and spend some quality time with my girlfriend. And, of course, bathe in sauna
since it's Saturday night. I hope you all do the same. Cheers!

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Post by TNP »

I got a question. Does your army have racial purity and a sense of DEEP national pride, or are all foreigners from all over the globe considered Finnish? I reject your army and you if it's what I fear it is because all these liberal idiots are doing is destroying their countries.

I want you to look at the ground and look at yourself and ask yourself if you are part of Finland or if Finland is part of you. If you accept both than you are indeed a TRUE Finnish soldier and countrymen.

Advance, son :salute:

Post by Kashluk »

No racial purity, no sir! ;) I've seen a couple of black and Middle-East-ern-ish guys in camo where I'm situated. Duty doesn't care about your skin color :salute:
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Post by PiP »

Kashluk wrote:swell
depends on the boots.
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