Doyle wrote:If this technology works as well as they claim, we might not have to ever develop an alternative to oil.
That's an interesting article, but I still don't see why we're not looking into cleaner alternatives. After all, if your vehicle is running on a synthetic version of gasoline, it still has the vices of a gasoline engine. While this would indeed be a renewable resource and would remove one of the negative factors of dependance on oil it's certainly no panacea.
The only thing that's really killing the idea of an electric car right now is the batteries they run on. What needs to happen is that we improve batteries so that electric vehicles don't have to sit around plugged in constantly, sucking expensive juice from your wall socket. With an improvement of battery technology we'd also need to set up things like solar collection stations, many of which could be in orbit or in those vast, sunbaked deserts in Saharan Africa, the Southwestern US of A, etc., etc.
For the economically minded, I'll paraphrase a classic line from
The Graduate: "Batteries. There's a great future in batteries."
I would like to point out that electricity isn't necessarily as clean and environmentally friendly as some would like to think. Take a look at the ways that electricity is generated in, and we see lots of coal being burned to do it. Reliance on solar power -- which is about as close to an unlimited supply of energy as we'll ever find, not to mention that it doesn't have the risks associated w/nuclear power -- would go a long way toward cleaning up the environment. Simply relying on electricity isn't the boon that many would have us think it is.
Along with the technological aspects of various forms of fuels, we also have to consider the economic ones. Namely, if you reduce or eliminate the reliance on coal, you're putting coal miners out of business. If you reduce or eliminate reliance on oil, you're throwing the economy of quite a few nations in the shitter. Something also needs to be done about this before we go galloping off and leave ourselves in a position that's just as riddled with wars, famine and poverty and other inequities as the status quo.