Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:21 am
Don't be so prententious, you rascal.
The second oldest Fallout gaming community, online since 1998, keeping warm in the nuclear glow.
its my opinion, if u dont like it i dont care but dont be a jackass aboutSubhuman wrote:Both sucked. Go away.
oh, a bigshot eh? coming to this board and vomiting around like youre the goddamn king of the fucking internet. trotting high and mighty like youre hot shit?Steelkage wrote: its my opinion, if u dont like it i dont care but dont be a jackass about
Social Validation?Steelkage wrote:sigh, i came just to write and have a good time with other people, im not trying to cause problems...but if you feel the need to be angry with me then go ahead
Know this - on this forum we will go ahead! Now, start using correct punctuation and grammar or you will end up like Speed_demon or Rex or something.Steelkage wrote: if you feel the need to be angry with me then go ahead
oh shut up, if we want to medievalise his ass we don't need such idiotic excusesAlexander wrote: Know this - on this forum we will go ahead! Now, start using correct punctuation and grammar or you will end up like Speed_demon or Rex or something.
Don't do that.Steelkage wrote:sigh
Or that.Steelkage wrote:im not trying to cause problems...but if you feel the need to be angry with me then go ahead
Cthulhu wrote:Wasn't Rex the super perfect guy with nicknames in latin?
Egad! Is that photo recent? Did he become a buddhist in an attemp to take out revenge on the Internet as a result of his failed career at the codex?Aneurysm wrote:Cthulhu wrote:Wasn't Rex the super perfect guy with nicknames in latin?
SHUT THE FUCK UP! Can't you read between the fucking lines, jewboy?! Must we spell e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g out for you, asshole? I added the movie Deliverence, PiP added the spanish comedy Excuses!, Daryll added the Academy award-winning short Don't from 1974, Cthulu added the 1986 tv-moive Wanted: The Perfect Guy with Ben Afflect (it seems, our friend Cthulu has been hiding an apparent sweet-tooth for shitty tv-films from us) etc.MR Snake wrote:you fucking people, stay on the goddamn topic.
So I finally saw Children of Men and fuckingaye if that wasnt a good movie.
infact,... im going to watch it before I go to bed today.