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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:14 am
by Blargh
Difficult to choose one aspect over another, but I think perhaps the best detail is the sudden appearance of Beard.

Quite like this, also.

Oh, and for anyone interested - a 1.1.622.0 compatible no-intro/increased inventory stacking/reduced weapon size/debug menu combination mod. Allows access to the DLC toys, if you don't have them/can't be stuffed to hex edit. :drunk:

Re: Desperate.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:21 am
by Tofu Man
Blargh wrote:the sudden appearance of Beard.
Hahaha, didn't even notice that 'til just now. Brilliant little flick, but coming from the guy who made this I guess that's to be expected.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:00 am
by SenisterDenister
Mechwarrior 4 is free, so I uninstalled my retail copy that barely runs right on Windows 7 and am now playing the MekTek version with about five times as many mechs and a shit ton more weaponry. Still not as good as three, but it runs so I'll take what I can get.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:56 am
by jetbaby
MechWarrior 3 will run on XP. Get on it.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:45 pm
by SenisterDenister
So what, run it in compatibility mode? I need to go find my disk now.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:30 am
by Blargh
UTTERLY STUPEFYING NEWS : Dead Island is pretty goddamn awful. :drunk:

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:12 pm
by Mismatch
I ream something about the mfucking up the steam release by dropping the wrong build. Should be fixed by now tho'.

The one review I've read was quite positive about the game, tho I cant say I trust it. Anyone have a trustworthy review to point me to.... Like one on nma or the codex?

it's like that shit jethro tull album only with more dead

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:34 pm
by Tofu Man
Bimini Bob wrote:Dead Island
Urgh. Level-scaled zombies? Is liek teh eldar iland 4: ded oblivion all ovar agin. Decent gameplay (providing it is as satisfying as it looks like) is commendable but I'll be fucked if I take it alongside grind and fake roleplayerism. I think I'll pass.
Mismatch wrote:trustworthy... Like one on nma or the codex?
Lolwut? Here. Surprisingly positive, tho.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:18 pm
by Stalagmite
Blargh wrote:UTTERLY STUPEFYING NEWS : Dead Island is pretty goddamn awful. :drunk:
Coming from the guy who loves Twitcher 2.


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:09 am
by Blargh
How remiss of me to not notice the manifold similarities ! Yes, they're irrefutably hewn from the same goddamn cheesecloth.

Care to field an actual argument, or shall we trade barbs as numerous as they are hilarious ? Gaming the odds, somewhat - this I concede : you anencephalic muppet. :drunk:

Re: it's like that shit jethro tull album only with more dea

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:48 am
by rad resistance
Tofu Man wrote: Urgh. Level-scaled zombies? Is liek teh eldar iland 4: ded oblivion all ovar agin.
Don't give Beth-Soft any danm ideas!


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:22 am
by Retlaw83
Blargh wrote: Care to field an actual argument
He never does.

In death, we all have a sled.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:31 am
by Blargh
I may have addressed that point prior to this one. Ehue. :drunk:

*you know, the part with actual taste. and girls. and booze.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:16 am
by Tofu Man
Oshit rad, I dun' goofed.

<strike>Mildly</strike> Barely relevant, <strike>however</strike> AND late. At least now you can spend your dwindling reserves on DEHR safe in the knowledge that verbose-subject-of-the-queen-down-oz-way agrees with part of DaC* in condoning such behaviour. Or you could just, you know, TPB it and save the moolah for when they decide to actually finish the plot via some retarded DLC (was that redundant? pretty sure DLC already means retarded in most languages).

Oh and btw if it turns out zdmucjf ly bfyvdqmb gmdwhkjf I want you to know I fucking called it.

Anyways if IIRC this is the first industry game released since I've been on DaC that's actually worth asking price. Would you look at that. Now back to the cave until Dishonored hits shelves. Or god forbid, Thifourf. :drunk:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:13 pm
by Tofu Man
You know what? Forget what I said about Dead Island. I want this game.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:17 pm
I'm still playing DX3 but there are some annoying thing in the game that is bothering me.

- Seems like a sloppy joe port with the menu system especially in the inventory being kind of shit cause it generally takes like a double click for anything to register. I know some people haven't experienced the problem but it really sucks when you have to double click everything and somethings you dont have to double click and you end up doing something you dont want to.
- The map system can suck my dick, I dont know how many times I've followed the marker on the main screen and I ended up in the wrong direction. Also using the map screen doesn't help much because since they cut the levels up into sections (CONSOLES) it just makes it a pain in the ass.

- Emails seem generally useless and uninteresting compared to the first, I think it has to do with mostly them deciding to be inconsistent with including the whole email in each listing. In a majority of the emails you only get like the latest one received and it's in reference to a previous conversation. You end up losing the interest when it's set up like that compared to the old one that usually always had a RE section.

More to come maybe, those are just the things that mainly piss me off.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:27 pm
by Manoil
Dead Island uses the Borderlands/Gearbox engine so much that at times it seems like it could pass off for a reskin on a tropic map. Takes forever for guns to get into the game; also haven't seen any electrified weapons yet :(

Would get it for pc but I doubt my machine would handle well on multiplayer or even at all if I ended up downloading it

Either way, once you get the flow of combat down, the fights seem pretty gratifying. Skill system is kind of retarded, though. Obnoxious and probably has some future potential of being hacked like Borderlands was.

On a side note, I found out you can get a tank and one or two small jellyfish for $300. Am considering it for a future project. Enough on my hands right now, trying to get a new job and apartment. Catman is going through the same but with significantly more success than I am. Don't know if he ever managed to hook up with that Spanish teacher, though. We'll see how the lulz progresses

Love you guys

You cunt.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:29 pm
by Blargh
Coffee Lapel wrote:this
was probably to be my rebuttal to any iteration of 'okay guys dead island is actually a rilly rilly good game you know'. Guess we're even on the whole preemptive link posting ? FOR NOW.
Hoary Settee wrote:Emails
You'll usually find originals and/or responses scattered across different computers. Sometimes in entirely other locations. This addiction to e-mail, messenger services and, I suspect, the 2027 versions of Facebook/Twitter etc ; clearly demonstrates that, unlike so many other games, the antagonists in DX-HR are not entirely passive and reactive - existing solely at protagonist discretion. The civilian NPCs are still little more than occasionally mobile scenery, though.

Am I alone in elbow-blading the mouthy ones ?

Actually it would be a lie to not disclose that I elbow-blade them all.

And then the ending is Adam wangsting about what an impeccable manbot he has been. Ahahaha. :drunk:

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:58 am
by jetbaby
Jellyfish are pretty blah. Maintenance is massive beyond sanity, costs are extreme as they won't be sitting in a small tank for long, and a slight upset in their living situation will put them to death in a hurry. How big of a tank are you looking at? Set up a reef tank, yo.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:02 am
by Wolfman Walt
They're making a new Syndicate. It's a first person shooter. Complaints go here.