Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:45 pm
Context clues, dude.
The second oldest Fallout gaming community, online since 1998, keeping warm in the nuclear glow.
Funny you should mention this because I'd decided to give Floris a go for the first time ever earlier this month. In truth, I wouldn't recommend the 2.5.4 version I played. Bugs bugs and more bugs. Also, incredible imprecise archery model. The array of options is impressive, as is the endless troop tree, but having to go into the options menu everytime you open the minimap is too bloody annoying. Also, siege-ing is messed up. Some castles have too many ladders- some (Uhhun) have messed up AI. That rush where there's a handful of you in there and you can hold it vs a mighty army is gone because you can't. That despair when you're taking massive losses and even haven't gotten inside is gone because it's become too easy getting in.SenisterDenister wrote:Mountain Blade is taking up my time again. Playing with the Floris mod this go round. Something different than Native Expansion, which is what I normally use. Any other suggestions for mods?
and you only end up noticing because you wound up in this page by mistake. Oh, well.Tofu Man wrote:SenisterDenister wrote:Mountain Blade
Miami is, after all, the only place in the northern hemisphere where floor tiles are used during gender reassignment surgeries.Tinfoil Voyeurism wrote:penis
Works for me.The Princess is in Another Hostel wrote:PHIL
Hahaha. That's funny because :Bowie's wife:.Venezuela, MD wrote:northern hemisphere
entirely because CTD. Oh dear.Blargh wrote:Rat
(note to self*, replay Fun and Games)Blargh wrote:Fun and Games
:<strike>golf</strike>chefclap:Gordon Blarghsey wrote:debut
Philistine.Blargh wrote:DLC
Aside from the leaflets at the beginning of both character arcs . . .Spatulas at Dusk wrote:clippings
Could be a dead drop/method of payment. Though the (implied) element of coercion/threats leaves me unconvinced of this. Perhaps he's/they're a method of exposing Cock Face/Richard/Letterman to mind control vectors (possibilities include subliminal encoded shop musak or, less exotically, drugged food or simple verbal code phrases/triggers in conjunction with hypnosis), or (more plausibly, I think) just humanoid white noise - Cock Face's brain/coma/issue(s) won't let him see them as particularly important (compared to say, the whole coerced suicidal murder sprees/post brain stomp convalescence thing(s)), and so, their functions virtually indentical, they all blur together. Also, DRUGS/psychosis. It's (perhaps) worth noting that, unlike all the others, the bartender at the night club during the first visit doesn't appear to recognise Cock Face.*offensive hand gestures* wrote:Bespectacled
Just another aspect of the loss of boundaries between memories, I think. Which could mean that if the existence of Rat was just a rationalisation, Assault was for no reason at all (ooh, recurrent themes !), and that the conversation in the cell was psychosis masking the (possibility of) the unmasked Rat being a proxy of a figment. Was possibly just some (ha) poor sod (trying to) sleep(ing) off a particularly heinous bender. Perhaps a serial parking ticket evader. Congratulations, anonymous innocent, for your walk on role in DEATH PANTOMIME (one night only !), here are your lines. Curtains down.Gregarious Bush wrote:GFK
Mmm. Perhaps Cock Face and Rat are the same man ? We never see the face of the former. If so, the cell altercation becomes approximately surreal³. :firstruleofmemes:Marimba Tie wrote:suicide?
Ha.Surreptitious Mole Wizard wrote:SJP
They've/Cock Face have/has already seen it, but they can't/won't/don't recall that it has already occured. Brain debug. A blue screen of the superego.Parsimonious Ham wrote:footoor
Possible sequel hook(s)/prior mentioned meta-trollery. It's worth hunting down those letters if only for the awesome mask the TRUE ENDING grants. If I recall, there are no letters to be found in the cleaver chronicles. Which raises : how does the biker learn of the password ?50 Clod wrote:relevant
Fixed. They're both undeniably filthy, scathing labels, but if hoping for more of a good thing is indicative of either, then so be it.BUT YOU MUST wrote:<strike>Philistine</strike> Optimist
I find that most assholes are on consoles. PC gamers tend to be much cooler. Anyway, can't wait to pick up Natural Selection 2 but it probably won't be for another 2 weeks, hopefully by then some bugs will be addressed. I figured it would start out with some heavy bugs considering it's a half-priced Indie.SenisterDenister wrote:Been playing a lot of Natural Selection 2. The engine isn't well optimized, but it hasn't crashed on me yet. Games load slow, initially, but speed up the longer I play. Lag is an issue, but the game's netcode is lightyears beyond what it used to be.
And most everyone I've played with, all on public servers, have been pretty fun to play with. Haven't met any assholes, everyone is working together, and even when we lose the chat is showered with post-game GG's.
For a purely multiplayer experience I am pretty content with what I got on release.