Seems to be wise. Something that stuck in my mind related to this was seeing an interview with the remaining Monty Python people, who were pioneers of the 'fight the system' liberal type views that a lot of students have, but now they say they're actually conservative in today's climate. Same goes for 'free love' bands like The Beatles - I bet Paul McCartney votes conservative now.Spazmo wrote:I once heard attributed to Churchill an excellent quote which I'm paraphrasing because I can never remember the exact phrasing of quotes -
"Any young man who is not a liberal is heartless. Any old man who is not a conservative is a fool."
Personally, I'm undecided really and can't work up the motivation to vote. Maybe that's a bit lame, but it's the way it is for me at the moment. I feel nearly as little connection to the hippy students who march around protesting as I do to the old men conservatives.