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Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:42 pm
by ApTyp
Doom 3 is a better movie than Doom movie. D;

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:56 pm
by S4ur0n27
The movie will be longer than the game D;

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:11 pm
by ApTyp
Actually, Doom 3 was pretty long.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:08 pm
by S4ur0n27
Uh, no D:

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:16 pm
by vendetta
Well, more than 2 hours long.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:16 pm
by ApTyp
At least 6 hours long, faget.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:35 pm
by Megatron

a ROCKET docks at PLUTO BASE some MARINES and THE ROCK steps out.
THE ROCK: This place is quiet...too quiet.
Marines: I can't get this door to open, it seems to be...jammed!
INT: the door suddenly opens and a screaming corpse falls out and a rookie marine jumps

The Marines walk through a tunnel and the lights go out.
THE ROCK: It's like we're being lead a mastermind is controlling it all...
A Marine walks into a room and sees a mouse.
Marine: Oh Mouse.
He turns around and there is upside-down monster that eats him and the scream echoes through ship

Then theres some explosions and THE ROCK has some chrome uzis

The Rock: GO TO HELL!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:44 pm
by S4ur0n27
Liar, the ROCK has no beard and he's not that black. also does everyone die?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:27 am
the rock will escape with a hot female scientist.

anyways, I saw Stealth. It was alright, they could of done a lot more with it but its enjoyable. Jessica Biel has been working out and her butt has gotten nice and shapely :dance:

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:22 pm
by VasikkA
POOPERSCOOPER wrote:the rock will escape with a hot female scientist.
Why is the guy still using his wrestling name?
Jessica Biel has been working out and her butt has gotten nice and shapely
Don't get fooled by CGI-effects. Anyway, was the movie better than Top Gun? It requires a lot for me to waste money on movie tickets. A couple of months and its rentable on DVD.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:28 pm
by Matrix
i saw stealth and ray dies and its more like short circuit in the sky its total ass shit man its not like real life at all if i was there id just bomb the shit out of the awol dickhead stop downloading incubus and shit to what a swell guy plane they could have at least made it into a tank or something

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:41 pm
by VasikkA
uh.. right. Thanks for the information. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:46 pm
by Bukkake
I posted this on another message board in response to this news... I must just warn that I love Doom more than any rational and healthy-minded individual would. So I have a slight obsession.

I was writing Doom-inspired stories back in 4th and 5th grade. That was THE game I grew up on, and to this day is my favorite video game/franchise. I've wanted to see it turned into a movie for years. But even though the new game kicks complete and total ass, I had a feeling that turning it into a movie would be a bad idea.

Since Doom was a huge part of my life for a long time, and I quite literally became un-healthily obsessed with it for about 3 years, I feel like I am in the position to make the calls and statements I am about to make. They are only opinions, but I'll state them as fact because that is how strongly I feel about them.

For a Doom movie that would bring "life" to the game, and keep the name of the game sacred, and stay true to what it was all about, it would have to be unlike anything Hollywood has ever done. (I only say Hollywood, because this is, no doubt, going to be a Hollywood production. This is a bad thing in that Hollywood, by rule, waters everything down and turns it all to shit. But it is a good thing, in another aspect, because a Doom movie, if to be done properly, would need a massive budget.) There'd have to really be very little character development. The main character should remain somewhat of an enigma, who is more or less just a silent, merciless, warrior. There should be very little dialogue, at least during most of the movie. The beginning could of course have the typical dialogue, much like what is in the beginning of the Doom 3 video game. But as the movie progresses and gets darker and more sinister, there should be a lack of dialogue. This is because EVERYONE IS FUCKING DEAD except this one marine who survives. In the old Doom book his name was Flynn Tagart. The name of the marine doesn't really matter, though.

Also, the movie NECESSARILY must be rated R at the very minimum. Any lack of gore and guts and violence and unholy and Satanic imagery is completely BLASPHEMOUS to the Doom name (ironic, I know). There needs to be an unreal level of darkness and horror and evil to the movie that has never been in an 'action' movie before. Just like in the games, there needs to be 'unseen' evils lurking in the darkness that will jump out and either kill or be killed. These entities must necessarily:

A) Look horrifying and terrifyingly evil
B) Be heartlessly violent
C) Startle the audience, causing some jumps here and there.

And the main character MUST be very nearly destroyed quite often. He's got to get into intense battles with hellspawn demons and vile, disgustingly brutal Satanic minions that wish only for the complete annihilation of everything, and just BARELY survive to get himself out of there. These battles need to be some of the most intense things ever shown in a movie (and would, I am 99% sure, be done by CGI, ufortunately but understandably). There would have to be blood everywhere, guts everywhere, missiles, fireballs, and plasma lasers flying everywhere. There need to be perversely mutilated bodies hung on the walls, as an icon of the destruction that this evil is capable of. There need to be rivers of blood, waterfalls of blood, and constant imagery of devils and demons. There need to be ghastly sounding voices and screams that the main character can hear as he progresses on.

And it would only be proper for our hero to, like mentioned before in this thread, go into the bowels of Hell and fight the evil that is there. And to stay true to the spirit of the games and part of what made them so great, there should be puzzles for him to solve. Mindbending puzzles that place him in immediate danger, that could end his life in merely seconds if he does not think and act quickly. Puzzles that seem to be placed there by a sadistic figure who could be observing all of this for his amusement.

The music. The soundtrack to the movie MUST, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AT ALL, HAVE ANY MODERN ROCK BANDS OR ANYTHING REMOTELY HAPPY OR CHEERFUL SOUNDING. NO RAP-METAL, NO TRENDY MTV ROCK AND ROLL. Too many action movies today are doing that. None of that will cut it. The only appropriate music that would work would be minimalistic ambient music, and then, if we long-time fans are lucky, there could be some good renditions of the original songs from the original Doom games to give our senses an orgasm. If, under any circumstances, the director wants something heavy for the soundtrack, as unlikely as this is, he should use something like Xasthur or some really ambient and menacing sounding black metal. Or some very dark industrial music. Nothing else will give it the amazing, overwhelming, unholy atmosphere that is positively essential for a DOOM movie. You can't fucking call a movie DOOM without instilling a feeling of DOOM in the audience.

Now very sadly, THE ROCK is playing the main character in this movie. Instinct tells me that this decision completely pisses in the face of all that is DOOM, and means that most of what I described above will not be here. There will more than likely be a lot of dialogue, and most of it completely retarded. The Rock, known to most of humanity as the one person with the single most primitive-minded, idiotic dialogue ever (his pro wrestling shit) is going to be playing a character who's development requires that he NOT talk a lot, and hardly say a goddamn word to anyone or anything. When you inject the Rock, and the godawful sense of "humor" that comes with him in most of his roles, you are completely ruining Doom. This isn't even up for debate. This is a cold, hard fact. Doom is about evil, fear, violence, Satan, unholy beasts of Hell, and a fearless, stoic warrior who faces it all silently and destructively. THE ROCK, on the other hand, is all about being a loud-mouthed jerkoff, an egotistical prick, and a typecasted 'actor'. His presence alone could ruin this movie.

But I have the sad feeling that more than just the Rock will ruin this movie. Like I mentioned earlier, Hollywood. The large Hollywood budget is necessary to make this all that it can be. But the typical Hollywood 'style' that they tend to have with movies is unforgivable when being paired with Doom.

I've given this a lot of thought for about... 11 years or more. I've got a lot more to say about it, but I'll save it for later. But obviously this is a subject that I think it is safe to say I started thinking about long before the director of the movie, or Hollywood, or any of the actors in the film. I know I don't have the credentials, but I am confident I could write a much better Doom movie than what I am fearing they may come up with.
What they need to do is get the original ID Software team who made Doom, and get them as consultants and writers for the movie. If this were happening, that would be the only thing giving me faith in this movie. Otherwise I am afraid it is going to be a completely piss-poor movie production of the most awesome video game ever.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:58 pm
by Thor Kaufman
Bukkake is going to be a completely piss-poor movie production...

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:37 pm
by Nicolai
Hm, I agree with pretty much everything Bukkake just said, this movie could have been quite awesome if pulled off correctly, but there's no chance of something like that happening to a Hollywood production.

DOOM's doomed. :drunk:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:05 pm
by VasikkA
Hollywood has the incredibly ability to ruin any franchise. Just take a look at any of those dumb comic hero movies. Let's just hope we don't see a Fallout movie. Ever.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:10 pm
by S4ur0n27
Bukkake is whack.

But I love bukkake.