But it's NOT OATMEAL! The Commercial Topic

Home of discussion, generally. If it doesn't go in any of the other forums, post it in here.

What's your favorite commercial?

Pepsi Twist. Britney Spears and Austin Powers in one 30-second spot? Brilliant!
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That one with that...girl, and the...thing...you know what I'm talking about.
No, I really don't.
Mr. Clean. I love me some bald, muscular men. Cutie, you can mop my floor ANY time!
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Those moronic Caramilk bits, with the guy who wants to reveal "the Caramilk secret". Great. Unfortunately, WE DON'T CARE.
1-800-Collect! Mr. T., YOU ROCK!!!
Anything and everything with Alyssa Milano. Mmmmm...Milano...
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Alright, fuck, that is IT. Why are we talking about commercials? WHY???!!! Are we really that desperate for thread ideas? My Lord!!!
Total votes: 10

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Post by Subhuman »

I don't even know what spam is. Really! I have no idea. "Spam", "flaming"...I'm not down with the lingo. (Well, I think "flaming" is insults, but that's all I can gather.)

So, to paraphrase Morpheus: What is spam? How do you define spam?
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Post by Kotario »

I'm a bit tired, so I won't give you the information direct, but try this link. It isn't one hundred percent accurate, but it will give you the idea. The site might give you a laugh or two if you follow the links.

Guardian: If I had meant to say that, I most likely wouldn't have gone to the effort to use phrases and words that would imply differently. It would have been much easier to say it directly. Just pointing to the agitation to some of the other members, though it seems to have died down.

If I don't find a thread worthy of my attention, I don't post on it. Rather simple philosophy which I have found serves me well. Besides, unless something specific is in mind, there is little use complaining.

As for "lightening up", sorry, but I can't do that. It would violate my personality to do such in the current situation, it is different in other situations I can assure you. Besides, that little note was a joke. My sense of humor is rather dour, I am quite aware.

VooDoo, I was wondering why you typed in correct form, and that answers my questions.
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Post by the guardian »

's alright kotario, part of it my fault, was looking for a way to squeeze it in a sentence :D
doubt you'll ever learn to enjoy spam either... not the chaotic type

spam is usualy something you type, which is unrelated to the topic, or doesnt make sense, or even just a single word... it differs from a person to another though.... you can spam like a retard, or you can work it and make it funny, your choice, initiate
Hello New Jersey
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