Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:57 pm
Sorry, have sabotaged the posts that are remaining.
The second oldest Fallout gaming community, online since 1998, keeping warm in the nuclear glow.
as regards the poll.. hint: heard of 'irony'?Speed_demon wrote:WTF, did spoQn make some new accounts just to toot his horn, or did he get his "friends" at GC to do it for him LOL!Invade! 15% [ 3 ]
Boycot! 40% [ 8 ]
I think spoQn is a great mod and should be hired to work for DaC!
45% [ 9 ]
Total Votes : 20
NOTE: spoQn sucks ass
mehas regards the poll.. hint: heard of 'irony'?
Jesus was always a rebel; he rebelled against the Roman Empire, for crying out loud!Aonaran wrote:Man I never knew Jesus was such a rebel, you are starting shit all over the place! Che Jesus.
Dang, I should study more. I think it was the Pharisies (is that how you spell it?) that he was not fond of.King of Creation wrote:As I recall, Jesus was down with the Romans. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." He liked the State, bitches.
PhariseesGwenfloor wrote:Dang, I should study more. I think it was the Pharisies (is that how you spell it?) that he was not fond of.King of Creation wrote:As I recall, Jesus was down with the Romans. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." He liked the State, bitches.