LoneGunman wrote:This might already have been said, but there is one essential thing to this:
We do not know anything, AT ALL!
And thats pretty much it. Even though all the previous predictions from the community has been correct, the fact of the matter is that we do not know anything specific about FO3. It is kinda hard to debate a topic when you do not have any cold hard facts on the table, and to be frank i belive its hard to percive this as more than a bunch of frustrated people that is hungry for actual information and in the mean time is experiencing a slight case of mass hysteria. All we really do is toss rumors around, that might be true or false.
This Ross character seems to be one of many sources to all of this, and even though his predictions might be correct he still bases them on rumors which IMO makes them at least partially invalid. I do not want to be tossing snotballs at the guy but i think he should be carefull with statements like that. All he does is throwing fuel on a fire that already is burning to fiersly.
Someday the game is gonna hit the shelves, and by then i sincerely hope that Rosh, and everybody that agrees with him, will look like a giant ass because the game turns out to be great.
Dude, this is a Fallout fansite. What are we supposed to talk about? And there actually is alot that we already know about Fallout 3. We know who is developing it, we know their track record. We know setting. We know that there will probably be pointless dungeons. The rest is educated guessing. And since this is a fallout site, ,discussing Fallout 3, even the rumors, should be top priority. And to me, what Rosh has said has just confirmed my own thoughts.
And it doesn't take a genius to take something from the fact that there still is no information. This is a console game, thats what that means. Why would they release anything now when they can show it all off at E3? To the console audience. We know so much already by the way they have handled information about the game.
If they release info now, PC fans will get on their forums and discuss how it probably sucks and they will be able to back it up with facts. Now it's just "rumors". If they debute it at E3, the console fans will be the first to know that it is just like Oblivion with guns and they will get thew word out first. And that word will be "Oblivion with guns" How Awesome!! And the high school kids that buy the game will not give a shit what the real fans think.