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Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:02 am
by johnnygothisgun
lol im combative and opinionated lolololol

do you even know what this thread is about, mr dumb

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:13 am
by philowar
johnnygothisgun wrote:lol im combative and opinionated lolololol

do you even know what this thread is about, mr dumb
If you want to flame, asshole, maybe you should take it to PM.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:21 am
by VasikkA
No, flame wars are public. Read DAC code of conduct.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:31 am
by Thor Kaufman
I think what johnnygothisgun just meant is that your extreme position might spoil the fun of playing FO2 for a boy and his dog. Or maybe just that opinions are like assholes

FO1 is awesome, but FO2 is still a good game.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:02 am
Indeed FO2 is in no way a bad game, it is merely inferior to FO1. If you compare FO2 to Fallout Tactics, FO2 suddenly seem like the best game ever made, its all about what you compare it to.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:13 pm
by Cthulhugoat
And if you compare Tactics to POS.... oh well.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:21 pm
by TNP
philowar wrote:
johnnygothisgun wrote:lol im combative and opinionated lolololol

do you even know what this thread is about, mr dumb
If you want to flame, asshole, maybe you should take it to PM.
STUPID ASS COCK PUSSY JUICE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:25 pm
by johnnygothisgun
lolz, thanks for clearing that up fellas

philowar, please dont try to take the moral high ground on the issue of flaming after calling someone a twat and telling them to fuck off (maybe you should have used a PM, laffo)

more importantly, this thread is about a boy and his dog's enjoyment of the fallout series, and he certainly doesnt need a rogue and quite biased extremist fanboy opinion to color his own and play with his expectations unfairly, because fallout 2 is by any standard a very good game

so whats the word my man, have you started playing yet?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 8:44 pm
by A Boy And His Dog
Again, thanks for everyone's help!

Yes, I just got the game and started it up. I see now why everyone here loves the intro, it is awesome, lol. Invaded Canada, lol! I laughed out loud, and gave a big smile at the execution scene. I want a Corvega as well, they look cool, if a little expensive, hehe. It was just an all around great intro, and the music was a bonus as well as I love the music from that era...Big Band/Swing style.

Anyway, I got into it and looked at the characters available but decided to make up my own. I named him Enkidu, and he is sort of a tinkerer's assistant, so I gave him Research, Repair, and Small Weapons. I also gave him Fast Metabolism and Fast Shot. I focused on Agility and Intelligence mostly.

From what I can tell the game is patched to the latest update, since it is part of a collection format on a DVD. However, I get a goofy image error, which I think is due more to the crappy video card on this laptop than the actual game. It blanks out, but then when I run my mouse over it it comes back...kind of like I'm repainting the picture on the screen, lol. Honestly, I think it's the video card, and even if it isn't, I expected such bugs from a game that is this old.

Anyway, the premise and world is very interesting to me, and I can't wait to get out into the world. I killed a few cave rats, and even accidentally wasted a bullet on one...ooopsie.

Very cool game...they don't make them like this anymore, and it's a damn shame.

Edit: Oh yeah, I meant to say that right now I'm reading the manual. I didn't get an actual paper manual (again, didn't expect it since it was a collection format), but it looks so damn cool I'm going to read it all, lol. I may even print it up somewhere, as it would take forever to print on my own. It looks like a great read on the can.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:20 pm
by TNP
Congrats on your first Wasteland adventure!

I get the same black screen error as well on my version. Just click the character sheet button or the pip boy when it happens and it will go away. Annoying, yes.

Also, that is the European version, so there is no children in the game. Those pussies in modern Europe can't handle seeing dead children so some of the game was cut. I wouldn't worry though, I have played both versions and your not missing A hell of allot, but it does feel a little tampered with.

Have fun.

EDIT: Oh yes. Fallout 2 is fun to play. Don't listen to that idiot. The setting is kinda lame and some of the dialouge options are cheesy, but it's still definately worth a playthrough.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:33 pm
by Urizen
some of us even prefer FO2 to the original :)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:53 pm
by Aneurysm
There's a patch in nma that allows you to play with children in f1, you gotta have kids in fallout :hug:
For me fallout 1 has more quality and fallout 2 has more quantity.The atmosphere, plot line and dialogues are lot better in fallout 1 than fallout 2, stil it's one hell of a game to play.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:10 pm
by Cthulhugoat
Wait... Research? Is it the substitute for Science in the UK version?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:19 pm
by philowar
johnnygothisgun wrote:lolz, thanks for clearing that up fellas
Fuck is up with the lol shit? Just how old are you anyway?
johnnygothisgun wrote: philowar, please dont try to take the moral high ground on the issue of flaming after calling someone a twat and telling them to fuck off (maybe you should have used a PM, laffo)
And what exactly would you say to someone who called you an idiot?
johnnygothisgun wrote: more importantly, this thread is about a boy and his dog's enjoyment of the fallout series, and he certainly doesnt need a rogue and quite biased extremist fanboy opinion to color his own and play with his expectations unfairly, because fallout 2 is by any standard a very good game
What a fucking retard you are. This thread is about someone who is new to the Fallout series, hence the reason I stated my opinion. And "rogue" and biased extremist fanboy? Well, then what are you doing here, seeing as you could brand almost every goddamn member of D&C and NMA as being one of those. PSA: when FO3 is released and it stinks like shit, we'll all be a bunch of idiots who should shut the fuck up because by most people's standards it will be a good game, just like Oblivion is. Well thought out, "my man."

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:22 pm
by philowar
TNP wrote:EDIT: Oh yes. Fallout 2 is fun to play. Don't listen to that idiot. The setting is kinda lame and some of the dialouge options are cheesy, but it's still definately worth a playthrough.
Yeah, one play-through, whereas FO1 is worth 100. If you're a moron who likes a bastardized, campy, fucked-in-the-ass Fallout, then enjoy.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:44 am
by Blargh
It seems you do not quite grasp the full extent of your rampant tooliganism, my dear philowar. :drunk:

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 1:17 am
by johnnygothisgun
how do dreadnought number two

a boy and his dog, im glad youre enjoying everything thus far. youre sort of making me want to reinstall them. choosing intelligence and agility can only pay off. one of the things i enjoyed so much about the fallout series was how setting up your character really did affect your play style, and the abundance of new options available to your character if youve got high intelligence versus a character with a low figure

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 1:39 am
by philowar
Blargh wrote:It seems you do not quite grasp the full extent of your rampant tooliganism, my dear philowar. :drunk:
Yes, very vague and so very wise, aren't you? It's real easy to be clever when you toss out some glib, hazy statement without explaining yourself, but then you're such a drunk, insouciant sage, to be sure.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 1:41 am
by johnnygothisgun
hombre will you please be cool? our main man is trying to enjoy him some fallout, and youre spoiling everyones fun

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:42 am
by Blargh
my dear philowar wrote:vague
Vague ?
my dear philowar wrote:vague
Vague ?
my dear philowar wrote:hazy
Vague ?
my dear philowar wrote:explaining
Vague ?
my dear philowar wrote:insouciant
I am not wearing a hat.

Gods, you are wretched.

Get out. :drunk: