Illegal Immigrants

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Post by TelemachusSneezed »

Well, I'm with Jetbaby on this one. I'm not going to bother with the "took 'er jobs" argument, but I will bring up the one that concerns most of the people I tend to listen to.

The problem is not immigration per se (note Urizen's "America is all immigrants" comment), but rather the tendency of a flood of immigrants to not be able to integrate well with an already established society. When immigrants trickle in legally, there's a much better chance of them being able to acculturate through learning the native language, taking on cultural norms, taking part in government, etc.

Do I personally sympathize with immigrants? Of course, who wouldn't? We all gotta live somehow. But why should an already established society force itself to assist new comers whose needs and demands seem to be endless, but who don't really contribute much to the quality of the society themselves? Are we about to criticize the Swiss? I doubt it.

As an American (for now), I can't help but wonder why, say, people from Mexico can't get their shit together in their own country. And we're supposed to take them into ours? No thanks.

I wouldn't mind a continuing discussion on this board.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

If we're going with the "America is composed solely of immigrants" line of thinking, I think it should be important to point out that unless you're from Africa and currently live in Africa, you're an immigrant by that logic.
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Post by Redeye »

How about putting the "Native Americans" in charge of Border Patrol and Immigration?

Let them pick and choose.

It would be so damn funny to have some Navaho/etc. border guard be accused of stealing land from Mexico.

"Uh, ... where'd Mexico get it from..."

More seriously:

The jobs issue is bullshit.

It's away of turning the neo-peasants against the neo-serfs.

"Peasants as a class tend to disappear as a society industrializes, though peasantlike social structures may persist under new economic regimens."

"Peasant societies can often have very stratified social hierarchies within them as well. A rural peasant population differs enormously in its values and economic behavior from an urban worker population. Peasants tend to be more conservative than urbanites, and are often very loyal to inherited power structures that define their rights and privileges and protect them from interlopers, despite their generally low status within those power structures."

"Protect them from interlopers."

"Protect them from interlopers."

"Protect them from interlopers."

yee-haw! let's go string up some beaners!

Let's not deconstruct the problems of the existing system, but instead distract Joe six-pack with a threat.



My solution?

Well partial solution: The Rio Grande Canal!

Macroengineering to the rescue.

Plus H-K bots of various types. 100,000 or so.

Then deal with the coasts.

Then deal with the Canadians.
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Post by jetbaby »

I'm not saying they're not people, tards (and you, Susan). I'm saying that the American government shouldn't find itself inclined to listen to the voices of people who are not legal citizens.

And Mr Snake, learn to spell and go to hell.
Last edited by jetbaby on Mon May 21, 2007 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by Wolfman Walt »

jetbaby wrote:And Mr Snake, learn to spell and go to hell.
Does he have to do it in that order?
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Redeye put it very good. Produce a threat/distraction to lure the populace's "thoughts" away from the real problem.
Why do hicks want to keep the current system? Because they are simpler, less educated people or because they are just happier living on their farms?

I'm a nigga from Africa living in Southafrica, aryan nigga.
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Post by frissy »

They really should think about that immigrant and citizen is a diffrerent thing.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Urizen wrote:good thinking, brainiac. honestly, do you seriously think it works like that? if you miraculously manage to get across a freakin' desert alive, then you're gonna owe traffickers half your pay-check for the rest of your life. but you go through with it, because the chance of feeding yourself and your family is still marginably better if you do. i don't get how anyone who bashes immigrants can call himself an american. all americans are immigrants, that's what being american IS. i'm sure all your grandparents made damn sure they had their paperwork in order before they colonized the friggin' continent.
Meh, you fail on many points.
1) I'm not American.
2) "miraculously manage to get across a freakin' desert"? There's nothing miraculous about it, no-one fucking forced you to go there, it was all on your own will. They need to start sorting their own country out instead of leaving it. The entire principle is flawed.
3) Americans are not immigrants, they are colonists. I cannot be bothered to go into the depths of property law right now to distinguish the difference between the two here, but trust me, there's a massive one ;)
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Post by frissy »

Yup, Americans are British colonists. Around 1600'ish if i'm not mistaken.
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Post by PsychoSnipers »

jetbaby wrote:
Urizen wrote:EDIT: jetbaby totally missed the point in the newspost. it wasn't about voices being heard, it was about practicality and realism.

Urizen totally missed the point of the post. They aren't being heard and they SHOULDNT be heard and their voices shouldn't MATTER. I'm not saying ship 'em back and/or kill 'em. I just think it's ridiculous that they think their thoughts count.


Ship em back to mexico, especily the ones that just woke me up at 0530 in the morning with loud marachi music.
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Post by Redeye »

PsychoSnipers wrote:
Ship em back to mexico, especily the ones that just woke me up at 0530 in the morning with loud marachi music.

Get a cd full of that shit and play it loud when they are trying to sleep.
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Post by jetbaby »

Again. Point missed. God help me if PsychoSniper ever thinks the same as I.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by Thor Kaufman »

the flying baby wrote:PsychoSniper thinks?! lolol
:insert blargh posting here:
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Post by frissy »

Well one has to remember that he has been trained to shoot first and ask later. How he managed to screw that one up by leaving the ammo behind is beyond me.

You need a gun + ammo. That's not so hard?

Gun. Ammo.
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Post by Urizen »

Frater Perdurabo wrote: 1) I'm not American.
2) "miraculously manage to get across a freakin' desert"? There's nothing miraculous about it, no-one fucking forced you to go there, it was all on your own will. They need to start sorting their own country out instead of leaving it. The entire principle is flawed.
3) Americans are not immigrants, they are colonists. I cannot be bothered to go into the depths of property law right now to distinguish the difference between the two here, but trust me, there's a massive one ;)
1) oh noez, my house of cards is falling
Robber: give me all your belongings or i'll kill you and your family and rape their corpses.
Frater perdurabo: here you are, just don't kill us and rape our corpses.
(later, at the police station) Constable Urizen: we can't arrest the robber, since you gave him your belongings of your own free will.
3) as i've allready stated, morality has very little to do with legality.
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Post by frissy »

Well I personally argee that countries should fix their own problems. Seriously, how many "refugee" countries have actually fixed themselfs?

Close the border, let them sort the shit out and when the cockfight is over, open the borders. I'm not saying one shouldn't help the people, but getting them out from there really doesn't help the country. It's another matter to actually bring people in or help. Running away never fixes anything on this scale.

All the people who think the situation is wrong or bad, leave. Err...oh yes, I can see that helping the country.

If the bad guys throw rocks, throw a bigger one back. If you don't have a bigger one, throw more small ones to compensate.
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Post by Megatron »

id just buy a gun, because in the land of the blind the man with 1 gun is king. :repeat:
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

I'd buy some eyes because in the land of the king the eyed man is gun

Also, everyone should be allowed to live where he pleases, except swell guy, spics, jews, chinks, japs and all the other majorities I don't like :)
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Post by Megatron »

if you live 5 miles south of me you are a darkie bastard
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Post by frissy »

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

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