Ok, so I just watched Cloverfield.
As we all know it starts with a party and shit goes down hills as the evil evil monster starts fucking NY without lube.
The monster reeks of Zerg and in fact it zergrushes NY by dropping fuckloads of parasites.
The acting is ok.
The whole viral shit with Slusho and whatnot is just plain shit. You don't learn anything. You don't even see the monster in total. You get some good aerial shots and when the camera dude gets eaten.
The monster drops kind of small "parasites" that look like a mix of Starship trooper bugs and zerg and some other shit (ZERGRUSH!!!!!).
This depressed chick gets attacked and injured by one of the the parasites (they can walk on ceilings). As they reach a provisional military base/field hospital the chick starts feeling shit and her eye is bleeding and 2 guys in ABC suits grab her and you see her bursting apart through a tent wall. Personnel is yelling WE GOT A BITE or something like that. One can see a dead specimen of the parasites in a glass tank/storage container.
They talk to some swell guy and he explains where and when the last evacuation choppers leave. Rob, the black chick and the camera dude go to Beth's apartment where she is kinda impaled on a metal pole. They lift her off it and she seems to be fine rather quick, even though she spent some time impaled and bleeding (she's even able to run).
They get the fuck out of there and some more parasites are around and someone kills a parasite with an axe.
I think the black chick gets rescued at 6 am, when the last evacuation choppers are taking off. Beth and Rob take a separate chopper. After an unsuccessful bombing the monster retaliates and, as it seams, eats a part of the chopper. Rob, Beth and the camera dude (I forgot his name) survive. The monster is around and eats/attacks the camera dude (it's kinda stupid that such a huge beast bothers to kill a single human after staring at it for a while). Parts of him fall to the ground and Rob picks up the camera.
Beth and Rob seek cover and cry and shit like that.
Beth and Rob die (at least I assume, coz they get covered with debris when hiding under a bridge at 6:42 am) at the end when Manhattan gets bombed.
I farted a few times during the movie.
I added a sketch with details I remembered. I can't really tell how the monsters 'natural' posture is, as it moved around all the time.
I remember a weird upwards pointed lower jaw, a short head with a kind of redish sacks on each side of the head. It seemed to have at least one pair of extra arms on its chest. It had at least one tail. The colour was brown. The claws were awkwardly long.
(I have no fucking memory of how the hind legs look, but they may be longer)
Sometimes it looked like a tripod, sometimes almost humanoid, and as you see a foot stomping a tank, the foot is kinda backwards, like the alien exoskeletons in ID4 back in days.
Maybe the shot was just misleading or I didn't recognize something.
The movie leaves you with the expectation to see a sequel or something like that, because otherwise it doesn't make much sense.
1. No explanation on what the monster is or where it comes from.
2. Missing connection to Slusho or anything else.
3. The 'tape' we get to see got recovered, so there must be some shit going on afterwards.
Watch it, it's kinda ok, but I must say I left the cinema a bit frustrated.