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Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 7:12 am
by Max-Violence
Yea I know about running it windowed (it runs
faster for me, though
). Doesn't the editor run in whatever resoluton/color depth the desktop is in?
Well, anyway, what I reall mean is to have the ability to zoom in/out (relatively) smoothly without havin' to fart around with anything outside the editor.
In a different note, in addition to being able to copy Player Indecies, I'd like to be able to copy Speech Nodes. Very handy when setting up the random speech for bad guys (patrol routes, guards, etc.).
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 10:23 am
by OnTheBounce
Max-Violence wrote:Doesn't the editor run in whatever resoluton/color depth the desktop is in?
Not AFAIK. You should be able to change it under "Options". It runs independently of the game, that's for sure. I was editing in 1024 x 768 and running the game in 800 x 600 for a while. Didn't need to change anything when firing up either the editor or the game.
Max-Violence wrote:I'd like to be able to copy Speech Nodes.
Amen, brother! When you like Speech files that rival
War and Peace in size, complexity and the number of characters involved this would come in
really handy. At least it would save me from having to scroll down seven leagues of lines for every damn line in a node.
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 10:46 am
by Red
Back in older versions of the game, you could change the cfg file and tell it a new resolution (say 1600x1200), and it'd work just dandy. I fI remember correctly, the latest patch prevents that from hapenning (though not in the editor)... I really don't know why they removed that feature, yet let the -w option in.
My personal experiences with the -w option is that it's buggy as hell, and the reason it's "faster" in windowed mode is that it only redrwas what was "dirtyed" (ie what changed) during that frame, where in fullscreen beleive it jsut redrwas everything. Might be wrong about that, since I see not why they wouldn't of put it in fullscreen as an optimization...
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 11:37 am
by Max-Violence
Another feature I'd like to have is the ability to change what text displays in the Pipboy's minimap (the map that is a render of the actual map, not the wierd green & black map).
This ability would go hand-in-hand with a "Change Objective" action...
And this ability would be pretty easy to implement, too. All that's needed is a "Change Minimap Text" action that changes the text node in one "circle" to a different text node.
So simple... wonder why MF didn't do it in the first place? Lack of time, I bet.
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 5:06 am
by endocore
Something I mentioned in a similar thread on the old forum which bears repeating in case anyone Important (besides us map rats, that is) ever comes across this thread is that I wish there was some way to implement simple relational variables. There's not really any effective way, for example, to implement something like:
If x>5, then set y=y+1
If we had such technology built into the game engine, I think some really fascinating things could be done on the role-playing front by incorporating a level of complexity into events/reactions etc that it just isn't feasible to accomplish now.
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 7:30 am
by Jimmyjay86
They should have implemented a way to alphabetize the information in the many modules of the level editor so it is easier to find things. When you have tons of speech nodes or tagged items or entities, it is a pain to try to find the correct one from a long list. Just a simple button like in a spreadsheet that will sort the entries from A-Z.
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 8:51 am
by Red
FO:T's idea of scripting is uber ass... I mean great, you simply can't make "illegal" commands (since it's all done in the GUI), however the GUI is very combusersome where a scripting language would be really useful (ie: copy, paste, modify a few lines - like say, the text refernces..)
Another point which simply made me not think too much about FO:T editing.