As this has migrated to 'easily missed' et al, then
Pathologic is worth a mention. Primarily for being Russian as fuck. Also, surreal as fuck. While the English translations are quite wonky at times, the denizens of
this forum are busy applying their collective brain meat to a grand undertaking that should (hopefully) remedy much of these issues. Hopefully before 2013.
Regardless of the dated graphics, and despite the occasionally indecipherable dialogue (which, I should note, are often wonderful in an entirely different sense), I found it to be well worth playing to completion. Three times. I leave it to the discretion of the reader as to whether this was simply masochism on my part.
An exceptional sound track, too.
Pseudo-Edit : There's also a reasonably comprehensive
play through, if you haven't the fortitude. Seems promising in that, unlike several prior attempts, it may be finished. Eventually.