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Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:44 am
by OnTheBounce
Red wrote:Speaking of implimenting things, where are the damn switches... I'd like to make a elevator like switch (that would simply teleport you somehwere else on the map (probably directly under where you are really - well, not directly as it could lead to problems but you get the idea)...
You'd need to give all of the actors in the PC squad a Tag Name for that. Then use the "Move Unit" trigger to move them to a Way Point. I haven't done this, but I'm thinking that you'd probably be better off setting up a Way Point for each of them to be moved to.

Red wrote:...I'm looking for a simple switch you'd put on the wall, a bit like a retical scanner really. ANything like that anywhere?
Well, there's the "IndustrialSwitch.spr" found at core\sprites\switches. Other than that there aren't any purpose-built switches, although you can use some of the scenery sprites, for example the various Control Pedestal sprites located at core\sprites\Tileset Sprites\Industrial. Those don't look like elevator switches, though.

Something you might consider trying is the various Robot Wall Lights sprites located at core\sprites\items\mission specific\Mission25. Since they have Object Script States built into them (they are green or red depending on what their OSS is) they may very well work as what you're looking for.

I hope that helps,


Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 3:39 am
by Red
ACtually I was thinking suimply using some of the tiles in the vault tileset and make sprites out of it. You can do switches in Spray?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 4:53 am
by OnTheBounce
Red wrote:ACtually I was thinking suimply using some of the tiles in the vault tileset and make sprites out of it. You can do switches in Spray?
You should be able to. I haven't tried it, but I just opened up the Industrial Switch and you can view all the animation from all angles.