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Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 4:10 pm
by Red
Indeed, for some reason he is able to absorb other beings.

The machine conntection however was made on his own for reasons that are beyond normal human comprehention :)

I think it was just to have instant access to his massive pr0n collection personally.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 7:54 pm
by Hammer
The Master Mutant wasn't as badass as Frank Horrigan in my opinion.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 8:51 pm
by Kashluk
Just because he wasn't covered in US flags? :roll:


IMO Master had charisma. F.H. was lacking the edge.
I found a mutated mad scientist, with several different personalities and a plan to destroy the world much more interesting than a mutated foot soldier working for a guy who looks like he molests children.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 9:26 pm
by Red
Frank sucked. You couldn't bypass him. He was there for show more then anything.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 10:05 pm
by Radoteur
Being connected to machines gives instant access to any research done by the scientists, I imagine.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 10:35 pm
by Zbyram
Red wrote:Frank sucked. You couldn't bypass him. He was there for show more then anything.
Agreed, Frank sucks compared to The Master. It's not just the hit points that matter.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 6:48 am
by SeanDMan
Radoteur wrote:Being connected to machines gives instant access to any research done by the scientists, I imagine.
Not to mention he has a dead man lan to the Nuke.

Dumb as a doornail?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:11 pm
by Fn0rd
The FEV doesn't make people stupid; in fact, it was designed to increase a subject's intelligence and comprehension ten-fold. It also renders them immune to biological weapons, disease, and radiation.

However, the virus doesn't work as its intended to when a subject is already irradiated (and therefore already suffering from mutation). Most of the mutants in the game fit this bill; they're either some of the original lifeforms that stumbled into Mariposa before the inception of the Master, or part of the Master's army of super mutants. In both cases, though, most of the mutants were big, green, and dumb as toast.

Which is precisely why the Master was so hot to trot to get after Vault 13. The people of Vault 13 had never been exposed to radiation. They'd make perfect mutants.

It's never really explained (and you don't get a chance to see him "in the flesh"), but I gather that Frank Horrigan was exposed to a refined version of FEV-2 that produced the usual size, muscle mass, and intelligence enhancements without extreme physical deformaties. And while I consider the Master (and Fallout 1 in general) to be superior to Mr. Horrigan, I did think he was pretty god damn cool. Maybe you couldn't "bypass" him, but you could certainly take him out without ever firing a shot yourself.

... and what the hell was the President hoping to accomplish by killing off everyone on the mainland? It's not like those pure-strain humans aren't going to become mutated as well once they leave the oil rig.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 3:26 pm
by Kashluk
Fn0rd wrote:... and what the hell was the President hoping to accomplish by killing off everyone on the mainland? It's not like those pure-strain humans aren't going to become mutated as well once they leave the oil rig.
... and what the hell is the President hoping to accomplish by killing off everyone outside Northern-America? It's not like those fat-ass 'mericans are any better than those they rob their oil from.

Yup. Some things just never change.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:41 pm
by Strap
you should have been able to talk to the master through a computer console in the cathedral (he is connected to the computer system.) and he would grant you safe passage to talk to him or something, or just call his muties to take you to him.

...frank. bah.
i wonder what his face looks like?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:46 am
by DichotomyOfHands
Frank... bah. quite right. although his death sequence, and its two stages were quite entertaining.

I was so frightned by the appearence of the master (2am in the morning music up way to loud) and his flesh eating goo on the floor that i didn't even try to talk to him. I simply fired rockets from long distance until he popped... when i found out you could talk to him i built another character with high charisma/speech designed explicitly to talk him into killing him self.

anyway... the :badgrin: Master, is stillt he Master of all that is evil :evil: [/quote]

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:11 am
by Canis Lupus
The Master scared the bejesus out of me. His grotesque appearance, the way he brought out voices from the people he'd absorbed, the way he said 'tear ourselves apart' as 'terraselvesapput!', and the way that his gauntlet corridor of horrors left me with low HP before I figured out what the nullifier was for. Oh yeah, and the 'Join! Die! Join! Die!' speech.

His smarmy voice and cocky nature just tops it all off. Hearing him dare you to bring Brotherhood reinforcements and going downstairs and nuking him kinda negated the experience, though. Kinda.