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Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:12 am
by Spazmo
I'm not exactly sure how it works. I read it in the FOB, and MCA was fairly vague about it.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:20 am
by Red
Actually last I remember you could get the Deathclaw Claw by killing it using the pulse rifle (well, whichever weapon melts the critters).

The bugs lies in the code that makes it drop the items... They should have coded the Deathclaws simply by boosting their normal stats rather then giving it a non-existant weapon, as when you kill it normally the weapons get "destroyed" in the script...

But if you melt him there are certain times where the item gets dropped before it can get destroyed.

This might also happen when using the rocket launcher though I never heard it reported.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:34 pm
by Ph0enix77
atoga wrote:I've gotten them the way I mentioned it above. I don't know how your other method described would - perhaps it requires a slow computer?
He's j/k, however fast you can go your computer is still a billion times faster and its not possible to do that way unless you've managed to slow down the way fallout operates.