Fallout Enforcer interview on GCM

Comment on events and happenings in the Fallout community.
Scarf-wearing n00b
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Post by NumberZero »

yay! killing people ahoy! lol.
hello, if your fallout idea starts with "Wouldn't it be cool", then i hate you, and i am very saddened by the fact that technology has not advanced to the point where you can reach out and touch other users, because i would strangle you.
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Well, that's it then. You're all gonna fucking die. The lot of you. I'm going to kill you, your wives, the president, Team Chucky, the wives and family of Team Chucky, everyone at Interplay, the wives and family of everyone at Interplay and then put J.E.'s head on a pole and run around chanting!!

Now, how long before Kreegle and Killzig get locked up for this, and will they take all the administrators from DaC down to the lock-up as well?

EDIT: And no I won't hold off judgement. The man wants to make the one firearms skill while arguing that "you shouldn't be able to just tag one skill and complete the game, therefore I shall make 2+ speech skills".
Last edited by DarkUnderlord on Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Franz Schubert
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Is this true? Can I be admin then, if all the current ones get locked up?
DarkUnderlord wrote:...and then put J.E.'s head on a pole and run around chanting!!
Just for the hell of it? Maybe we should hold off judgement of J.E. until we get a bit more information.

Aside from that, I agree with everything else you said.
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Post by spyder07 »

Sounds like a plan. I wonder how many goverment spies from the NSA are reading this now that you've said "kill" and "President" in the same post.
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Post by Rydiak »

Lol, that word filter. I've heard about that before. I think it used to be on phones a while back. Say certain words or certain combinations of words, and your phone conversation is tagged as a possible source of interest.
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Post by Strap »

my freind's little brother will probably want it, i may get some first hand experience that i can bash. (knowing that this will suck i need more things to criticize! ;))
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