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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 9:42 am
by airsoft guy
Are they like Puff the Magic Dragon kind of stuff, or are they like hardcore flying around eating peasant's children for shits and giggles kind of dragons? See you can't consider boxers an outer garment because they don't have a little fastener so your pesky will pop out at inopportune times, and it's only cool if you're a big fellow for the ladies to see. I can't wear boxers because I've got what's called a grower, not a shower. But it's all good, I live in an area where if I really wanted to I can go out in the backyard and run around without anything on, it's great having woods behind you. That's also where I bury the hobos.
Anyway, back on topic.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:31 am
by Rosh
My thanks and condolences to the brave souls who are braving the frightening design of this "game" in order to publicly post a summary of the game.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:38 am
by Canis Lupus
They're pretty cool dragons. It's my favourite pair of boxers.
Oh yeah... Um... FOBOS is not a uh, good game!
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:50 pm
by Foldy
Okay, I've now learned that the hidden characters are indeed identical to the initial characters (who are nearly indistinguishable ability-wise as is), but that they have armor bonuses. Rhombus is just the big guy with an additional 30 in armor. That's it.
If that isn't enough to kill potential replay value, which I suppose is important to these kinds of games, how about the fact that the appearance of items aren't nearly as randomized as they should be, and there's no rare or special equipment/weapons whatsoever.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:53 pm
by Presto
theres 2 special guns. Explosive meat gun, and the slugger but both are in los, and theyre a pain in the ass to get. Read it while I was in the prima guide when I was in EB, clerk looked at me "you gonna buy that?" I replied "nope" and kept on reading.
Okay the chapter on the Vault.
First boss: 7 pissed off machine gun turrets. After you use 25 stim paks you realize "son of a bitch i could have just taken out the machinery in the other room."
fight your way to artiss where you find out the mutants are after a weapon, well.. no shit.. arent we all?
beat artiss (big ass mutant, use combat shotgun and stay the hell away from his melee attacks), and 2 cloaked mutants pop out of no where and ure in a prison missing an arm with a bad ass blonde chick named Mary in a very revealing vault suit. Id suggest having a one handed weapon for this part. You get to what remains of the vault dwellers in the garden, and you help them escape. This is where im at now.
oh, the vault has a "shop tec" which is probably the coolest thing in the game. But I never imagined the pip boy with a female voice. Go figure.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 3:07 am
by Saint_Proverbius
Foldy wrote:-- Vault Dweller. He's voiced by the same guy who does Raziel from the Soul Reaver games, and he appears, for whatever reason, in Carbon, a place that's on the other side of the country from Arroyo. He's apparently the last guy you can unlock.
Friggin' lame, considering he left Vault 13 and headed
North with a group of people who also left Vault 13 shortly after they found out about him getting banished as well as people he picked up on the way. Texas, where Fallout Enforcer is set, obviously
isn't North from middle California where Fallout takes place, and where's all the people who followed him?
I think the reviews that have described this game as a poorly done BG: DA mod with a Fallout theme are pretty much on the mark, but they should also point out that it's a mod made by people who don't know shit about Fallout.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:26 am
by Canis Lupus
Presto wrote:2 cloaked mutants pop out of no where
Nightkin? They don't 'cloak' when they want to, they're always fucked-up. StealthBoy, I suppose.
Presto wrote:But I never imagined the pip boy with a female voice. Go figure.
What the Hell? Last time I checked, the PIPBoy was
having his dick sucked by three porn actresses, indicating that
he is a heterosexual male.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:40 am
by Foldy
Yep. They're nightkin. Here's another funny: while the deathclaws in this game don't have hair as they did in Fallout Tacitcs, some of them can use cloaking devices!
Oh, and I also suppose it's worth mentioning that the game's final location, an unmarked vault containing FEV, Death Claw nests, and Brotherhood of Steel equipment (how'd that get in there?).
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:48 pm
by T600
Spoilers...If you care.
I thought it was Vault 1. Which was specially made for scientists which were trying to find a cure for damaged tissue (Your character gets his arm cut off by Attis, and then thrown down into a vault area, and then the vault citizens use their technology and fix you up good.) So then Attis takes his mutant army down there to try to make mutants sterile once again (and the whole 3rd act, your lead to believe that they were after some weapon). Yup thats pretty much it.
Secret Characters are (as stated b4):
Patty: Vault Security officer. She gets killed at the end of the game. I really don't know why the hell a secret character that actually appears in the game and dies would be a secret character.
Rhombus: Rhombus is about 60 or 70. He's an geezer, and isn't to fond of ghouls. He also dies in the game, so another secret character that kinda pisses me off. He reminds me of Solidus Snake. He's even got the eyepatch down.
Vault Dweller: This character also appears in the game and is the final one you get. I think it is cool that he makes an appearence, but I wouldn't go so far to make him playable. If you try to make the game in between Fallout 1 and 2, try not to fuck up the timeline by making the vault dweller go way outta his way to take out Attis and the mutants....again. He was cool to see, but the reminising on Fallout 1 kinda pissed me off, he did it way to much, kinda making sure I got the point.
All the secret characters were kinda thrown in at the end of the game, but having characters that appear in the game as opposed to no characters is better then nothing I guess.
They did have good voice actors. Earl Boen (Terminator 2 star, Dr Silberman), Michael Bell (Raziel), Tony Jay (Elder God), and of course Cam Clarke (Appears in almost every game, Pukk in Beserk and Liquid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2) all are incredably good. The dialoge does dound bad, but thats because it's chopped up into fragments so we can ask retarded little questions that don't make a difference anyway. Why not just set up a scene and make it dramatic, like how the whole Legacy of Kain series or Metal Gear Solid does it. That way at least the dialoge will sound more realistic.
The game isn't bad though. I would give it a 7/10 or maybe and 8. But lets get one thing straight here. This game is nowhere as good as Fallout 3 would have been. Cancelling FO3 for FOBOS2 is perhaps the most retarded thing ever. This would have been a good filing game to keep the lesser die-hard fallout fans occupied until FO3 came out, but now that ain't gonna happen, so that kinda sucks.
I guess I will give my full review (and reviews on all the games) later.
Oh Ya. No Mutants Allowed and Duck and Cover get thanked in the credits. It says thanks for the laughs and
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:52 pm
by Menno
Foldy wrote:Edit: Oh, and I also suppose it's worth mentioning that the game's final location, an unmarked vault containing FEV, Death Claw nests, and Brotherhood of Steel equipment
Holy shit, is that fucking original or what?
(how'd that get in there?)
Chuck C. wrote that portion on a napkin with crayon. Aren't you proud of him?
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:28 pm
by Bleusilences
lol i hate whem game devlopper do that, most of them put everything in the end, thus having a cool end but a boring game/story in general.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:48 pm
by Menno
Rhombus: Rhombus is about 60 or 70. He's an geezer, and isn't to fond of ghouls. He also dies in the game, so another secret character that kinda pisses me off.
Haha, so what happens when you play as an unlocked Rhombus and you reach the end of the game? Do you see an "alternate" Rhombus get killed again? Or is there a scene sort of like what happened in Star Trek VI?
Rhombus #1: "I'm the real Rhombus!"
Rhombus #2: "No, I'm the real Rhombus!"
Do you join forces and fight "TEH BIGG BAD MUTTANT BOSS WITH 10 FOOT SWORD!!"
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:28 pm
by jerman999
T600 wrote:Oh Ya. No Mutants Allowed and Duck and Cover get thanked in the credits. It says thanks for the laughs and
Hahahaha, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:57 pm
by Insane-Lark
I hope the DaC & NMA thanks is a joke on the part of the poster & not signposts from Interplay in hopes or releasing an extra measure of the Fo:BOS crowd on us. Ah well, probably won't be much of a crowd anyway.
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:07 pm
by MetalWyrm
thanking DAC and NMA is probably their way of saying "fuck you bitches! we still made this pisspoor crap of a game, and you can't do shit! HAHAH"
Also, I wanted to ask the people playing it, did you actually spend your money on it? or did you do the right thing and "attain" a "free" copy?
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:05 am
by atoga
Looks like Chuck and Herve got the last laugh - in their perverted little minds anyway. Oh well, I actually thought something like that would happen. If Fallout 3 was made, the credits would probably say something like "Thanks to FOBOS. Good luck finding a new job, Chuck -- you'll need it."
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:25 am
by Ghetto Goose
A screenie of the "thank you" would be nice. Hook us up.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:35 am
by iohkus
Ghetto Goose wrote:A screenie of the "thank you" would be nice. Hook us up.
and lol, stupid on their part if they really did include the full URLs
we'd get FPOS fans up the ass, but then again the game probably didn't sell more than 10 copies and 9 of those 10 don't know how to get onto the interweb. :arrow:
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:01 am
by Presto
they did include the full urls.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:35 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
Even so, I doubt the people that play/paid for the game will be playing until they beat it...And if they do, maybe it's a good thing for them to show up here or NMA so we can settle their tortured souls.