Leonard Boyarski talks about Troika's PA game

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Mr. Teatime
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

And it is purely a publisher issue. I have said on RPG Codex, if Troika wanted a publisher for a game that was a) a hardcore PC only RPG; b) turn based only combat; and c) an unusual, non traditional setting (PA), publishers aren't interested. Troika have to compromise on one of the issues, it appears.
I'm giving them the benifit of the doubt until more details come out - at least they're not going to be forcing a turn based system into a real time one (Bioware's D&D games are an example of this), rather designing a combat system that works from the ground up.

Hopefully I'll have some more news to post about this on DAC soon (hint!).
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Are software game publishers that hard to find? Obviously there aren't as many as record producers or book publishers but I would think software publishing isn't that difficult of a process in today's market. You just have to link up with a Wal-Mart distribution and you are set.
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