Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 5:57 am
Well, my point is that when nobody in a classic band dies, the band tends to go on forever and start releasing really shitty stuff. See: U2 (new single "Vertigo" is atrocious), Van Halen (new single "It's About Time" is horrid), Walter Rossi (previously cool guy who released a real turd a while back), Rolling Stones (can anyone even name any of their more recent stuff?) and others. Consider Sting, too. If he'd died for whatever reason after The Police broke up, we'd just remember Police as the kickin' rad band they were. Instead, that's tarnished by Sting's horrible solo career. Basically, when rockers go nuts on booze and drugs, you get the old "flame burns brighter but not as long" deal. That or they die before they can get shitty.