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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Python's shoot well, are good man stoppers, and carry one more round then my Tracker. I'd rather use it when I make detective then my tracker.
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Post by ApTyp »

Hay, surprise: ammo + barrel = good manstopper. Not brand.

Detective? Are you a cop or something?!
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Well no kidding. I ment the round it chambers (.357) is a good manstopper, not the actual gun itself. Although I imagine smashing someone over the head will stop them.

Yea, I'm entering full time service after I finish up my degree.
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Post by ApTyp »

This knowledge will help me plenty next time I'm in... Kentucky...

Not that I actually had to kill people with guns, or something D:
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Post by airsoft guy »

ApTyp wrote:It will be a cold day in hell when Wolf starts making all-brass ammo :chew:
Hmm, mistake or something maybe?
The x54R looks brass vased there at the bottom.

Besides, what I meant was pricewise, I know Wolf is mostly steel cased, I meant in terms of price. How much cheaper will it be to buy Wolf than the various brands of brass cased that I've been buying?
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Post by ApTyp »

It could be brass-plated, or copper-plated, like Brown Bear stuff. So it would appear to be brass, but it's really not... Dunno.

Can't remember the price for .303.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Update on my handgun situation:

Received a 26 year old Ruger Police Service Six .357 from my father in law. It was his revolver until OKCPD decided to go with the Glock about 5 years ago. Needless to say, it's well used. It's a bear to handle with any ammo over 150 gr. I've got a nice bruise on my thumb from firing about 60 rds of it. Switched to 130 gr and it was just like firing a .38...Got a few good head shots at 25yds with the 130 gr. Went back to the other ammo and just lost my aim entirely.

So I've decided to get a new grip for it. One of those Hogue Monogrips, most likely. They're fairly inexpensive, and they should do a better job of absorbing some of that recoil with the higher grain ammo. But just to take it easier on myself, I got a brick of 110 gr .357 and a brick of 158 .38 Special for my testing phase.

Also, got to try out the Glock 22. .40 cal (my father in law's new service pistol). It sucked. Once again, Glock has left me with a sour taste. Now, it's a sound pistol, I've been assured, but it had no redeeming qualities for me. First off, I had too much too much trouble cocking the damned thing. It's really tight, I guess is the best word. I also found it more trouble to load the mag than the Rugers I've used in the past. Just a thicker spring, I'm sure. Now to the fun part: I missed every shot. Even at 8 yards, I didn't even hit the target. Then it jammed. Quite a few times.

My wife tried it, too. She did fair for her first full magazine, but after that she started missing completely or just tearing up the bottom of the sheet even at very close range. The sights were just horrible and the gun was too heavy for her..Plus, it was a .40..She didn't care for the recoil and ended up getting blisters after about 20 rds.

We've decided against getting her a Glock. She's gonna most likely get a Ruger P95 .9. She felt pretty comfortable handling that, and it was very easy to cock, load, extract, etc. I approve, as I'm forever a fan of Ruger anyhow.

Tomorrow, I'm going to check out a Ruger P97 for myself. I handled a P90 today and it felt good, but the P97 is supposedly the "ultimate evolution" in the P-series. If I decide to go with the P97, and my wife goes for the P95, we'll have essentially the same gun....Except for the big difference in the ammo, of course. And, we'd only spend about $700 for two guns rather than $600 for just one Glock.
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Post by ApTyp »

I got around to handle Ruger P345. The handle is uncomfortably slim, and sweep-up safety is worthless, if not to say - pointless. The only thing I liked is strong spring-loaded magazine ejection, and their new button mag release. Double-action shot wasn't too bad, which somewhat redeems the worst safety switch in history.

I didn't know there are still police departmnts who use Glock .40's... You do know that you can't use high-pressure defense rounds in them, right? They blow up.
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Post by airsoft guy »

The reason you might have had trouble shooting the GLOCK22 is because it's a full-size pistol. For a 9mm GLOCK try the 19, for .357SIG try the GLOCK32, and for .40 the GLOCK23. But ApTyp is right, I'd shy away from the .40 caliber GLOCKS. They haven't got enough chamber support for the higher power .40 defense rounds. They have a tendency to go KaBoom (an actually term in the firearms world to describe what happens when a pistol has a critical failure like that). Most of the time all that happens is your gun is destroyed and you get a sore hand. Sometimes though you'll need to go to the ER.

Strangely enough the 10mm GLOCKS don't have the same problem, even though it's far more powerful. In fact the .40 is simply a cut down 10mm casing. Same thing with the guns chambered in .357SIG, which is just a necked down .40.

The tightness in the slide is probably from the stiffer spring for the more powerful .40 caliber round. Try a 9mm and it should much easier.

For that .357 might I suggest some Hornady .38 Special 125gr JHP/XTP. When my friend still had his S&W Airweight he used those in it. He really liked them. Although his Airweight was a tiny little revolver and even these light bullets hurt like a bitch he said. But out of that Service Six they ought to be real gentle, making for quick follow up shots. They're a little spendy at about $13 for 25 shots, but it's not range ammo, it's self-defense ammo.

Since you mentioned the OKCPD I assume you're in Oklahoma, if you're interested in getting a carry permit this site has all the information you need. And in case you're wondering "shall issue" licensing means that so long as you pass the requirements they MUST issue you a permit to carry. Some states, like California, leave it up to local authorities, so getting a permit to carry is all but impossible in places like L.A. unless you're well connected somehow.
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Post by Carib »

HK USP... I have some love for the German made compact pistol. Put a 40 S&W, and you're pretty set.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

GUNS :gnasher:
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Post by Carib »

What is everyone's feeling on the Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun? I recently discovered to my horror, I can't import any, but I was also informed due to a loop hole in the law, I can purchase any of the remaining that are available for sale in the US.

I found one for purchase and I was wondering if any have advice in regards to the weapon.

So any words of advice, I'd be happy to hear before I go and spend 800 clams. Also advice on 12ga ammo as well, what to buy and what not to buy... And no, not for hunting, or if you mean hunting bipedal beings, sure, but not hunting wild life.


On another note... this is a cool rifle the XM-8, but I believe the US army froze the project temporarly but HK had gotten the contract I believe to make the light weight weapon.
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Post by airsoft guy »

The SPAS-12 is a love it or hate it weapon, some people will tell you it's the greatest combat shotgun ever, others will tell you it's the worst peice of shit to fall out of Satan's ass. A lot of those lovers of the weapon are usually people who don't know anything about firearms. Although never having shot or handled one I can't personally tell you what's what with them.

I know they're pretty heavy and have lots of little tiny parts that if lost make the gun a very expensive club, but I also know that it's pump and semi-auto so you can use various types of ammunition, from light training loads to magnum slugs.

Now if I were you I'd find another shotgun, a cheaper, lighter shotgun and spend the rest of that money on accessories and ammunition.

The Army never said that the XM8 would be the new rifle, HK, like always, jumped the gun and told everyone they were going to be the new dick in town. But then the Army halted the project and now what's HK up to?

I still don't see the allure of HK. It's a company of German assholes who think they're hot tits and treat thier customers like dog shit on the sidewalk.
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Post by Carib »

Airsoft, thanks a bunch, as you are about the only person to give me a solid view on shotguns so far.

Well had my eye on a Mossberg 550 Compact Cruiser.

Any thoughts on that.

And thanks for the enlightenment on HK project.


Seperate note

Hand guns, I have some experience with the Glock 17 and HK USP (German assholes aside)... and the Walther P99.

What do you say for those?

Or which out of three would be a better pick. I found all three ergonomically sound, especially the Glock 17 and it's brothers... weight good.

I have a choice of one... Which would you advise?
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Post by Fa11lloutfan_15 »

:dance: GUNS :dance:

Edit: I'm going to play Fallout now.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

airsoft guy wrote:It's a company of German assholes who think they're hot tits and treat their customers like dog shit on the sidewalk.
Aren't those the qualities every woman looks for in a man?

As for handguns - I don't like SOCOM's really, so I don't imagine the civilian version (The USP) as being too great. I hate glocks. And Walthers are good, but 9mm's are shitty in my opinion. In essence - go with a M-79.
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Post by airsoft guy »

I have personal experience with the GLOCK17, but not the HK or the Walther.

But, here's what I've heard about the later two:

Lots of people don't like the HK's trigger, they say it's rather rough and rubs your finger funny. Plus you have HK's shitty customer service. And they're overpriced. Although some still have great big boners for that shit because of the HK logo.

The Walther I've heard really nothing but good things about. Nothing really specific except that it's a pretty solid pistol.

But out of all three, knowing what I know, I'd get the GLOCK17, especially since if you live in a free state you can get GLOCK18 33 round magazines for it, always fun tyo have when blasting away at the range or in the woods.

Now, for the shotgun, I assume you mean the 590 Compact Cruiser? If you're going to get a short barreld shotgun like that make sure it has a stock on it and not just a pistol grip. Even firing light target loads is going to hurt unless you brace the weapon against something, and the palm of your hand is not ideal.
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Post by ApTyp »

And they're overpriced. Although some still have great big boners for that shit because of the HK logo.
Isn't this also true for the GLOCK line? :chew:
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Post by Carib »

Again, thankee for the advice.

And Walther also comes in 40 S&W, so I could get that in either. As for Glock, hell if I could get a the 18 full auto model (I have a grand aunt who could mod one and make it auto).

So I will consider a Glock 17 or 18

The Walther is definitely on my list....

Now what about Springfield XP? I like the XP Tactical and the law enforcement version.
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Post by airsoft guy »

You can't get a GLOCK18 and converting a 17 to 18 is a Federal Firearms Violation, you get caught doing such a thing, or even in possesion of it and you're fucked. It's a big no-no.
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